101 Starts a new molecule 102 Retrieves an existing molecule 103 Saves a molecule to disk 104 Saves a molecule under a different name 201 Goes back one step 202 Adds an electron to the atom chosen with the right mouse button. 203 Takes an electron from the atom chosen with the right mouse button 205 Makes an abbreviated structural formula 206 Copies the molecule to the clipboard for pasting in another application 301 Shows a 3-dimensional view of a completed molecule 450 Provides practice with a predetermined list of compounds 451 Returns to Bondit 455 Provides practice with organic compounds 456 Goes back to the previous molecule 457 Goes to the next molecule 458 Starts the present molecule again 501 Goes back to Bondit 625 Copies the molecule to the Clipboard for pasting in another Windows application 651 Increases the size of the atoms 652 Decreases the size of the atoms 709 Rotates the molecule in 3-dimensions automatically 710 Stops the automatic molecule rotation 901 Gives the Help Index for Bondit 902 Explains how to use Windows Help 24340 Exits the program