NEWNOTES.TXT * * * * NEW STUFF ADDED IN EACH NEW VERSION * * * * APRS814 Improved stuff for next MIREX test. Use alt-S-FORMATS-SPACE * Fixed GridSquare reports so they dont instantly fade gray * Now if you zoom below 64 mi, APRS will suggest the right MAPLIST * Adds MIREX to acceptible TO CALLS (for MIREX experiments) * Changed map labels to dark blue to help unclutter map * Now ALARM, TRACKED and SPECIAL stations on P-LISTS are colored * Added JUST-XXXX to Digipath page so you can easily check paths * CHANGED DEFAULT PATH to WIDE instead of RELAY,WIDE to cut down on improper operation by new users. APRS813 * WX warnings now work on originators map * WX warnings now cease coloring at the expiration time * Now you can send more than one WX warning * New has all Texas anc Colorado WX warnings in maps * Mapfix36 added LABELS-ZOOM for fixing WX warning circles ranges APRS812 * Improved the Ethernet capability for running multiple APRS's on LANs Use FILE-ETHERNET command * Range lines are now erased as you cycle through stations on map * Fixed 811 auto-sort on startup * Fixed MapLock * Fixed F-10 DOZ error due to auto-sort after 2 hours of inactivity * Fixed "can't-find-comma" scrolling problem * Changed County warning labels display down one range for less clutter * Much improved moved from .WES to .maplist w counties * New and includes county warning circles APRS811 dated 7 Feb 98 * Added new Ethernet capability for running one APRS on a LAN and feeding multiple receive sites... Contact me for details. * Fixed bug in 810 that would accept ALL copies of WX warnings making for a full TRAFFFIC page and multiple re-draws of circles * WX warnings now can color States too on the USA map for example * WX warnings default off on CGA * I increased the number of map labels from 199 to 210. * re-arranged WX menu. New ICON-FORMAT is submenu and WInds are now in WX-DISPLAYS * APRS auto-sorts HEARD and POSITS list after 3 hrs of no kbrd activity * MAPFIX35 now does Filename paths better and TASK-TRIM and IMPORT work better on Labels * MAPFIX35 has new LABELS-Multiply and Divide for changing range scales * MAPFIX35 now defaults to saving files in the LineFormat APRS810 dated 1/28 1998 * Auto kill messages if FILE-PRINT-MSGS is on. This helps prevent screenfill at unattended sites, such as NWS stations. * Has COUNTY WX-WARNING displays. Includes PA,MD,DE,NJ,VA * Has new MAPFIX34 which has range rings for easy editing of County Names and Circle centers for COUNTY WX-WARNINGs See WX.TXT and COUNTIES.TXT for details. * Prepared which has added all Counties to the EAST distro. I need volunteers to do the other areas using MAPFIX34. * New for County warnings APRS809 dated 1/22 * Mic-E BText is now saved to STATUS page along with posit to P-Page. Before, a Mic-E BText would be saved, but POSIT was ignored. Also ver 800-808 would turn this Btext into an extraneous posit. * OPS-REPLAY will now always keep the last 200 Track history posits unless you save to a file (then it will zero out.) It used to always zero back to 0 when it filled up. * MAPS-FEATURES-ALL will now turn on RangeRings and MAP-LOCK allowing you to operate APRSdos 4 to 10 times faster if you dont need roads and other features on your map. * NEW APRStxt.EXE will operate on TEXT ONLY systems, but it STILL gives you a graphical display of station locations with CALLS! * Added QTH-HF and VIDEO-ATV Icons APRS808 dated 9 Jan 1998 * fixes long term error 6 crash if you are zoomed too far in on a local map and HOOK/SELECT/N a too far distant station * Fixes inadvertant LF when entering ZULU time on an INPUT-ADD-OBJECT * Adds UTC time to the NTS form so you can see what time it is. APRS807 dated 7 Jan 1998 * Added XMIT-LASTack so you can un-clog a message throughput jam * NTS now allows SENDing 6 lines * NTS now only displays NTS lines from ONE station at a time * Offsets calls of PRIMARY and ALTERNAT tables for map clairty * Much improved REPLAY AUTOCENTERING * added ALBERTA map for Canada to USA distribution * added ALCalgry to WEST