-------------------------------------------- O O O O O O WELCOME TO The ZFortune Teller Calendar *USER MANUAL* -------------------------------------------- [ Introduction ] ZFortune Teller Calendar is an easy-to-use Windows 95 based calendar program, weekly, monthly, anniversary, appointment reminder, also include lucky index. It also displays your own bitmap "Picture". The main purpose of this program is help you to understand more about the characteristic of human related to the season and East Asia Culture. If the user do not happy with this program or the program can not detect your lucky cycle, index is totally wrong in some way, please remove it now by uninstall program. The on-line register in extra memo page can save you time to be full access the program. In some cases the original authors were not able to be contacted. Do not E-mail me ask me how to avoid bad lucky, When will dead... I will not answer this kind of question. Fee to upgrade from 1.8 to 1.9 for registered user. ZFortune Teller Calendar can not be use as any commercial purpose. All files are not modified in any way. Copyright (c) 1998 ZINCWARE SOFTWARE COMPANY. All Rights Reserved. [Install] After Normal install procedure, set the correct time zone in Date / Time properties of win95. *** check to make sure the Time Zone setting is Correct in win95, most people ignore to set time zone value, this program need the correct longitude to convert Calendar to moon calendar (Lunar calendar). [Uninstall] -Use control panel->Add/remove program to uninstall -deltree where application install. [Screen Saver] -Please move *.scr from your install directory to your window system directory in order to use screen saver.(e.g. move *.scr \window\system) -Then choose ZFortune teller from display propeties->screen saver. [how to use] There are total threee page in the program. On page 1 : key in date of birth include time, press Destiny button, you will see the monthly Lucky index bar. Display year button will display brief look for your whole life lucky index for every five year. Display month button will display every month lucky index. it may not effect you too much since year index is more poweful effect you. (shareware may have limit function ) On page 2 : It is a normal calendar, you can add daily memo. add memo : Double click calendar when you want to add daily appointment or memo. key in new memo message in pop up box,select color, press add memo button to add memo on the selected day. delele : selected day to delete memo message, then press delete button or Del key. Today : press today will go back to today. text search : key in text in find box for searching,(no case check) press find button will search through all daily memo start from the selected day last to 2100 year. list daily memo : list all dayily memo after the selected day. wall paper: put memo box text to wal paper. Use properties->background to change back to previous wall paper. print out : print out text in memo text box. Image : click image to change another image.(size 125X180) click small calendar change to next month, click year spin button to change year. click month spin button to change month. On page 3 : In Extra Memo, select color, add weekly, montly or yearly memo. add weekly : you can add weekly memo message by enter message on extra memo, selected color, select week day such as monday, click add weekly button. add monthly: enter extra memo, select color , select day in the month, (Feb have 28 or 29 days only). press add monthly button. add anniversary: enter extra memo message, enter month, day(e.g. 12/25), press add aniversary to add yearly memo. count down : enter extra memo message, enter month, day, year (e.g. 01/01/2000), press count down button, it will display number from selected day to the count down day in calendar memo. delete : select event on the right list box, press delete button or key. [Fortune Teller] You have to understand your Distiny is in your own hand, you have to work hard in order to have better living environment, you have a clean home, good food and you have healthy. But on the other hand, some unexpect things may happen. This program may not help you to get rid of your bad luck. Try to take care your self when you are in unstable period, use your brain, for example, some people will goto study, get another job, get marriage with someone that you love, Delay project or plan until you find something righr or wrong. In some case, you may need new floor plan. In some other case, you may move from east coast to west coast, north to south.... The ancient fortune teller believe date of birth is the most important, It can effect your whole life, the second important is lucky, third is living enviroment, character(parent), qualification. Time change everything. Now a day, lucky is hight priority than everything, day of birth and living environment is less important. Please notes that if you do not feel good about the lucky index, or you are a special person that is out of the program can detect, close the program, and uninstall from window95 now. There are no fortune teller can give you dayily checking since there are many fact to affect accurate. What is the lucky index mean? if you see index is going up(e.g. 51,52,53,54,.....62) you are very stable, you can have do a big plan,big project with successful result. if your index is 90,30,80,40,70..., you may need to think about it, it have the meaning of unstatable. It could mean bad relationships with your family or friends,boss, problem with financal, health, and happiness. When you see red cross, mean you may have physical or mental problems. Pair of scales mean you may have a lot of problems this year. space ship mean you may have long journey. Who designed the formula? Few thousand years ago in East Asia ancient science. Basic on what Rule or theory? Year, month, human, earth have their own five basic element, if they against to each other, you will become unstable. What is five basic element? wood(east), fire(south), earth(center), metal(west) and water(north). Their relation are similar to government, parent, youself, son and wife. What year and month have this element? In the Chinese calendar(lunar clendar), there are 60 year cycles basic on 10 constellations(heavenly stems) and the 12 earthly branches. They also use 12 zodiac to repesent the personality of people. Monthly cycles is same structure as year cycle. The first year is start from 2697 A.D. , so you can mod(2697+1998,60) to get what year cycles of 1998, you can . Same as month cycles. (I may not translate correctly for this term) what is chinese zodiac(Horoscope)? They are rat,ox,tiger,rabbit,dragon,snake,horse,sheep, monkey,rooster,dog,boar. The human will have close related character to this animals. Why Two person have same day of birth, they do not have same lucky? If they are not born in same longitude,latitude, they have different predicition, experience, characters, emotional, attitudes to other person, so they will face diffenent living environment. From this, you may understand more about the east asia culture, The main purpose of this program is help you to understand more about the characteristic of human related to the season. In East Asia, people are still use this method to match their son, wife, employee, boss ...., is that bad? [ Disclaimer ] see the licence agreement file "licence.txt" also Each article appearing in the ZFortune teller Calendar is bound by any disclaimer that appears within it. The editor assumes absolutely no responsibility whatsoever for any effect that this file viewer or any of the ZFortune teller articles have on you,your sanity, computer, spouse, children, pets or anything else related to you or your existance. No warranty is provided nor implied with this information. The accuracy of the information contained is subject to conjecture. Use all information at your own risk. ALL shareware files must be distributed without Fee and all the original unmodified Zfortune teller articles. The distribution rights of individual articles is at the discretion of the authors. Some sections are provide for shareware version. No any part of this publication may be copy, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a server system, or translated into other language or computer language, in any form or whether it is electronic, mechanical, magnetic(Floppy,MO), optical(CD-R,DVD), manual, text or otherwise, without prior written consent of ZINCWARE SOFTWARE COMPANY. ZINCWARE SOFTWARE COMPANY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AS TO THIS SOFTWARE, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITHOUT EVEN LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, FUNCTIONALITY, DATA INTEGRITY OR PROTECTION. Trademarks of other companies mentioned in this documentation appear for identification purposes only and are the property of their respective companies. ZFortune Teller Calendar can not be use as any commercial purpose. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 1998 ZINCWARE SOFTWARE COMPANY. All Rights Reserved. END of this txt.