NTS.TXT 801 SENDING NTS TRAFFIC on APRS Bob Bruninga WB4APR Version 8.0 of APRSdos incorporates a limited NTS send and receive capability that displays messages in the NTS format of a radiogram. This capability is only meant to simplify the distribution of low volume NTS traffic to the end receipient via the APRS system where convenient, not to replace existing NTS traffic handling systems. The new commands are as follows: TRANSMIT: ALT-N command. The user is prompted with an NTS form that forces the message into the NTS format. APRS then arranges the data into 4 or more standard APRS formatted one-line messages as follows: N#\num\prec\handling\check\origin\time\date NA\address_line1\line2\line3\line4 NP\phone number NT\line 1 of message text NT\line 2 of message text ... NT\line 5 of message text NS\Signature block NR\Received from\date_time\sent_to\date_time These lines are backwards compatible with all APRS versions. The last line "NR\..." is for local logging only and is not transmitted. It is, however, saved to the APRSdos ALL page and to the .LOG file if logging is enabled. RECEIPT: When APRS sees these formats, it simply parses out the blocks and displays them on an NTS RADIOGRAM form. The FORM will appear automatically once the signature line has been received to alert the receiver that he has new traffic. Otherwise the message lines just appear on READ screen. They can be re-displayed at anytime on the READ page by hitting the N key. APRSdos uses sequential delivery so the individual lines all arrive in sequence. For messages from Mac/Win which are transmitted in parallel, the lines may be out of sequence. Therefore the {MMn line numbers are displayed so you will know their sequence. The lines are numbered with {MMn where MM is a MESSAGE serial number and n is the line number within that message... PRINTING: With APRSdos, you can print the NTS screen directly to a printer (just like any other APRS screen) by hitting the shift-PRINT- SCREEN key as long as you executed the DOS GRAPHICS command before you executed APRS. LISTING TRAFFIC: If you know who will take the traffic, just use the ALT-N command above. Otherwise, it is best to just LIST the traffic with a one line GROUP-MESSAGE so that other NTS traffic handlers can see what traffic you have pending. They can then send you a message saying they will accept the traffic. For example, I might be interested in traffic to the following MESSAGE GROUPS: BTN - Baltimore Traffic Net MSN - Maryland SLow Net MEPN - Maryland Emergency Phone Net If I enter those as BTN,MEPN and MSN using the INPUT-MY-MSGgroups command, then I will receive any group messages sent to those calls. So to list my outgoing traffic for BTN, I might send TO BTN: 3 routine. 1 for W3XYZ and 2 for downtown. OOPS: APRS803 has a typo and the INPUT-MY-MSGgroups is actually I-M-C and not I-M-M as it should be... THis is fixed in all later versions. BULLETINS. ALso, in APRS804, you may send NTS messages that are addressed to all radio amateurs as an APRS BULLTEIN, and it will also be displayed by all receipients on the NTS form, if they hit the N key. CUSTOMIZING: You may add your name, address and Phone number to your NTS display page by manually editing the line in your CFIG800.APR file. Look for the line that has the default entries. Be careful when editing the CFIG file. Every entry must be in the right place, no extra lines etc. But this line is relatively safe as long as you separate the fields with the backslash and keep it on one line.