distribution,51.04,114,17, * added FLVolusa to SEAST 28.98,80.96,33 * Added many city labels to USAeast APRS806 dated 2 JAN 1998 * Fixes infamous error5 bug sometimes seen in APRS805 * NTS form now will calculate the CHECK field if you leave it blank! * Fixes rain from remote U-500 in packet mode bug * Fixes delayed ACK from messages to Groups * Will accept future MAC/WINvvv format * Will sound out %WORDS in CW APRS805 dated 19 dec. * 804 wouldn't save OWN call in CFIG file if WX port opened APRS804 dated 18 Dec 97 * Got NTS Bulletins to work * Updated NTS.TXT to suggest LISTING NTS traffic with the MSG-GROUPS * Fixed INPUT-MY-MESSAGE groups from I-M-C to I-M-M APRS803 dated 12 Dec 97 * 801 was susceptible to extraneous entries on the P list * Fixed auto-df in single port mode timing to every Pak-Pos-Period * Added some immunity to !FIXED format not at start of line... APRS801 dated 11 Dec 97 * New GPSxyz TO-CALL for sending GPS-TRACKER Symbols. See SYMBOLS.txt * Better DOZ screen instructions * Limits XMIT-QUERY-DIRECTS to one full line * F3/F4 label/borders zoom keys changed to "[" and "]" in v800 * Old versions? werent averaging the wind value. Fixed. * Compatible with modified NTS format (ends in {mm0) * Compatible with future compressed format * OPS-FIND now finds closest ICON * Fixed Traffic page scrolling * Added new XMIT-TRACE function * Added My$ GPS mode for programable OEM GPS trackers * Prior code SPECIAL does not receive NEW acks or MYmessages * alt-S-MODES-SPECIAL is now saved in config file APRS800.exe released 1 Dec 1997 * Moved Ping (CQ) and Query to XMT menu from OPS menu * MAPS-PLOTS-RANGE now reads in feet below .2 mile * Added MSGgroups for sending and receiving messages to groups. * CONTROLS-FADE now allows various FADE times * Send more Messages/Bulletins up to full page full * Better support for high-res 43 line screens * Send and receive NTS traffic (revised in 801 for Mac/Win) * APRSnet compatible (Can receive re-transmitted APRS internet packets) * ZIP-LAN capable (replaces old master/slave) See ZIP-LAN.txt APRSDEMO.EXE * A stand alone APRS demo program that runs from text in DEMO-SYS.APR APRS797: (only released as betas...) * REMOVED ALL DX CLUSTER CODE. Moved it to APRSdx.EXE * Changed DIGI and HEARD pages to match POSIT page. (had been LTST page) * Cursor and Station posits now wrap around 180 deg dateline for Pacific * Added centered on 180 deg WEST to MAPLIST.USA * Added centered on 180 deg EAST to MAPLIST.WES * Startup prompts to assure only single key entries for TNC type! This should solve many problems with APRS with AEA TNC's... * Added ARES symbol \a, RACES /D, EYEball /E and Info \I * Fixed Gust Wind display when WX-DISPLAY-WINDS was selected * GPSxyz as TOCALL for Trackers! (M/N tables broke till 801) * Fixed OUTPUT GGA for East and South hemispheres * Fixed Type of TNC prompt to add PK-88 (it is TAPR not AEA compatible) * Added TRACK, RACE, NET and NAV to acceptible TOCALLS. * Fixed MScatter DOZ beeps and bug * 100% Forward compatible with new Message format (786 was except for ACKS) * Forward compatible with new Message line number capability * Fixed recent error introduced in display of EAST longitudes above 99 * Fixed crash if you hit F9 while in F10 DOZ * WIll now accept BLN#xxxxx where xxxxx is a GROUP call. For now you should limit xxxxx to only xx for backward comaptibility to old users * New MAPFIX33 has better TASK-CLEAR function, has new CHANGE-ALL_colors command, Fixed a load bug if complete MAPLISTS file spec was not entered during a TASK-BORDERS command. * Hook now automatically draws range to station APRS796 dated 16 July * FIxed blue WX box showing up with no WX if no WX station was selected * Fixed not being able to save a cfig file with an ALT Vehicle type in HSP * Fixed WX rain display for remote U-II's * Added Tropical Storm wind Radii to DOT symbol too for predicted posits APRS796 * Added g... for remote U2kr's so they have consistent format * Made HOOK-EDIT on POSIT list also prompt for new LAT/LONG * Added MANUAL