WELCOME to APP LAUNCHER Thank you for choosing APP LAUNCHER. LeMonds Software hopes that you find the program useful. WHAT is APP LAUNCHER? APP LAUNCHER provides a convenient way for organizing and starting up your programs and for opening the folders and documents which you frequently need to access. Your applications and documents can be arranged in categories, each of which contains fifty buttons. Each button can be used to launch a particular program or file, and displays the icon of the application or file associated with it. The result is a computer desktop which is free of clutter. APP LAUNCHER is very well behaved: you can drag and drop files or the shortcuts to them onto the buttons, but cannot accidentally drag them off; they must be explicitly removed in a button deletion mode. The program is easy to customize: provisions exist for moving and copying buttons within or across categories, for changing the text which is displayed with each button, and for changing the icons which appear on the buttons. You may also use the program to fire up your web browser, e-mail utility, or screen saver. Applications can also be scheduled for launch at a future time. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS for RUNNING APP LAUNCHER o) WINDOWS 95 Operating System o) 2 MB of free space on your hard drive. INSTALLING APP LAUNCHER via the SETUP PROGRAM 1) Create a folder in which to extract the contents of the zip file, say "C:\Windows\Desktop\Temp". 2) Unzip (decompress) the ZIP file "AppLnch3.zip" that was downloaded from the Internet into the folder created in Step 1 using any standard file unzipping program (e.g. Winzip). 3) Run the APP LAUNCHER setup program, "Setup.exe". It can be found in the folder created in Step 1, and generally has an icon that looks like a computer monitor with a box of diskettes in front of it. Double click on "Setup.exe" to activate the setup program. The setup program will guide you through the process of installing APP LAUNCHER, and will create the following items for you: o) Folder "C:\Program Files\App Launcher 3.0" (or the folder that you specify during the setup process). This folder will contain all of the APP LAUNCHER program files. o) A shortcut on your desktop for running APP LAUNCHER. o) A button in your Start menu for running APP LAUNCHER. Press "Start", then "Programs", then "App Launcher 3". o) A button in your StartUp folder that will start up APP LAUNCHER when Windows95 is started (if you chose to have this created at the end of the setup process). You can delete the folder created in Step 1 ("C:\Windows\Desktop\Temp") following installation. It is recommended that you retain the zip file "AppLnch3.zip" in case you need to reinstall the program. UNINSTALLING APP LAUNCHER We hope that you won't ever remove the program from your computer, but here's how to do it: o) Double-click on "My Computer". o) Double-click on "Control Panel". o) Double-click on "Add/Remove Programs". o) Choose "App Launcher" from the list box. o) Click on the "Add/Remove" button. o) Confirm that you want the program removed by clicking on "Yes". All of the APP LAUNCHER program files that were added during the installation process will be removed from your machine. PACKING LIST Following installation, you should find the following files on your hard drive in the folder "C:\Program Files\App Launcher 3" (or the folder into which you installed the files). Launcher.exe (Executable File) Launcher.cnt (Help Contents File) Launcher.hlp (Help File) Oleaut32.dll (Dynamic Link Library) README.txt (this file) What's New.txt (New Features) README_Oleaut32.txt (Info) FileID.diz (Info) HAVING TROUBLE RUNNING APP LAUNCHER? Some machines which run older versions of Windows 95 may need an updated copy of the "Oleaut32.dll" file in order for APP LAUNCHER to work properly. A copy of this file is included in the zip file which you downloaded. If you need this newer file, a message box will immediately appear when you try to run APP LAUNCHER. It will state that the file "Oleaut32.dll" cannot be found (even if the older version of the DLL is on your machine). In that case, move the version which comes with APP LAUNCHER into your "systems" folder, which on most machines is "C:\Windows\System". You may want to make a backup copy of your original version of the DLL before moving the newer version into your systems folder. NOTE: You should replace your original copy of "Oleaut32.dll" with the version supplied in the APP LAUNCHER zip file only if the one in the zip file is NEWER than the one on your machine. You can check the version number of a DLL file by right-clicking on its icon to bring up the "properties" menu, and selecting the "version" tab in the properties window. Replace the DLL on your system only if the version number of the one in the zip file is higher than the version number of the original one. COPYRIGHT NOTICE App Launcher is protected by copyright law; it is not public domain software. SHAREWARE VERSION of App LAUNCHER This is the shareware version of App Launcher. LeMonds Software is happy to grant you a limited license to use the program for a period of up to 15 days in order to evaluate the program before purchasing it. The shareware version is a fully functional version of the program, in which all features are operational. However, the shareware version of App Launcher will