*********************************************************************** PIE Products *********************************************************************** Professionally Inspired Entrepreneurs *** Presents *** Data Management Systems Series "Controlling Your Business 98" Version 3.5 For Windows(R) 3x or Higher *********************************************************************** README CONTENTS *********************************************************************** ----- Also Available in a 32bit Version ----- A.) How to order B.) Last Minute Info On Screen Resolutions 1.) Description 2.) Internet Packing List 3.) Evaluation Information 4.) Installation Instructions 5.) Program Modules 6.) In The Interest Of Shareware 7.) Contact Information 8.) Points of Interest 9.) What's New *********************************************************************** A.) How To Order *********************************************************************** -------------------------------- *** CASH: *** -------------------------------- To order by cash, check, or money order, use the "DMS Order Form" that prints from the report menu of CYB. It will give you all of the appropriate information. Orders are being shipped on CD unless otherwise requested. Send $89.95 (US Dollars) Check or Money Order to: Mark E. Crum -or- Professionally Inspired Entrepreneurs 115 Dundee Dr. Battle Creek, MI 49014 ------------------------------------------ *** CREDIT CARD: *** ------------------------------------------ For your convenience we have contracted NorthStar Solutions, to process any orders you may wish to place with your Visa, MasterCard, or Discover card in any manner shown bellow. We personally checked out their service and found it to be extremely fast and reliable. Note: For technical support or comments about this program, please do not contact NorthStar Solutions. They have been contracted for Credit Card orders only. Your cooperation is appreciated. Of course you may still order by Check or Money Order directly from the Professionally Inspired Entrepreneurs. *NOTE: Please have the following information ready: * Product # 2539 - Controlling Your Business 98 - (16 Bit) * Product # 2738 - Controlling Your Business 98 - (32 Bit) * Visa, Master Card, Discovery, Number & Expire Date * Name, Address, Phone, E-Mail * INTERNET: http://www.nstarsolutions.com/1044.htm * Fill out the FAST, EASY and SECURE order form. You and I will automatically be notified with your order confirmation and your software will be sent to you immediately! Though all methods listed are very efficient. This is the fastest method. PHONE - 10am - 8pm: 1-(800)-699-6395, 1-(785) 539-3731 FAX - Available 24 Hours: 1-(785) 539-3743 E-Mail: starmail@nstarsolutions.com Note: The methods above are for credit card orders only. Note: Order information can also be found in Help File Format in ORDERHLP.HLP. An icon will be created during installation. *********************************************************************** B.) Last Minute Info On Screen Resolutions *********************************************************************** The evaluation version of 'Controlling Your Business 98' is designed for a screen resolution of 640x480. Therefore if you would like to see use it full screen you must change your screen resolution to 640x480. Note: Dynamic Rescaling is not available in the evaluation version. In the full version we have included support for all resolutions. So whatever resolution you prefer you will be able to use CYB full screen. You will also have the choice of using the "Dynamic Rescaling" routines or not. This is extremely useful for laptop users and those with slower machines. To enable/disable Rescaling routines, go to the variables screen and toggle the appropriate YES/NO selection. For greater performance on slower machines select not to rescale. *********************************************************************** 1.) Description *********************************************************************** This is the first installment of the Data Management Systems Series (DMS). "Controlling Your Business 98" (CYB) is primarily intended for the home based business, however, it is suitable for any type of small business. It is designed to control ALL aspects of business Customers, Product, Orders, Services, Inventory, Invoicing etc. (see Program Modules). While being extremely easy to use it utilizes the kind of professional power that you would expect from a completely configurable software package. Most business owners do not have the time to program suitable data base programs to take care of their affairs. We have taken countless hours, days, weeks, months..... and did the programming for you. Now you can concentrate on your real motivation.... Making More Money! Time is money, and money is time! This is a perfect alternative to high priced Television advertised business software that requires lengthy setups and/or development on your part. CYB is absolutely "LOAD & GO!" *********************************************************************** 2.) Internet / BBS Packing List *********************************************************************** *** (5 FILES:) *** *** (Some Internet downloads may be one zip file with only one "SETUPE16.EXE file) *** If there is one zip file but five "SETUPE16.x" files, you can copy each to 3-1/2 disks or all to a temp directory for installation. See installation instructions below. --- (CYB_1OF5.ZIP) --- SETUPE16.EXE README.TXT FILEDIZ.TXT LICENSE.TXT --- (CYB_2of5.ZIP) --- SETUPE16.2 README.TXT FILEDIZ.TXT LICENSE.TXT --- (CYB_3of5.ZIP) --- SETUPE16.3 README.TXT FILEDIZ.TXT LICENSE.TXT --- (CYB_4of5.ZIP) --- SETUPE16.4 README.TXT FILEDIZ.TXT LICENSE.TXT --- (CYB_5of5.ZIP) --- SETUPE16.5 README.TXT FILEDIZ.TXT LICENSE.TXT *** (1 