WX prompt for GUST wind * Fixed WX-ALARMS-CLEAR problem * JUST command on the P-LIST now does one page at a time and is YELLOW APRS795 * Fixed WX bug that caused P000 even if there was P0XX rain * Fixed DF bug that prevented DF data if HEADING was 000 * Fixed random reset of Precipitation to 000 * NEXT-WX now autoupdates * F1-SYMBOLS and MAPS-PLOTS-BORDERS now line up correctly on CGA * Changed to 10 outgoing instead of just 9 outgoing messages * Fixed no LEADER and no DR on own station for manual updates * Added WORKzone symbol to SYMBOL menu * AddedMAPS-OVERLAY-OTHER-2M-VOICE.POS file for displaying locations of real wide area voice 2m repreaters for travelers APRS794 dated 26 June 97 * Fixed a lockup condition affecting N7LUE DF interface * THis fix may also improve WX overflows too... * Added paging capability for the JUST command on the P-LIST APRS794 dated 25 June 97 * Fixed beta9 that did not start on map page * QUIT-ESC will now exit APRS with no saving of anything for quickness APRS794 dated 23 June 97 * NOW transmits FIXED POSITS as "=" without any TIME field for brevity and to minimize problems with wrong clocks. * FIxed CW so that it checks DOZ too and wont mess up background * Added SEND to L-LIST HOOKED commands * Fixed WX station so that first WX posit is not old WX APRS794 dated June 19th * Changed many beeps to CW AND made it so alt-S-OTHER-BEEPS can turn em off * Added CONTROLS-FILTERS-!FIXED which avoids saving FIXED DIGIPEATERS and TNC's to the STATUS page. THis allows increasing the size of the P-LIST by 50% while decreasing the size of the L-LIST by one page. Default ON. * WX reports now completely overwrite old POSIT text * Extended NEXT-WX display 4 bytes to fit everything in. ToGo is smaller * NEXT-WX command now interprets all old Baro readings... * NEXT-WX now displays Pxxx rain count if Hourly Rxxx is zero BETA8 * Fixed big bug that 793/4 would ignore WX after first report from old units and old units would ignore 793/4 after first... Old units will still ignore new units after first report, so old units must upgrade. * Increased Baromoeter to full 5 digits * Removed extra g from gg showing on WX display on maps * Changed sequence of WX data to put GUSTS next to WIND speed * Made the NWS symbols capable of Numeric Overlays so that we can show X for NEXRAD sites, F for WFO's etc... * Added .2mm set up option for Rain gauges. Now can be .2, 10 or 100 * DX cluster mode was showing Firestations for DX. Fixed back to circle. APRS794 * Now receives new WX format without POSIT * Added TAF's to WX-GET-METAR * Removed Baudot * Added QUIT-eXit option for 2 key default exit... * New DFjr processing works BEAUTIFFULLY in AUTOMATIC.. * Think I found the HEARD log duplication problem and fixed it * Sure I found the "stealing posit" and fixed it.. * FIxed Balloon bug >32,768 feet AGAIN! * Added POSIT back into the !QRT message in TNC on shutdown * Added DFjr filter to ignore stale duplicate old bearing lines * DF bearing OBJECT saved to P-LIST is no longer auto-uplinked * Added INPUT-UP-pos to allow for controlled UPLINKING of SAVE-POS objects * Added map of North Arkansas APRS793 dated 06-08-1997: * MAPS-PLOTS-RANGE now works to .001 STATUTE mile * WX-GetMETAR will now update your P-LIST with the latest METAR data * Quit TNC-BEACON time is now entered in Minutes (was 10secs in 793) * OPS-FIND-[gridsq did not work in all prior versions after 783 * Old 793 showed GUST data in NEXT-WX box but with no label APRS793 dated 06-07-1997: * Added alt-S-GPS-WAYPOINT command which will upload POSITS to ur GPS * Removed all MAPLISTS that I am not the owner or from my basic APRS distribution so that it does not overwrite your newer files. But please if you do maps for your area, make sure you are listed in my MAPS.TXT. * Added FREQS.POS file that shows frequencies in areas of the country * Moved MAPS-OVERLAYS back up to MAPS menu, added MAPS-SHOW menu * Fixed bug preventing trackers from using any of the alternate table symbols * NOW YOU CAN PUT MAPS in SUBDIRECTORIES in the MAPS directory. Just be sure to refer to them in the MAPSLIST with the PATH. THis is NOT backwards compatible to older versions... * Doubled time between INITTAPR.TNC commands to solve TNC INIT probs * Edited PICO specific commands into INITPICO.TNC file * Start up option now asks for type of TNC... * Added filter to ignore absurdly high rain and wind gust glitches... ****** NO more limit on the number of pages for unregistered users!