tsuz.dll       Evaluation version of TopSpeed Unzip DLL for Windows 95 - 
               zip file size is limited to 16 MB.
readme.htm     This file
api_pas.htm    Description of API functions - Delphi/Pascal style
api_cpp.htm    Description of API functions - CBuilder/C++ style
fastuz.exe     Compiled example 3 - Fast Unzip
exam1\         Visual FoxPro 5.0 example
exam2\         C++ Builder console example
exam3\         Delphi 3.0 GUI example

About TopSpeed Unzip DLL for Windows 95

TopSpeed Unzip DLL is the fastest unzip engine for Windows 95 because of high optimized 32 bit assembler code. Supports PKZip 2.XX or later. Simple and intuitive API. Provides runtime information, cancellation of operation, detailed report.

Performance benchmarks

This is a test on 11882 Kb zip file, containing 1252 files with total uncompressed size 29127 Kb (Microsoft FoxPro 2.6 for Windows). Computer is Pentium/75 16 Mb RAM.

                      Extraction time (s)
TopSpeed Unzip               38
PKZip 2.6                    65
WinZip 6.3                   72 

How to purchase

TopSpeed Unzip DLL for Windows 95 Registration

Registration fee: $40

If you would like to register TopSpeed Unzip DLL for Windows 95, you can do the registration online on the Internet at Alternatively, you can go to and enter the program number there: 101210.

©TopSpeedSoft, 1998.