Password Revealer V1.0 (C) Graham Stewart 1998 Introduction ------------ This program is a handy little utility if you forget say the password for your internet account, but it is still saved in Window's memory. It can uncover the contents of almost any password edit box (ie the ones where you type things in, but only *'s or X's appear) **This program should only be used on your own computer, and stealing someone elses passwords could be illegal** To Use ------ This program is very easy to use. Firstly load the window which has the password box, so that it is on the screen. Then run passwordreveal.exe by double clicking on it. The program wont actually display a window, but you will probably hear a little hard disk drive access. Then go back to the window with the password box, and you will find that dragging the mouse over it to select the text will reveal the password, and that's about all there is to it. Contact ------- I can be contacted on My website will be at although at the time of writing there is nothing there yet.. Disclaimer ---------- This program should cause no damage to your computer. That said it has not been thouroughly tested, and the author cannot be held responsible for any damage caused by use or misuse of this program.