********* * Fixed Remote Ultimeter Rain and Wind GUST readings * FOr MOVING DF stations, each DF report puts a fixed DF object on the map at that point for self-triangulation and does NOT then keep moving with U. * Fixed QRT TIME in BText when you shut down * Fixed crash if you bump your RIght mouse button in F10 mode. * Finally found the "No>" bug if you were in WX mode * Found bug where some TNC's dont get the RESTORE.TNC correctly APRS792: Dayton 97 release *** DOes not work well with Dayton PICO TNC *** * DX cluster spots were not showing with the purple circle. Fixed * Re-arranged MAPS-OVERLAYS command for more possibilities... * Changed MAPS-GO to MAPS-HOME since "H" was now availalbe APRS791: Hopefully Dayton97 release. * FULLY NEW-Mic-E compatible. 790 only decoded NEW Mic-E's with TELEMETRY and had errors between 100 and 109 deg longitude * Added INTERRUPT 2F so that APRSdos releases 90% of its time to Windows * Fixed MAPFIX32 problem saving NORMAL maps if points outside... * Fixed UTC problems on the 30th of 30 day months * Hot Key Maps now reset the LABELS scale factor * MAP-OVERLAY objects now ADDED to P-LIST get current time * Now accepts Mac/Win WX data from other station symbols besides "_" * Now will update time stamp on WX or NWS stations NOT sending WX. * Now posits beginning with "!" will be light gray (no APRS online) and posits beginning with "=" will be white indicating APRS online * Added symbols for Coast Guard, Camps and Parks. * Described easy way to operate APRS on a dual floppies in INSTALL.TXT * Added MAP-CONFIG menu so I could include MAP-CONFIG-OFFSETdatum so that you can enter small map datum offsets to align your map with your exact GPS known position. * Therefore re-arranged other MAP-MENUs * Eliminated PseudoDifferential correction which was practically useless APRS790: Major change throughout APRSdos to make room for longer WX data In 7000 lines of code, over 180 different lines were affected. Five BETA versions were released prior to 790. * Removed RECEIVED time stamp from POSIT page to make room for more WX * The /DDHHMM/LAT/LONG format for reporting when APRS was last running on a TNC has been replaced. Now APRS forces a !LAT/LONG posit in the TNC and the text "APRS QRT @DDHHMM" in the position comment text. * All times are now ZULU on the air. * Also fixed the 0000z DATE problem * Added FILE-PRINT menu so you can select what items go to the printer... * Added capability to erase single message lines * Fixed SET-RADAR and F-10 bug * Added INPUT-ADD-AREAS-LINE-WIDTH command for making better WX watch and warning boxes. Box is now drawn on all four sides. * NEW MAPFIX31.EXE needed to handle the new .HST format * Also MAPFIX31 and APRSbeta support a new map compression algorithm which is the same as the old compression characters, but the 3 byte point data are all on the same line per feature instead of a CR/LF at the end of each and every one. THis gives a 30% size and speed advantage... * Fixed constant key problem in GRID-IN-TO mode * Doubled pause between TNC handshaking commands to try to solve PICO * Future compatibility with on-air .POS data added * OUTGGA now works for outputting GPS data to other map programs. such as street atlas USA SA4 * Fixed altitude error above 32767 feet tracking balloons. Ver 788: * Extended startup timers for Messages reloaded from a BK file * Fixed a Hurricane bug at scales above 512 miles * Any symbol may now turn green with W-R in the POSIT comment field * New format for the HEARD data in .BK files. * Put in a QUERY counter on the Heard page to see whats going