***PLEASE READ***** PLEASE PRINT ADDENDUM.WRI AND INSERT INTO MANUAL. MUCH OF THE INFORMATION ABOUT EDITING, IN THE MANUAL, HAS CHANGED! ------------------------------------------------------------------ Last minute information for ChemPen98 version 1.20 Windows 95 If you are installing from a floppy disk: 1. Make a backup copy of the ChemPen98 Disk 2. Insert the disk into floppy drive A: 3. Double Click the 'My Computer' Icon 4. Double Click the Floppy Disk Icon 5. Double Click setup.exe 6. Wait until you are prompted for the Installation Complete Message. 7. Enter the 8 digit code, on the floppy disk label, when prompted for the unlock code. If you are using a zip file: 1. Unzip files to an installation directory of your choice preferably 2. InstallChemPen98 3. select Setup.exe and follow instructions 4. Enter the 8 digit code, on the floppy disk label, when prompted for the unlock code. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes from ChemPen98 1.00, 1.03, 1.05 1. The Atom Editor has charge buttons +1 and -1 that increase or the selected atom's charge by +1 or -1. The charge can be increased or decreased with the +/= or -(minus) key. 2. The atom editor has +H and -H buttons that increment or decrement the number of implicit hydrogens by one. Implicit protons of non metals can be increased(Upped) or decreased(D) with the U and D key. 3. The main menu has been reduced to one level. However the number of functions has increased. 4. Branch allows you to branch a bond, some non-metal atoms or popular functional groups from existing atoms. 5 Protonate and deprotonate let you branch explicit protons from all atoms with implicit hydrogens. Non metals such as O, S and N have implicit hydrogens depending on the number and types of bonds attached. Protonation is 3D 6. Group Editor features three axis rotation rotate, turn and tilt Two settings +/-180 degrees and +/-30 degrees can be selected for the group editor slider in its rotation modes. 7. ChemPen98 can now display, but not generate ChemPen3D drawings 8. Chempen98 no longer contains the demonstration NMR module. 9. The bond editor displays bond length and Dreiding force field strain energy. 10. No Scrollbars - The scroll bars have been eliminated for a cleaner look. Use arrows to move drawing by small jumps. Use Shift+Arrow to move by 32 units New keyboard shortcuts: ------------------------------------------------------------------ The following keys change the nearest atom to the mouse pointer to the corresponding atom: H hydrogen C carbon O oxygen S sulfur N nitrogen F fluorine X chlorine Y bromine I iodine Z selenium Q silicon B boron Delete - deletes the nearest atom The bond nearest to the mouse pointer can be edited by the following keys 1 - changes a bond to a single bond 2 - changes bond to a double bond 3 - changes bond to a triple bond 4 - changes bond to a resonence double bond 5 - changes bond to a dotted bond. K deletes a bond L links two atoms closest to mouse pointer. A Toggles bond between aromatic and non aromatic. This is only useful for the internal NMR and other property prediction routines. The Bond is highlighted in blue when toggled to aromatic. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Molecular weight on the "Special" menu item is now "Molecular Data" on the "Calculate Menu" and gives the Molecular weight, the molecular formula and the % compositions of each element. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C-13 NMR demo database NMR is currently not supported. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bug fixes 1. Fixes problems with loss editor buttons under Windows 95 2. Fixes several memory leaks 3. Corrects functionality of ring tilting when fusing to nitrogens and oxygens in rings 4. Corrects 213 error that occurs if you try to clone a group in a drawing that contains symbols. 5. Corrects errors in the reflect and flip behavior of arc arrows 6. Several serious memory leaks have been plugged 7. Double bonds no longer shift sides when group is rotated. 8. Arc rotation now works. Ordering/Registration Information ------------------------------------------------------------------- You can order Chem98 through NorthStar Solutions,Inc by any of the following ways. ALTUS accepts MasterCard, VISA and Discover Ordering / Registering ChemPen98 ChemPen98 is $39+S&H ChemPen3D is $99+S&H 1. Order ChemPen98 or ChemPen3D over secure internet form via Northstar Solutions, Inc. Point your web browser to http://www.nstarsolutions.com/1078.htm 2. PHONE 800 699-6395 or 785 539-3731 (9am - 7pm, CST, Monday - Friday) 3. MAIL Orders 4. FAX ORDERS 5. E-MAIL Orders: Supply information requested in the Mail Order Form and send to: CompuServe: starmail America Online: starmail Internet: Starmail@compuserve.com 6. Compuserve members: GO SWREG: ChemPen ID: 11961 ChemPen ID: 16810 7. To order ChemPen by check or money order use the Check Order Form ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Compuserve Members can Register ChemPen98 via the Shareware Registration Forum. GO SWREG and enter Registration ID: 11961 ------------------------------------------------------------------ FAX/MAIL ORDERS ChemPen/ChemPen3D Credit Card Order Form Name:____________________________________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________________________________ Town/City:____________________________________State: _______Zip Code_______________ Email Address_________________________ Phone Day:____________________________Phone Evening__________________________ Operating System _______ Windows 95/Windows NT _________Windows 3.1 ChemPen/ChemPen98(2822)Copies: ________X $39+$0.00 EMailS&H Sub Total__________ ChemPen/ChemPen98(2823)Copies: ________X $39+$2.00 USA S&H($4Intl)Sub Total__________ ChemPen3D/ChemPen3D98(2825)Copies:_____X $99+$0.00 EMail S&H Sub Total__________ ChemPen3D/ChemPen3D98(2826)Copies:_____X $99+$2.00 USA S&H($4Intl)SubTotal___________ Total______________ Please charge my __Visa __MasterCard __Discover # ________-________-________-________ Exp. Date_______/________ Signature____________________________________________________________ FAX to : 1-785-539-3743 (24 hours) or Mail to: NorthStar Solutions 1228 Westloop, Suite 204 Manhattan, KS 66502 ------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK/MONEY Orders - ChemPen/ChemPen3D Check Order Form Check or Money Order Drawn on U.S. Bank in U.S. Funds. Make Payable to Hilton Evans. Registered ChemPen/Chempen3D users receive the latest version. Versions 2823 and 2826 are shipped Air Mail with on 3.5" disk(s) with printed manual. All versions include Manual in Winhelp format. Name:____________________________________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________________________________ Town/City:____________________________________State: _______Zip Code_______________ Email Address_________________________ Operating System _____ Windows 95/Windows NT _____ Windows 3.1 ChemPen/ChemPen98(2822)Copies: ________X $39+$0.00 EMailS&H Sub Total__________ ChemPen/ChemPen98(2823)Copies: ________X $39+$2.00 USA S&H($4Intl)Sub Total__________ ChemPen3D/ChemPen3D98(2825)Copies:_____X $99+$0.00 EMail S&H Sub Total__________ ChemPen3D/ChemPen3D98(2826)Copies:_____X $99+$2.00 USA S&H($4Intl)SubTotal___________ Total______________ Mail this form to : Hilton Evans 232 Canton Street 312 Randolph MA 02368 Contact hfevans@compuserve.com to verify address. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Need help? Want to report a bug? Have suggestions or critiques? Please contact Hilton Evans at: HFEvans@ICI.net or 102303.2120@compuserve.com or 232 Canton Street #312 Randolph, MA 02368 ChemPen98 ©1994,1995,1996 Hilton Evans