README FILE for: 'Autokey' version 1.0 copyright Alex Burmester 1998 -------------------- Autokey is a program that runs invisible in the background, waiting for a sepecific window or dialog to appear(configured by the user). It then activates this window and sends a keystroke or several keystrokes to it(configured by the user). In most cases, the keystroke would be {ENTER} to press 'OK' on a pesky dialog or something like that. -------------------- The program is configured by editing the INI file(AUTOKEY.INI), which follows this format: [Settings] Keys= Window= Interval= Repeat= -------------------- Notes on the 'Keys=' setting: The plus sign (+), caret (^), percent sign (%), tilde (~), and parentheses ( ) have special meanings to SendKeys. To specify one of these characters, enclose it inside braces. For example, to specify the plus sign, use {+}. Brackets ([ ]) have no special meaning to SendKeys, but you must enclose them in braces as well, because in other applications for Microsoft Windows, brackets do have special meaning that may be significant when dynamic data exchange (DDE) occurs. To send brace characters, use {{} and {}}. To specify characters that aren't displayed when you press a key (such as Enter or Tab) and keys that represent actions rather than characters, use the codes shown below: Backspace {BACKSPACE} or {BS} or {BKSP} Break {BREAK} Caps Lock {CAPSLOCK} Clear {CLEAR} Del {DELETE} or {DEL} Down Arrow {DOWN} End {END} Enter {ENTER} or ~ Esc {ESCAPE} or {ESC} Help {HELP} Home {HOME} Ins {INSERT} Left Arrow {LEFT} Num Lock {NUMLOCK} Page Down {PGDN} Page Up {PGUP} Print Screen {PRTSC} Right Arrow {RIGHT} Scroll Lock {SCROLLLOCK} Tab {TAB} Up Arrow {UP} F1 {F1} F2 {F2} F3 {F3} F4 {F4} F5 {F5} F6 {F6} F7 {F7} F8 {F8} F9 {F9} F10 {F10} F11 {F11} F12 {F12} F13 {F13} F14 {F14} F15 {F15} F16 {F16} To specify keys combined with any combination of Shift, Ctrl, and Alt keys, precede the regular key code with one or more of the following codes: Key Code Shift + Control ^ Alt % To specify that Shift, Ctrl, and/or Alt should be held down while several ther keys are pressed, enclose the keys' code in parentheses. For example, to have the Shift key held down while E and C are pressed, use "+(EC)". To have Shift held down while E is pressed, followed by C being pressed without Shift, use "+EC". To specify repeating keys, use the form {key number}; you must put a space between key and number. For example, {LEFT 42} means press the Left Arrow key 42 times; {h 10} means press h 10 times. -------------------- For updates/additional information: Web Site: E-Mail: BBS: +61 7 38763430 (Number is local to Brisbane, Australia) Online: 6pm-6am(GMT+10:00)