run on your computer for only 15 days following installation. REGISTER APP LAUNCHER Your shareware copy of App Launcher may be registered by obtaining a registration code and entering it via the Registration Information command in the Register menu. Registration of App Launcher affords you continued, unlimited use of the program beyond the 15-day evaluation period on the computer(s) on which you register the program. Please submit payment for the registration fee for App Launcher to LeMonds Software (the cost for registering the program is listed below). Upon receipt of the registration fee, LeMonds Software will promptly send you a registration code which will enable App Launcher to run beyond the 15-day evaluation period on your computer(s). To register App Launcher, press the Enter Registration Code button in the Registration Information menu, enter the registration code in the text field in the menu, the press Enter. Your copy of App Launcher will then be registered. YOUR REGISTRATION CODE WILL WORK WITH ALL FUTURE UPDATES OF APP LAUNCHER. HOW to REGISTER APP LAUNCHER A single computer license grants the licensee the right to install and use the program on a single computer. The license may be transferred to another computer which is owned by the licensee at any time as long as the App Launcher program is completely uninstalled from the computer on which it was previously licensed. The cost of a single computer license is: $15.00 for a registration code via U.S. mail or e-mail Please add $5.00 if you wish to receive a copy of the program on a 3.5 diskette. This is NOT necessary if you have already downloaded the program from the Internet. Any version of APP LAUNCHER obtained from the Internet is a fully-featured version of the program; it just will expire if unregistered. Diskettes are available primarily for people who want to purchase the program as a gift for someone. Please send a check or money order for the appropriate amount to LeMonds Software at: LeMonds Software 1 Fox Glen Ct. Clifton Park, NY 12065 Upon receipt of your remittance, LeMonds Software will send a registration code, and any diskettes ordered. Please include your e-mail address if you would like to receive your registration code via e-mail. DISTRIBUTION of APP LAUNCHER Please feel free to distribute your shareware copy of App Launcher for the purpose of EVALUATION only, as long as you have not modified any of the App Launcher files in any way. You may NOT give or sell your App Launcher registration code to any other party. LEGAL NOTICE LeMonds Software has gone to great lengths to design App Launcher so that it will operate in a proper, safe, and robust manner on the computer(s) on which it is intended to operate. However, LeMonds Software is not responsible for any damage which the App Launcher program may do to any software or hardware on any computer system. LeMonds Software disclaims all warranties relating to this software whether express or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, and all such warranties are expressly and specifically disclaimed. Neither LeMonds Software nor anyone else who has been involved in the creation, production, or delivery of this software shall be liable for any indirect, consequential, or incidental damages arising out of the use or inability to use such software even if the author has been advised of the possibility of such damages or claims. In no event shall the author's liability for any damages ever exceed the price paid for the license to use the software, regardless of the form of claim, the person using the software bears all risks as to the quality and performance of the software. Some states do not allow the exclusion of the limit of liability for consequential or incidental damages, so the above limitation may not apply to you. Use of this product for any period of time constitutes your acceptance of this agreement and subjects you to its contents. HOW to CONTACT LeMONDS SOFTWARE Please feel free to send comments about App Launcher, including suggestions for improving the program, to: LeMonds Software 1 Fox Glen Ct. Clifton Park, NY 12065 or send e-mail to: lemonds@worldnet.att.net Thank you for choosing APP LAUNCHER. We hope that you find the program to be useful. Sincerely, LeMonds Software OTHER PROGRAMS from LeMONDS SOFTWARE WORD BLAST -- A Hangman-like Program for Vocabulary and Spelling Enhancement 15-day Free Trial Period; $15 to Keep Program Web Site: http://home.att.net/~lemonds WORD BLAST is an educational program designed to help children enhance their vocabulary and spelling skills in a fun computer game setting (adults enjoy the game too). In WORD BLAST, the player tries to guess a word letter-by-letter, like in the game of ‘hangman’. When a letter is correctly guessed, it is displayed in its positions in the word. However, if a letter is chosen which does not belong in the word, then a segment of a fuse leading to a bundle of dynamite ‘burns’. If the word is completed before 10 incorrect letter guesses have occurred, then the player receives an audio compliment on a job well done. Otherwise, the dynamite ‘explodes’. In either case, the word and its definition are displayed. However, children rarely lose the game since the definition of the word may be displayed before the fuse burns all the way down. The game may be played either in the blast mode, which