AstroWorld 98 3.01 english version AstroWorld Int. P.O. Box 1143 35001 Marburg Germany email: www: http:/ ftp: The Highlights of AstroWorld '98 With our software you may create individual natal charts, synastry-, solar-, lunar- transit-, combine- and composite charts. System Requirements You will need Windows 95 or NT 4.0, at least 16 MB RAM, better 32 and for best performance a Pentium-Processor. MS Internet Explorer 3.02 or higher Attention: In order to reduce the size of the Demo-Download-Version of AstroWorld '98 we integrated a smaller database of locations (4000 worldwide, instead of 125.000) as well as a reduced text-database. In case you order the registered or pro version you will receive 125.000 locations as well as a text-database containing natal-, transit and combine/composite reports. Prices and additional program information are contained in the file order.rtf and the AstroWorld.hlp file. Known Problems: 1. Division by zero in User.exe Cause: AstroWorld 98 uses components of the MS Internet Explorer (min. 3.02) Either your MS Internet Explorer 3.02 is not installed or the installation is not correct. Solution: Install the MS Internet Explorer (min. 3.02) This can be found at 2. Microsoft Visual C++ RunTime Error - Abnormal Program Termination Cause: During the installation of AstroWorld 98 the file mfc42.dll was in use und could not be overwritten by our Setup. Solution: Delete the file mfc42.dll from the Windows/System(Win95) or Windows/System32(NT4.0) directory. Usually the Windows/System directory can be found on the hard drive C:. After you have deleted this file start the AW98 installation again. Now Setup will install mfc42.dll correctly. 3. The Jet VBA file (vbajet.dll for 16bit version or vbajet32.dll for 32bit version) failed to initialize when called... Solution: Delete the file vbajet32.dll from the Windows/System(Win95) or Windows/System32(NT4.0) directory. Usually the Windows/System directory can be found on the hard drive C:. After you have deleted this file start the AW98 installation again. Now Setup will install VBAJET32.dll correctly.. 4. Could not initialize DAO 35 JetEngine Cause: The DAO 35 JetEngine was not correctly registered in the Windows Registry. Solution: The file \Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Dao\dao350.dll has to be registered manually. Usually the directory \Program Filese\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Dao\ can be found on the hard drive C:. Execute the command Start-Run: C:\Windows\System\regsvr32.exe "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Dao\dao350.dll". Tip: Copy this command into the Start-Run dialogbox. Change the name of the directory if necessary and confirm with OK. In case this error should persist close all running applications and delete the following files: \Windows\System\Oleauth32.dll \Windows\System\OlePro32.dll \Windows\System\Msjet35.dll Install AstroWorld 98 again. 5. An Unsupported Operation was attempted Cause: The file msflxgrd.ocx from the Windows/System directory was not correctly registered in the Windows Registry. Solution: The file \Windows\System\msflxgrd.ocx has to be registered manually. Usually the directory Windows/System can be found on the hard drive C:. so daß Sie die Datei msflxgrd.ocx im Verzeichnis: C:\Windows\System\ finden können. Execute the command Start-Run: C:\Windows\System\regsvr32.exe "C:\Windows\System\msflxgrd.ocx". Tip: Copy this command into the Start-Run dialogbox. Change the name of the directory if necessary and confirm with OK.