====================================================================== HACKMAP - Version 1.0 June 1/98 by Karel Blaskovic ====================================================================== Copyright © 1998 Karel Blaskovic All Rights Reserved How to order your FULL version of HACKMAP: At the present, HACKMAP is only available by cheque or money order. Fill out the attached form, send it to the address specified and when it is received along with appropriate payment, you will be promptly mailed the full version either by e-mail or regular mail. Once you have purchased HACKMAP once, you never have to pay another dime to receive any future versions of HACKMAP. However, please note that future versions will only be mailed to the e-mail or home address provided on this form. Any disks sent will be on 3.5 inch floppy (1.44 Meg format). Since the order and the payment is to the author directly, and in light of many recent scams, for those who may have concerns I have provided personal information so that anyone may confirm my identity and sincerity should it be wished to do so. About the Author: Name: Karel Blaskovic Home Address: 692 Bay Ave Kelowna, BC, Canada V1Y 7J9 Home Phone: (250) 862-2992 E-mail: termanet@silk.net Occupation: Commercial Aviation Student at Okanagan University College Kelowna, BC, Canada Internet provider : Silk Internet, Kelowna, BC, Canada phone: (250) 860-4204 e-mail: support@silk.net accting@silk.net billing@silk.net Favourite Game: Duke3D !! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ORDER FORM: Yes, please send me my full version of HACKMAP by: _ e-mail _ regular mail: (check one or both) I have included a: _ regular cheque _ post-dated cheque _ certified cheque _ money order (check one) in the amount of: _ $10.00 US _ $12.00 Canadian (check one) * Information provided will be used only for the purpose of delivering HACKMAP, and for any correspondence regarding HACKMAP: Full Name: _________________________________________ Mailing Address: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Province: (or State) _________________________________________ Country: _________________________________________ Postal Code: (zip code):_________________________________________ e-mail address: _________________________________________ web site: (optional) _________________________________________ Comments: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Send to: Karel Blaskovic 692 Bay Ave Kelowna, BC, Canada V1Y 7J9