================================================================ Doom Version : DOOM-2 (Version 1.666) Title : UFO Filename : UFO.WAD Author : Joe D. Randolph E-Mail : randol@unicomp.net Misc. Author Info : Retired - Large Systems Computer Maintenance Other Released WADs : BOOM2.WAD Description : I tried to give the illusion of walking : around inside a space ship. : : Had to add a few special textures. : I'm sure you Doomers will spot them. : : After you kill the bad dudes in each area, : take the time to look around and admire : the hard work put into this WAD. : : If you happen to have one of those Doom : editors that checks for errors, don't : fix any errors that the editor reports. : The errors are there by design. They let : the special effects happen. : : Many Doom WAD builders have tried to use : a door with a see-thru texture, such as any : of the "Grates". But you get that nasty : Tuti-Fruity and/or Pink Bug. : : This WAD has several, and they raise just : as they are supposed to. And no uglies. : : You will also get a chance to walk on air. : Take your air sick pills before you try. ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : MAP01 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : No Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No recommended # of players (deathmatch) : Not Recommended Difficulty Settings : Yes-Optimized for the 3rd level of difficulty. New Sounds : Yes New Graphics : Yes New Music : Yes (light & airy Midi file) Demos Replaced : None Monster types : Rifle, Shotgun, Heavy Weapons, Imps, Demons, those pesky flying heads, one Boney Dude (The Captain), a few Blue Suits (they are the crew), a Mancubus, and just one little tiny spider. * Construction * Base : Original Editor(s) used : DCK 2.2 (Doom Construction Kit) Other Tools used : NWT, RMB, DMMUSIC, PC Paintbrush IV Plus Known Bugs : None that I know of Story: Your mission is to kill John Romero's Head. The information you received led you to this long forgotten entrance into the transporter base, where John Romero's Head is kept under lock and key. And if the information is correct, you will have to teleport onto a space ship, find the flight controlers room and trip the switches that will unlock the doors back in the teleport base on the ground. It is believed that this space ship is a prison ship. If you find any of our men still alive, try to keep them that way and bring them back with you. Watch out for that nasty Captain, he is usually on the bridge. Hope your not afraid of heights. ================================================================= * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Internet, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact.