Title: The Base Release Date: 12/27/1997 File List: k_base2.WAD , and this readme file. Disk Space Required: .6 MB Author: Kurt Kesler E-Mail Address: kesler@fidnet.com Misc. Author Info: I like making Quake bsp's,but dont have the patients to wait on my 486 to compile,luckily theres DOOM!! Other WADS by Author: K_Base1,Kmetl_1,Kmetl_2 Wad Description: Base, and it's not small or easy. Big Thanks To: Anyone who still plays/edits DOOM. Additional Credit To:ID! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Play Information ---------------- Game: DOOM 2 Map Number: 1 Single Player: yes Cooperative 2-4 Player: no add them,if you must Deathmatch 2-4 Player: no add them,if you must Difficulty Settings: YES New Sounds: I dont like most sounds I hear in other WADS I've played, so I choose not to change them. New Textures: no New Sprites: no New Music: The one off of the Final Doom CD, Doom 95.mid Demos Replaced: no ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Editors Used: Wauthor,Wintex,BSP2.2(BSP 2.2-Kix BUTT!!)Midi2mus Build Time: about 40 hrs, + two weeks to take out someone elses textures I was'nt supposed to use. I did'nt know I could'nt!! Known Bugs: NO WAY!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Installation: Put the WAD in your DOOM2 Directory, and type: Doom2.exe -file k_base2.WAD -warp 1 -skill ?? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright / Permissions: If this WAD is fit for other use than a single play, you can contact me!!