on * Added ID counter on Heard page for curiosity * CHARS.SYS file now required to do NUMERIC overlays * DIGI Page is now saved in a .BK file * New FADE color scheme for Sunshine, Fire, and Win symbols * Compatible with new Mic-E printable ASCII (BUT ONLY WITH TELEMETRY!) * Restored PLOTS-BORDERS to old way of working with F4 * Fixed a minor bug when an unused map is the last entry in the Maplist * WX data was still being saved constantly in Trak History files. Fixed. * WX Warning Box is now a complete box instead of 2 lines either side.. * Restored redundant ACK after 30 secs on dupes * Added a CHECKERS.BK file for the Chessboard * Eliminated redundant Query Ver 787: Good version. Should replace all 784-786. Fixes three Bugs in 786 * 1) 786 would not plot OBJects * 2) 786 had an error in INITxxx.TNC that screwed up some WX reports * 3) Individual station Queries were broken. Now fixed. * Sign Objects are not now purple * Win/Mac objects now fade OK * Hurricane winds now move with Hurricane DR * WX packets with no data now are not displayed in WX box. * MaxPacket time now a function of PATH length. 1 hop=10, 2=20 etc. * ToGo box now counts above >9m. '3 = 13, "3 = 23, ð3 = 30, etc * WX no longer saved to Track Hist file unless WX-LOG is toggled ON. * New WX-LOG command toggles on saving of all WX reports to track histry Vers 786: Too many new features. Two major bugs. Do not use. * Dozens of new symbols! * New ICON NUMBERING capability for some shapes * New symbol selection menu. * Modified {$} for stand-alone-trackers to {/$} for all symbols * Modified $xC to #/xC for embedding symbols in maps * Time zone now shows on control panel * F3/F4 zoom for labels works better * Changed SSID defaults (then changed them back in next version) * Fixed the bug causing the Auto Query on receipt of every remote WX packet! * Slight imprvmnts to alt-S-OTHER-GAME for playing chess (Saved 100 bytes) * Updated CHESS.BK file to include new horse symbol for Knights * 786 will be compatible with a new 30% improved map compression scheme. Vers 785: Added capability for 3 alternate DIGI paths * Fixed bug in WIDE,WIDE,WIDE warning. * Updated the JUST-MOBILES and JUST-WX command to new symbols Ver 784: APRSdos will now only accumulate Specific STATUS, Bulletin and MESSAGE packets to the ALL page and LOG. STATUS packets begin with a ">DDHHMM" time stamp. Set CONTROLS-OTHER to ON to see other packets * Lots new in the MAPS-OVERLAYS area. See OERLAYS.txt. 1) MOVE ALL YOUR .POS files from the SYSTEM to the NEW POS directory 2) Generated RSx.POS files of all Radio Shacks in the USA for OVERLAYS 3) Generated ZIPZ#.POS for overlay of all ZIP codes... Download fm TAPR 4) Added MAPS-OVERLAYS-WRECKS generic command for loading your CRASHx.pos * OPS-SETradar sets a penetration range alarm. * New WIDE,WIDE,WIDE warning * New symbols: CRASHsite, HORSE, ROVER(dog), Motorcycle, Pacsat, Shuttle * New top view CAR and BOAT symbols that point in heading direction * Fixed JUST command on the P-LIST that I broke adding PRINT in 782. * FILE-PRINT now checks for WX-JustWXonly too * Finalized BLN# and BLN@ formats * Can now make a remote Wide-Relay WX stn green using a "\" between LAT\LONG * alt-S-MODES-PSEUDO for differential correction with your station GPS * FIxed short DF lines Ver 783: Fixed bug while INPUT-ADDING a moving OBJ that I broke in 782 Ver 782: Lots of tweaking.. * Fixed mouse movement error 14 crash * Fixed DOZ-TAB crash * Fixed 4 digit grid square FIND command * Fixed mouse centering on zooms in MAPFIX30 * Fixed receipt of some newer remote U-500's * Fixed DX cluster messages on D-Page Probably broken since v 74! * Fixed MAPS-PLOTS-TRAFFIC errors when one end of traffic was missing * Added JUST-PRINT for printing the P-LIST to the printer or a file * To reduce memory usage, now only retain 3 instead of 4 maps in RAM * New users now get 2 pages instead of just one on L and P lists. * APRS now defaults to RELAY,WIDE for new users * New format for WIDE-RELAY digipeaters. Drop the words and change the