FILE:) *** --- (CYB_DMS.ZIP) --- SETUPE16.EXE README.TXT FILEDIZ.TXT LICENSE.TXT *********************************************************************** You can obtain a shareware version that can be installed from 3-1/2 Disk or CD by sending $10.00 shipping and handling to: Mark E. Crum 115 Dundee Dr. Battle Creek, MI 49014 Note: The $10.00 charge is refundable upon purchasing the Registered Version of Controlling Your Business 98. *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** 3.) Evaluation Information *********************************************************************** At consumer request, this is a full version of CYB for evaluation only. It is not limited in functions other than support for Dynamic Screen Rescaling. It is a 30/30 evaluation, meaning you can use CYB for 30 days and up to 30 entries per category (30 People, 30 Products, 30 Orders etc.) I personally use it to conduct a multi faceted business, with products of different nature and of services. I can honestly say that I would not dream of being without this program! *********************************************************************** 4.) Installation Instructions *********************************************************************** *** FIVE DISK INTERNET / BBS VERSION (Evaluation Version) --- --- (Some Internet downloads may be one (1) disk) a.) pkunzip all five disks into a temporary directory or each zip file to a 3-1/2 Floppy Disks 1 thru 5 b.) start Windows (R) if necessary c.) Select File/Run (Win31), Click Start/Run (Win95) browse the temp directory (or type: A:\SETUPE16.EXE for disks) d.) Select SETUPE16.EXE and hit enter or click OK e.) Follow the setup prompts. f.) The setup program does the rest! *** Controlling You Business 98 CD ROM (Registered Version) --- --- (You may also request CYB 98 on 3-1/2 Floppy Disks) a.) Insert CD into your CD ROM drive. Wait for your CDRom Drive to register the CD. If you are using Windows 95 an AutoPlay Menu will apear allowing you to select options from a on screen menu. If the AutoPlay Menu does not apear you can start it by executing AUTOPLAY.EXE on the root directory of the CD. Skip to step "e.)" or if need be... continue with the following. b.) Start Windows (R) if necessary. c.) Select File/Run, browse the CD ROM drive select "WIN31\SETUP16.EXE" for 16 Bit or "WIN95\SETUP32.EXE" for 32 Bit versions d.) Select the appropriate SETUPxx.EXE and hit enter or click OK. e.) Follow the setup prompts. f.) The setup program does the rest! *********************************************************************** 5.) PROGRAM MODULES *********************************************************************** It contains modules for: Customers, Prospects, Products, Services, Orders, Follow -Up, Inventory, Invoicing, Profit / Loss, Expenses, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Supplier Info, Appointments, Returns, Financial Reports for tax time, Merge Mailer, Comprehensive searches, Product Re-Order Searches, Customer Re-Order Searches, Company paid Commissions, All Categories Are Completely User Configurable, Un-limited criteria's for Search/Sort and Printing of all your important business records. Free Technical Phone Support, 30% commission on referral sales, Probably Forgot something....!, And More! We Guarantee that you will find Controlling Your Business both powerful and very easy to use. *********************************************************************** 6.) In The Interest Of Shareware *********************************************************************** Please distribute all files in their original state. This program is protected by United States Copyright Law and International Treaties. Registration of this program entitles you to a 30% Finders Fee / Commission on referral sales. *********************************************************************** 7.) Contact Information *********************************************************************** If you have any questions Please E-Mail me at: markcrum@mail.iserv.net Or visit us at this internet address: http://www.iserv.net/~markcrum/ If you are SERIOUSLY INTERESTED you may contact: PLEASE... Only if you are serious! Mark E. Crum 115 Dundee Dr. Battle Creek, MI 49014 (616) 968-8496 PS. Please e-mail me about any suggestions. You may be eligible to receive a free update of changes you submit. *********************************************************************** 8.) Points of Interest *********************************************************************** Be sure to check out the CYB Help file for further info and developments. It contains information on how you can earn commissions on CYB sales and other important information. *********************************************************************** 9.) What's New *********************************************************************** New In version 3.5: * Brand new setup program that saves on resources and allows 16 and 32 bit installs. * Minor "quirks" fixed * Updated ReadMe and License Agreements * CYB_TAB.MDB was updated, therefore if you have the eval version below v3.5 than you must delete the CYB_TAB.MDB before you install the full version. The full version will not overwrite the data tables but the evaluation version will overwrite. So if you install the new eval version don't worry about the table (only if installing the Registered Version when you have installed a version less than 3.5 do you have to delete it) If you are upgrading an existing Registered version, PIE will update your data table. * CYB now supports an Uninstall feature in both 16 and 32 bit versions *********************************************************************** Professionally Inspired Entrepreneurs Copyright 1996-98 ***********************************************************************