============================================================== Program Name ; PastaHTML Author ; Jimmy Harlindong email ; jharlindong@cheerful.com Homepage ; http://delphitc.home.ml.org Version ; 1.02 Release date ; 16 April 1998 License ; Free ============================================================== ABOUT ... ========= PastaHTML is a utility which can convert a PAS source file into HTML format. Features & Benefit: - Fully configurable - Custom Syntax Highlighting color - Default - preset Color Scheme (Default, Classic, Twilight, Ocean) - Set the HTML Title to anything you wish - Insert custom messages at the beginning and at the end of the file - The generated file will contain no visible "Author's Name". This is contrary to what all other PAS to HTML converter do... - Ability to preview the result in default browser - Generated file is small - Fast processing time - Clipboard processing - Converts file given at the command line - Adds a popup menu under Explorer to conveniently converts .PAS file to HTML Note: File size and processing time depend on the content, and syntax highlighting options. REQUIREMENTS ============ 1. Delphi 3 Runtime Library is required: - VCL30.DPL - VCLSMP30.DPL - VCLX30.DPL This can be obtained from my page at http://delphitc.home.ml.org/files/vcl.zip 2. Windows 95 (have not test in WinNT.. might will fail because of insufficient registry access or file creation privilege) DISTRIBUTION ============ PastaHTML is freely distributable anywhere, any place, anytime, as long as it is still in its original format. If you kind enough, tell me when you put it in your page. If you happen to include this cool utility in a CD, you MUST inform me !!!! (or better yet, give me a copy :-) CONDITIONS OF USE ================= You are free to use this. If you like it, please let me know. DISCLAIMER ========== Although I have tested this thing (of course), and it worked pretty good, I can not guarantee that your data is safe. Under no circumstances, should you blame me of whatever happens to your computer. Hell, even if you use this program and suddenly your hard disk is corrupted, you still can not hold me responsible. But.. be cool... hey, my PC is still OK until now.. I guess it won't do you any damages either. FUTURE (Who knows ?) ==================== - Batch Conversion - Optional copy/paste-friendly HTML (but larger size) - File inclusion - Who needs a component for this ??? - Support for the upcoming Delphi 4 new reserved words :-) - Perhaps other language ???? - Borland C++ Builder ? Hmmm.... - Generate a database table to HTML ? Perhaps not... (it'd be too easy) - TColorEdit component ?? (that's another story) - Shareware ?? (No way !!!) HISTORY ======= 16 April 98 Ver 1.02 released ----------------------------- - Fixed some bugs when a special characters (<>&") is found. - Added sensitive pop-up menu in Explorer to convert PAS to HTML (Thanks to the suggestion of Tristan Grimaux) 27 February 98 Ver 1.01 released -------------------------------- I Removed the use of auto preview feature which requires one to have IE installed on their system. I will work something out to display the preview without requiring IE. If you want to have the autopreview feature, in the mean time, please use ver. 1.0 instead. The changes from 1.0 to 1.1 is minimal - The HTML properties now has a splitter bar to resize the HTML panes. 1 February 98 ------------- (result of 2 days of coding) First release...