LAT/LONG to LAT\LONG * Improved VIEW buffer by eliminating blank lines * Added MAPS-OVERLAYS for DIGIS, GATES, NWSsites, CAP Crash Sites, STORES * MAPS-OVERLAY-OTHER for any kinds of overlay files. See AIRCRAFT.txt. Get CRASHES.ZIP for these files CRASHSO, CRASHEAS, CRASHNW, CRASHSW, CRASHCEN, CRASHCA * Smaller lat/long box and faster cursor * Added software version to POSIT packet: -782- Ver 78a: Some housecleaning to squeeze in these: * Fixed bug in 78 that would not plot DF stations * Added FILES-PRINTER command to PRINT line-by-line from ALL page * Added WX-WINDflow command * Added MAPS-PLOTS-TRAFFIC to show who is talking to whom on the map * Changed MAPS-PLOTS-CAP to SAR * Moved the old alt-A All-DX command to MAPS-PLOTS-CALLS * Moved the old alt-F DF filter command to CONTROLS-FILTERS-DX Ver 78: General GRID-IN-TO format. On HF, the default will be GRID-IN-TO * New APRSMIN.EXE will run in only 411k Of conventional memory * Fixed remote U-2000's humidity reading... * Fixed WX-NWS-ADD and SHOW of NWS stations positions * Hurricane Radius of HC/TS winds now offset towards danger quadrant * Default path is now RELAY,WIDE for new users * Hooks for new ALTERNATE SYMBOLS and OVERLAYS for future activation * MAPFIX30 now works on all mapnames. AND properly overlays BALLOON1.hst * SIGPLOT.bas now does azimuth too * Alt-TELEMETRY page now defaults to Mic-E telemetry titles Ver 77f: Fixed zoom-to-far crashes by increasing minimum zoom by 2 * IMPORTANT FOR HF: Put HF Alias in CFIG file * Modified Mic TLM for 5 channels instead of 4 * Force Manual WX entries to die after 30 minutes. * Fixed WX fade to gray still showing CALLsign.. * Tried again to fix "APRS did not see a digipeat message.... * MAPFIX29 finally works all commands with COMPRESSED maps * ALL APRS maps now distributed as compressed. Ver 77e: * 77d would not let you use your 12th OPS-DIGI call. FIXED * Added REPLY capability in messages * New MAPS-WHICH command will list all XXmapsXX.ZIP distro files * Added INTFACE TERMINAL to INITTAPR.TNC to properly init KANTRONICS * Now show AVG-GND-LVL on TAB control bar for debugging Davis-BARO * POSIT changes now properly overwrite the POSIT comment field. Ver 77d: Big problem in 77c which defaults to ignore GGA posits on air! * Changed default path to RELAY,WIDE and added default OPS-DIGI paths * Magnified default altitude scale in 3D by factor of 4 for CAP. * Moved OPS-UNPROTO command to OPS-DIGI-ENTER * Fixed 77c bug that let remote WX BText to cancel WX data Ver 77c: Changed alt-BText to INPUT-MY-STATUS * DF bearing line length now proportional to sending station map range * Added alt-S-GPS-MODES-GGA/RMC for selecting specific NMEA * SEND (copy message) now lets you add text to the end * Msg replies to Queries will use line number {: and will not be acked. * New parser eliminates all packets that dont start with $,% or A-Z, 0-9 Ver 77b: 77a had a MENU bug... Unusable * Fixed WX fade-to-gray * Fixed mouse to sleep problem * Fixed ALT-BTEXT being forced to UCASE Ver 77 * New MAPFIX27.EXE cleans up some minor old glitches! * Fixed DAVIS bug with remote U-II's * Can now set WX-METRIC for KPH and Celsius formats * alt-S-OTHER-REDRAW can now set period independent of BEACON rate * Increased L/P lists to 6 pages. Limit all STATUS to 80 chars Ver 76f: Mostly SPACE mode changes * Fixed for new Ultimeters +4 and +8 bytes * Added Alt-SETUP-OTHER-LOCK to prevent unauthorized use * Fixed 6 letter calls & 2 digit SSID's not receiving MSGS or ACKS * Replaced old GS in BText with GRID-IN-TO * Grid-IN-TO now uses ]$[ to force reception in all modes and SYMBOLS * Added alt-S-FORMATS menu * Separated SPACE mode and AUTOSPACE mode * Fade-to-Gray is disabled in SPACE and MSCATT modes * SPACE and MSCATT modes now capture the entire packet on the ALL screen Ver 76e: * Removed TXD of 33 forced on HF * SPACE SUCCESS was not working in all versions! It wouldnt RESET to a low BEACON rate when you were successful. Ver 76d: Fixes 76c lockup when you performed a MAPS-PLOTS-POWER or -DF. Ver 76c: Fixed WX