JeSof Software LICENSING AGREEMENT This file, LICENSE.TXT, describes the only terms by which JeSof Software permits other parties to distribute this program throughout the world. General terms: 1. Distribution by Internet or modem: JeSof software allows and encourages all bulletin board systems and online services to distribute this program by modem as long as no files are altered or removed. If a distribution fee is charged for this software, you must additionally ensure that: A. JeSof Software is credited as the publisher of the file. B. The file is identified as shareware. C. The shareware concept is explained adequately elsewhere online. D. You charge less than $9 for downloading this shareware program. 2. Distribution of single programs by floppy disk: Shareware vendors may distribute this program alone on a floppy disk if the following conditions are met: A. You explain the shareware concept and describe this program as shareware. (Shareware is "try-before-you-buy" software, and the price paid by users for shareware is a distribution charge only). B. You credit JeSof Software as the publisher of this software in all catalog descriptions and any other written descriptions. C. You sell the software for less that $9, and only sell the most current version of it. D. No files are modified or deleted. 3. CD-Roms and multi-disk packs: If you wish to commercially distribute this program on a CD-ROM or a pack of several disks (through mail-order, wholesale, retail, or any other channels), you need to follow these terms and conditions: A. You explain the shareware concept and describe this program as shareware. B. You credit JeSof Software as the publisher of this software in all catalogs and program descriptions. C. The CD-ROM may contain no more than 3 programs from JeSof Software (not including installation routines and support utilities). D. The front-cover packaging must contain the word "Shareware" in large type. E. The name "JeSof Software", as well as the names of all JeSof Software products included on the Cd-rom, must appear on the front-cover packaging in large type. F. No files may be modified or deleted. G. You must send me a copy of the CD-ROM as soon as it has been manufactured. Reasons for these conditions: I appreciate CD-ROM distribution when it is focused on bringing users a few top shareware products at a good price. But the numerous 10,000-program CD's that are hitting the stores aren't helping JeSof software authors and distributors achieve their goal of getting high- quality distribution and registrations. So, please don't include this software on a gigantic CD-ROM stuffed with programs. But do consider doing a small, high-quality CD-ROM that focuses on a few good products - that will bring in good sales for both you and us, and that will make us all happy. 4. Any distribution in a retail environment: Any party wishing to sell JeSof Software products in a retail environment must meet all of the above conditions that apply, in addition to the following: A. The following must be included in large type on the front cover of all packaging: The name "JeSof Software", the name of this program, and the word "Shareware". B. You must send us a copy of your packaging for every JeSof Software program you distribute as soon as the packaging has been manufactured. 5. Bundling with hardware: You may bundle JeSof Software shareware products with new hardware (computers, sound cards, etc.) as long as you don't modify or delete any program files, and as long as you provide the shareware programs free of charge (i.e. at no additional cost) to the user when the hardware is purchased. If you'd like more information about OEM and hardware bundling opportunities, please contact me! I greatly appreciate the opportunity to work with hardware manufacturers and resellers. 5. Other distribution opportunities: Please contact me if you would like to distribute JeSof shareware products in a new and unique way. I am open to new opportunities, and I appreciate new and unique forms of distribution as a way of reaching new customers. 6. Violation of the agreement: If you distribute this software in violation of the terms of this agreement, you are liable to JeSof Software for damages of not less than $1 per copy distributed or the registration fee, whichever is greater. 7. Other terms and conditions: A. Ownership: Except as expressly licensed by JeSof Software, I have and reserve the exclusive copyright and all other rights, title and interest to distribute this program. B. Current version: All previous versions of this program have been withdrawn from shareware. This version replaces any previous versions. c. Your right to distribute under this license is personal, and does not include any right to sublicense the Program. E. THE PROGRAM IS PROVIDED "AS-IS". NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ARE MADE AS TO IT OR ANY MEDIUM IT MAY BE ON. I WILL PROVIDE NO REMEDY FOR INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES ARISING FROM IT, INCLUDING SUCH FROM NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, OR BREACH OF WARRANTY OR CONTRACT, EVEN AFTER NOTICE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. 8. Thanks: I thank you for distributing JeSof shareware products in accordance with the terms of this agreement. JeSof Software can be contacted at: Juerg Jenzer Wofganghof 17 9014 St. Gallen Switzerland E-Mail: