Thank you for trying PrimeOut v1.3! INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ------------------------- To install PrimeOut click on the Add/Remove Programs in your Control Panel. Click on the Install button and select the drive and directory the setup.exe file exists in. To uninstall PrimeOut click on the Add/Remove Programs in your Control Panel. Select PrimeOut from the list of programs and click the Add/Remove button. ORDERING PRIMEOUT ------------------------- Be sure you have the latest version. Go to out Web Site at to download the latest version. Read the ORDER.TXT file that was included in the compressed .ZIP file for ordering information. You can send any questions or comments to the addresses below. E-mail: Web site: Snail Mail: Prime Software PO Box 851 Manville, NJ 08835 Thanks again for trying PrimeOut and please support the Shareware concept. Joe Hanover Prime Software 10/15/97