WIND speed indicators busted in 76a. Ver 76b: MAPFIX25 now uses a BUS MOUSE and has 10 times faster FIND cmd * Fixed DFjr interface so that GPS and DF unit work together. * Added main menu to bottom of most APRS screens. Ver 76a: Mapfix24 has 10 times faster TASK-TRIM * CKMAPLST.bas compares MAPLIST to all files and notes inconsistencies * Fixed it so FLUX Compass displays heading even if speed is zero * Fixed alt-S-GPS-NO-GPS so you wont fade to gray * Mic Encoders will now trip ALARM if message 6 or 7 Ver 76: Dayton 96 version (4k larger than 75c) * Added Davis Weather Monitor. * Added Agrelo DF Junior interfaces * Displays course/speed * Added ACARS.bk to show how APRSair.exe works Ver 75d: ADDED alt-S-GPS-PLOT for satellites * Compatible with new APRS MIC-ENCODER. * FIxed 3D for CGA laptops * Found HSP bug. I was never setting the HSP timeout timer * Eliminated KILL command. * Trackers POSITS start with / instead of @ * Removed PAR 0 from INITTAPR.TNC file Ver 75c: * Fixed 75b bug that canceled your own OBJECTS! * First *new* Mic-E version Ver 75b: Fixed automatic screen redraw (alt-SETUP-OTHER-REDRAW) * Added rain and 18 wheeler truck to JUST-MOBILES and JUST-WX * Now set ALARM/TRACK on multiple stations * TRACK yourself wil save in CONFIG file * JUST-SPECIAL & JUST-CALLS replace the old #/* special display keys * Removed F1-HELP-ON-SCREEN * MIC-encoder compatibility Ver 75a: *** introduced MAPLISTS directory *** GATE operators must put B E 0/10 in INITTAPR.TNC * WX-DispWX and WX-ShowTemp commands show WX vice CALLS on map. * Fixed DF vehicle heading * WX-JUST command latches ON/OFF (JUST-WX still is one time display) * alt-SETUP-OTHER-REDRAW command toggles on an auto-redraw function. * SPRE.HST file shows the results of the APRS posits via SPRE satellite NEWFIX22: * Fixed MAPFIX TASK-TRIM command to matches WHITE BORDER * New TORCH files for olympics Ver 75: New MAPFIX20 has APRS type menus instead of ctrl-alt keys * MAP Borders are now the proper 3/4 aspect ratio Ver 74i: * Fixed CRASH on U-2000 negative wind direction * Fixed remoteWX posits from overwriting WX data * Fixed AEA TNC's mmissing 9 character calls * Fixed Space Shuttle SPRE anomolies * Fixed OPS-FIND-[gridsquare for E longitudes * "*" now required on DIGIs for CONGRATS. * Fixed dual ports unproto paths xxx/yyy would work in space mode BETA2000: attempt to fix U-2000 interface Ver 74e: Dec 95. Good for 2 months! * Added < > keys * Supports the new PICO-TNC without an HSP switch. Ver 74d (betaB): * Another attempt at gettting AEA dual ports to band switch * Ignores dual port p1 at beginning of line Ver 74c: * Fixed CRASH on NETROM packets beginning with > found in Europe * Band switching for PK-900 and DSP-2232 (maybe) * Modified GPStoHST.bas to also use RMC * TLMTRY page now works with MIM module 5 analog/ 8 digital * New HHMMSSh format for MIMs Ver 74b: Fixed something in 74a within the same day. Dont remember what, but 74b was in DISTRO for a long time and is an excellent version! Ver 74a: * Reports 1 minute avg WIND from attached ULTIMETER * Now F3/4 brings more or fewer MAP labels to view. * Added U/D/G to MAPS menu * can dead reckon objects along a course * APRSmin.EXE is only a 316K vice 373K file. * MKMAPHK1.EXE and .TXT were released by KB4XF Ver 74: Added ULTIMETER-2000 compatibility. * ADDED MOUSE SUPPORT. * Fixed F6 QRT mode for VTG operations * Fixed BEEPS ON EVERY ACK problem introduced in 73d Ver 73d: * The A-LIST was not working in 73b and c * Restored the WX circle in the NEXT command * Added F2 - REPLY * Re-send a previous message by entering a single digit line number Ver 73c: * DEFAULT TNC to 4800 * Added OPS-DIGI-ALTpath * BLN# and BLN@ timing Ver 73b: * CONTROLS-LOG saved in the cfig file * Added F-10 DOZ * Fixed the FIND-GRID-SQ command bug * Better discrimination of APRS MSGs for the TRAFFIC screen... * Changed Hurricane format to $HC/www^ppp/BAR>RRR&rrr. * Scalable Y Axis in 3D Ver 73: Mostly WEATHER changes: * Added optional WX symbols for letters * Red, Yel and Blue for