Install Notes NT Mail WWW Configuration Version 1.02.01 =========================================================== OVERVIEW ======== There are three levels of access to the WWW Configuration utility. Normal users can setup account features, like a forwarding address, holiday or plan message. They can also change their password. The status of their POP account can be checked, giving them the number of unread messages, and a list of mail messages retained in their POP account. Clicking on the list will display the message or instruct the web browser to mail the sender. The POP account can also be cleared. Domain administrators are given the rights to administer users in their own domain.This includes the rights to change existing user accounts - resetting passwords, changing aliases; disabling or deleting accounts. New users can be added to their domain. Administators are given additional features. These include rights to ammend users in all domains, maintain logging and alert events, and to set system level NT Mail options. Logging can be done at the user level or at the action level. Every user action is able to be logged. In addition a single line email can be sent to a designated account for each event. INSTALL ======= To install, copy the .DLLs into your Windows NT System32 directory. Next copy MAILCONF.EXE to a directory of your choice and type: MailConf -i Goto the conrol panel and you will see a new service in the Service Icon called "NTMail WWW Configuration". Start the service and then point your WWW broswer to: http://localhost:8000 to get the entry page. UNINSTALL ========= Stop the Service and then type: mailconf -u HOW IT WORKS ============ When you log on to the WWW Server, it takes your username and password to verify you have the correct privilidge to continue. If your user name has the same name as the postmaster as set in the NTMail CPL, you will be given the privilidge to create users in any domain. In addition, you can promote users in each domain to control that particular domain. REGSITRY SETUP ============== Optional Registry Entries: ...\MailApps\WWWConfigure \ScriptName : REG_LPSTR = "/MailConf" optional filename for forms \Port : REG_DWORD = 8000 number of TCP/IP port to use \LogLevel : REG_DWORD = 0 logging level \AlertLevel : REG_DWORD = 0 alert reporting level \ExpireTime : REG_DWORD = 5 minutes expiry time of idle users \UseRegistryCache : REG_DWORD = 0 save user details in the registry not memory \NoNTPwdChange : REG_DWORD = 0 non zero to prevent NT password changes \AdminAddress : REG_SZ = "PostMaster@root.domain" address to send mail in each page footer \AlertAddress : REG_SZ = AdminAddress NOTES ===== 1. This version only supports minimal logging, and won't display the NT Mail log files. 2. Multiple Internet Mail Domains. If the NT user database is used on a multiple mail domain site, the standard way to identify the user's mail domain is to make the user a member of a local NT group (i.e. add a group name ""). This will be picked up correctly if the group's comment description has either of the words "mail" or "domain" in it. 3. Alert Messages It is possible to send a one line email alert message to the system administrator. User the Administrator menu to configure Alert logging. This is indepemdent of file logging. WARRANTY ======== This Program is provided "as is". Internet Shopper Ltd. (ISL) warrants that the Program will substantially comply with the specifications set out in the documentation. Except as stated herein this Program is provided, without warranty of any kind, express or implied, statutory or otherwise, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the Program is with you. Should the Program prove defective, you assume the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction. ISL does not warrant that the functions contained in the Program will meet your requirements or that the operation of the Program will be uninterrupted or error-free. ISLīS SOLE LIABILITY TO YOU FOR ANY CLAIM, DEMAND OR CAUSE OR ACTION WHATSOEVER, AND REGARDLESS OF FORM OF ACTION, WHETHER IN CONTRACT OR TORT, INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE, SHALL BE LIMITED TO ZERO POUNDS STERLING. IN NO EVENT SHALL ISL BE LIABLE FOR OR YOU HAVE A REMEDY FOR RECOVERY OF ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF ISL HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT L IMITED TO LOST PROFITS, LOST SAVINGS, LOST REVENUES OR ECONOMIC LOSS OF ANY KIND, OR FOR ANY CLAIM BY ANY THIRD PARTY. All trademarks are acknowledged as the property of their respective owners. If you have any problems with this program, please direct your comments to one of the authors at "", or at PO Box 6064, London, SW12 9XG, UK. Please grant us the opportunity of defending the program's design and functionality before decrying its use in any forum, public or private. The success of future freeware depends on your encouragement. SUPPORT ======= We strongly recommend that you join the NTMAIL-UPDATE mail list so that you receive details of updates to this software. To join this list, send an email message to with the body "join ntmail-update" and you will receive conformation of being added. In addition you may like to join the discussion forum for NTMail and NTList by sending a message to with the body "join ntmail-discuss" or "digest ntmail-discuss". You will receive conformation that you have been added. If you have any problems with this product, please check out the WWW pages at and If there is still no resolution to your problem, please contact: For sales, please email 5-October-1996