-------------------------------------------- O O O O O O WELCOME TO ZSPLIT *USER MANUAL* -------------------------------------------- WELCOME TO ZSPLIT ZSPLIT are easy-to-use file split programs. Used to split Window base files(TEXT OR BINARY) to harddisk or floppy disk drive. With Auto detect remain fee space of diskette. Compare splited file for vertify. Concat files by program or manually in Dos prompt copy command. Rename files in sequence number. Replace file name such as replace htm->html. On the application, in the right file list box will only display splited files with number extension. In the left file list box display files without number ext. But you can click the display all check box to display all files include splited file when you want to perform operation on this files, such as delete. MIN REQUIREMENTS Zsplit runs on WIN 95, 486 machine CAUTION: -put your original file in safe diskettes -Shareware version can not be use after 30 days fee trial period. but you can still concat file by type copy /b a.001 + a.002 + a.999 a.zip in MS-DOS prompt. if you know dos command. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Install] -run setup.exe, follow the normal instruction to install Zsplit. [UnInstall] -In control panel -> add/remove program, select zsplit and delete it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Split Files] -key in size in split size box or choose a:\ b:\ when write to floppy diskette. -change drive, change directory. -change the wild card for special file select such as *.txt, *.doc etc. -select file from left file list box. -press split button. -file will split to same directory or floppy disk. -*.001 to *.999 extension file will appear on right file list box. -need to change disk if you are split file to a: or b:. [Split size] -choose a: b: when you wnat ot split to floppy disk, -key in size when you want a special size. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Concate files] -change drive, change directory. -change the wild card for special file select such as *.txt, *.doc etc. -select file from right file list box. -press Concat button. When concat from floppy disk to hard disk, save box will prompt you to choose hard drive location to save, key in file name also. or in DOS BOX type copy /b *.001 + *.002 + *.999 filename.zip if you know dos command. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Compare splited files] -select file from left file list box. -press Compare button. -choose a:\ in split size box when you want to compare to floppy disk. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Delete files] -Multi select files from left file list box. -press Delete key. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Display All file] click the check box for display all files include splited file -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Rename single file] -select file from left file list box. -key in new filename. -press rename button. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Multi replace files] -Multi select files from left file list box.(press shift or cntl key) -key in old string to be replace. -key in new string. -press replace button. e.g jpg->jpeg -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Add number to file extension] -Multi select files from left file list box.(press shift or cntl key) -key in new filename. -key in start number.(normally from 001) -press add to extension button or add to file name button -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [File list attribute] -click the check box to display files that you want to see in file list box. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE NOTE This version of the manual provided with the registered version of Zsplit. Some sections are provide for shareware version. Copyright (c) 1998 ZINCWARE SOFTWARE COMPANY. All Rights Reserved. No any part of this publication may be copy, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a server system, or translated into other language or computer language, in any form or whether it is electronic, mechanical, magnetic(Floppy,MO), optical(CD-R,DVD,CD-RW), manual, text or otherwise, without prior written consent of ZINCWARE SOFTWARE COMPANY. ZINCWARE SOFTWARE COMPANY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AS TO THIS SOFTWARE, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITHOUT EVEN LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, FUNCTIONALITY, DATA INTEGRITY OR PROTECTION. AUTHOR RESERVED ALL RIGHT NOT MENTION IN THIS DOCUMENT. Trademarks of other companies mentioned in this documentation appear for identification purposes only and are the property of their respective companies. Copyright (c) 1998 ZINCWARE SOFTWARE COMPANY. All Rights Reserved. ---------------------------------------------------------------------