involves the picture of the dynamite, or in the vocabulary-builder mode, in which the definition of the words is displayed at the outset. The latter playing mode makes the game easier for younger children, and makes WORD BLAST an ideal medium for helping to teach children the meanings of the words on their weekly vocabulary lists. A test may also be taken, in which the computer cycles sequentially or randomly through a word list until all the words in the list have been presented once to the player. Multiple words can be used in WORD BLAST. This creates some interesting possibilities. For example, a word list could contain the names of U.S. presidents, or the names of states or state capitals. WORD BLAST comes with all three of these word lists, plus a word list containing over 1700 words and their definitions. Easy-to-use menus enable the user to create new word lists or to modify existing ones. Points are awarded for correctly guessing words, and the names of the players with the top 10 high scores appear on a scoreboard with trophies. With WORD BLAST, learning vocabulary and spelling is a blast! SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS for RUNNING WORD BLAST o) WINDOWS 95 Operating System o) 2 MB of free space on your hard drive. GOOD RIDDANCE -- A Convenient, Easy-to-Use, and Free File Deletion Utility Web Site: http://home.att.net/~lemonds GOOD RIDDANCE is a convenient, easy-to-use, and FREE file deletion utility. Use it to quickly clear the contents of various folders on your hard drive, such as the caches which contain files downloaded during Internet sessions (these files can number in the hundreds or thousands and can occupy a lot of disk space). Deletion Sets may be defined -- these are simply groups of folders which are to be cleared. Select a deletion set, and clear its contents at the press of a button (the folders are retained, the files in them are deleted). Folders on your drives are displayed in a tree list, and are color-coded red, green, or blue. Green folders can be cleared, red ones cannot be (they may be changed to green in the future), and blue folders cannot be cleared (they cannot be changed to green). Two opportunities to abort the file deletion process when clearing folders are given, and the files which will be deleted may be displayed before the deletion occurs. The user may also specify a list of file extensions , and files which use those extensions will not be deleted during the folder clearing process. GOOD RIDDANCE is a file deletion utility, and as such, there exists a probability that mistakes can be made by the user which may result in the unwanted deletion of files. However, various safeguards have been implemented within the GOOD RIDDANCE program to minimize the probability that this might happen. Please read about these safeguards in the program's help facility before using the program. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS for RUNNING GOOD RIDDANCE o) WINDOWS 95 Operating System o) 1 MB of free space on your hard drive. ACTION CHECKERS -- Play Checkers in a Minefield 15-day Free Trial Period; $10 to Keep Program Web Site: http://home.att.net/~lemonds The ACTION CHECKERS game is similar to the game of checkers, and is played on a board that is similar to a checkers board. However, that's where the similarities end! Think that you can get to the other side of the board? Just wait and see what happens! The object of the game is to move one of your pieces to the other side of the board. That's right, just one piece! It sounds like an easy thing to do, but the going will be rough. The board is a minefield, and if you move or jump onto a mine, there goes another one of your pieces. Occasionally pieces are arrested and put in jail. When trial occurs, the judge is not usually very lenient. Then, there are the electric fences, which aren't too good for your pieces either. A player can also win when his or her opponent runs out of pieces. You can play the computer (with an easy or harder level of play), or a human opponent. The board layout and colors, and the various "events" are all easy to customize. Good luck. You'll need it! SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS for RUNNING ACTION CHECKERS o) WINDOWS 95 Operating System o) 2 MB of free space on your hard drive. WORD FIND -- Find Words Hidden in an Array of Letters 15-day Free Trial Period; $10 to Keep Program Web Site: http://home.att.net/~lemonds WORD FIND is an electronic version of the popular word game in which a player tries to locate words that are hidden in an array of letters. The words are placed horizontally, vertically, and diagonally on the board. WORD FIND offers children a terrific opportunity for practicing their spelling skills and learning new words in a fun computer game setting. The program comes with a dozen word lists that contain more than 2300 words that have been selected especially for young children. It's easy to create new word lists and to modify existing ones. Parents and teachers can create word lists containing the words on a child's weekly vocabulary list, or with words which fall into specific categories (states, foods, birds, etc.). WORD FIND is designed to make learning fun! SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS for RUNNING WORD FIND o) WINDOWS 95 Operating System o) 1 MB of free space on your hard drive.