README.TXT For Silly Little CheckList Ver 1.08 Copyright (c) 1998 Lowe Computer Solutions Contents -------- 1. Description 2. Meaning of Menu Items 3. Known problems 4. Shareware... 5. More information, support, updates 1. Description Silly Little CheckList is just a quick program for you to track progress of repetitive tasks that you may have to perform. What Silly Little CheckList is NOT is a project management tool nor a time/task management tool. There are plenty of those tools already out on the market. Say you have to backup your server on a weekly basis. You need to remember to get everyone to log off, shut down a number of programs, backup the files, check the backup, and restart the programs. Or, you have to burn CD's for different clients with different data. Silly Little CheckList will help to remind you to include the various different files (like the Example file shows). Just click in the empty fields to add your tasks, and click on the check/X to change the status of that task. Lines should be added automatically as you hit enter on each last line that contains text (but, make sure that Lock List is not set). Blank lines at the end should delete automatically as you save your check- lists. 2. Meaning of Menu Items The items underneath File are self-explanatory. Underneath Options are the following items: Lock List, Save Status, Swap Columns, and Checklist Title. Lock List is used once you have the items of your checklist complete. If set, you won't be able to add, delete, or modify items in your checklist (other than the status). Save Status, once set, will save the status of your tasks along with the tasks (when saved). Swap Columns will reverse the order of the tasks and the status (if the status is on the right, it will be on the left, etc). And finally, Checklist Title is used to set a descriptive title for this particular checklist. Added with Ver 1.08: Options: Customize Status - This will let you change the status printed on the page. You can set custom status' for the current file, or for all of the files (by checking the 'Use these for ALL checklists'). 3 Status' - This will provide you with an additional status of In Progress. Status' will cycle from Not Started, In Progress, Complete, back to Not Started. Stay On Top - This will keep Silly Little Checklist on top of the other windows. Save size and position - Will save the size and position of the program for that particular checklist. In other words, one checklist can be in the top left and small while another might be in the bottom right and long. A Popup menu can be accessed by right-clicking when NOT editing a cell. The Popup allows for Inserting and Deleting lines. Many thanks to Tony R. ( - please check it out) for his invaluable assistance with testing for this version. 3. Known problems Nope, not any that have been found yet (yeah, like I'd admit to them). However, if you find one, please forward the information on to 4. Shareware Yep, this program is shareware. That means that you're free to use the software for an appropriate amount of time (in this case, 30 days) to evaluate the software's usefulness for your situation. At the end of that time, you're required to register the program ($5.00 US) or else you'll be using this software ILLEGALLY. Hey, it's only 5 bucks. This is a fully functional program. The only difference between this shareware version and the registered version is the Unregistered Version text that appears at the bottom of the screen and the bottom of the printed checklist. 1) I feel that you should see the whole product in order to make your decision, and 2) there's really not that much to this program to hide or cripple. Remember, it's only 5 bucks. 5. More information, support, updates. For more information and any updates, see For support, send Internet e-mail to Please include the version number (accessed from Help, About).