Tropical winds and wind radius * Manual DF Bearing now works for mobiles. * Added MScatt receive mode and sender has choice of timing sector * Dots command added for replays * New MASTER/SLAVE * Ver 73a added HSP toggling using F8 key while in the O-C-T mode Ver 72d: * MScat mode sets FADE-OFF * CONTROLS-XMT command now works in MScat * TNC FULL-DUPLEX enabled in MScatt mode Ver 72c: Fixed bug which ignored packets with fewer than 3 characters * Adds TWO-WAY MScat capability. Ver 72b: Major change is for MEteor Scatter Mode: * CONTORLS-DIRECT-FILTER (in Mscatter mode) only accepts direct packets * Fixed RAIN GAUGE for U-II that broke in 72a Ver 72a: Fixed 72. Is OK except for adds in 72b. Ver 72: * New METEOR SHOWER mode * SPACE mode resets BEACON timer on hearing space digipeater. * Added CONTROLS-FILTERS-GdSq * Rain should now zero when you reset your U-II rain counters * 2 mile 100k CD ROM map of my neighborhood. 3909N 07636W. Ver 71c&d: more tweaks for SAREX but still based on 95 min timing * CONTROLS-FILTERS-GRID mode will decode a GridSquare in the TO callsign * Packets with CZAR will show red Ver 71b: Only WIDE-RELAY digipeaters will be shown as GREEN * Better SPACE mode. See Space.txt * Added $PGRMA for Garmin altitude * QRT (F6) forces your SPEED to ZERO Ver 71a: My first Doppler DF fox hunt with APRS: * Fixed INPUT-SAVE and INPUT-UP which didn't work in 71 * Fixed BULLETIN display format that got broken in 71 * New INPUT-HEADING cmd for use while stopped * RELATIVE DF bearings not accepted if HEADING is 000 * If in DF and GPS NMEA speed drops below 4, then Heading is NOT UPDATED. Ver 7.1: Major MAP changes. Combined small maps into BIG regional maps. * Fixed DF code so dual port DF and TNC/HSP modes both work at same time * Added DF Single Port mode so TNC, GPS, DF can all share one comm port! * Added F8 key to force an instant HSP/GPS fix. * INPUT-SAVE-my and INPUT-UPLINK-my commands * OPS-DIGI paths to SENDING outgoing messages Ver 7.c: Alt-S-OTHER-GAME mode for on-air-chess * alt-S-MODES-altNET for subnets on common APRS frequencies * alt-S-GPS-NMEAlog toggles on a log of NMEA data Ver 7.b: Fixes bug #1 map HOT key bug. Adds SPACE MODE Ver 7.a: Upgraded to MAPFIX12 that can now KILL Labels * MAPS-PLOTS-RANGErings now plots in Great Circle Range and Bearing * ARNAV data formats in SPM/HSP modes (for aviation GPS's) * APRS now handles ECHO/WIDE aliases for KAM when band switching Ver 7.0: Two changes that are NOT backward compatible. 1) LARGER OBJS-AREAS-LINES shapes are now 4 times bigger. 2) MAPFIX1.bas now has COMPRESSED maps which reduces 60% size and 33% speed # New 32 mile maps from 2,000,000 CD ROM is EASY using MAKEMAPS1.bas/exe! # Split disto to EAST, SEAST, WEST, CENTRAL, MIDWEST. * Replay raw NMEA GGA and RMC files if file ends in .DOS * Force 0000 posit in GPS modes * added JUNK filtr Ver 69: Fixed major bug that ignored ALL GGA's after a single bad NMEA Version 6.8: Fixed GPS RMC bug not working on OWN stn in dual-port and HSP Version 6.7b: Added SLAVE mode Version 6.7a: Added selective prompt to Xmt command Version 6.7: Added 3D and altitude. * New SYSTEMS directory Version 6.6: Added Microsoft SERIAL MOUSE for APRS and MAPFIX. Version 6.5c: HSP was in-op in 6.5 and later. Fixed it. Version 6.4b: Changes QUERY Latitude to (-) effective 1 Apr. Version 6.4a: OOPS, 63c and 64 would NOT let you change WX alarms nor configure a second COM port for GPS/WX/DF. Version 6.3b: APRS TELEMETRY announcement! Version 6.3a: Implements QUERY at a RANGE. Adds WX ALARM RANGE Version 6.3: Adds COM3,4 by poking BIOS. Version 6.2d: Finished all 15 default SSID symbols Version 6.2b: Fixed Rain Alarms. Added METRIC for temps and winds VERSION 6.03 Upped points to 3600 (later reduced to 2999) and maps to 170 VERSION 6.02 Added an AMTOR/PACTOR mode. Added TNC NEWmode command VERSION 6.01 Added ARNAV interface. Upped points to 2000 and maps to 160 VERSION 6.0Plus+ MAPFIX can IMPORT roads from other maps VERSION 6.0: Alt-IGNORE and SPCL. Added Circle/Box/etc AREAS as objects.