1 HOOOOOPRadon 1.00 Copyright 1995 Morgan McGuire Designed and Programmed by Morgan McGuire and Laura Wollstadt Distributed World-Wide by Morgan Systems This is the next generation of tetris games; fully customizable so the hours of fun never end. You set the game rules, keys, appearance and size. Then choose which Radon world you want to play: in addition to the classic block set, there are whole new game variations. Some have wild textures and shapes, others morph rather than rotating. Masters of of the classic game can find new challenges, and beginners can have the whole range of possibilities. Because all of the blocks are 3d sculpted and rendered, we recommend you use a video driver with more than 256 colors (supports Monochrome through 16M colors). Radon was designed for the Windows 95, NT Server, NT Workstation, 3.1, 3.11, and OS/2 3.0+ platforms. You need at least 2MB of RAM and 1MB of hard drive space to run Radon. The Following People Worked on the Radon Project: Art, Design & Programming Morgan McGuire, msys3000@aol.com Laura Wollstadt, msysart@aol.com Design Consulting Max McGuire, maximusm@aol.com Original Music Score Jeremy S. van Buskirk, JSVB@aol.com Jeremy Doyle, PuddinTyme@aol.com Kent Annas, Renegade75@aol.com Doug L. Snead, dlsnead@aol.com Merek Royce Press, 74722.3661@compuserve.com Lawrence D. Goodman, goodmanl@aol.com Adam Luikart, Phoenix777@aol.com Walter Kiefer, walterkief@aol.com Edward W. Wilson, EWWilson@aol.com Disk Label Design Alison Schettini, Alision Graphics NSCR78A@prodigy.com Playtesting Matt Scheuring Laughton M. Stanley Forrester Liddle Jeff Gold Takashi Iri Jonathan Zaleskey Chris Gadda Moses Riccio Alfred D. Peters Equipment Support Grant Smith To Install the Registered Version of Radon: Insert the Radon Disk in your floppy drive. From Program Manager, run the program "setup.exe" off the floppy drive. You will be prompted for a directory; to accept the default, press enter. The installation program will copy all of the files you need to your hard drive and create an icon for you. To run Radon, double click on the icon. To Install the Shareware Version of Radon: 1. Create a directory for the Radon files (c:\radon) 2. Copy the file RADONZIP.EXE into that directory 3. Run RADONZIP 4. Delete RADONZIP.EXE 5. From Program Manager, select a program group 6. Select File, then New from the Program Manager menu bar 7. In the Dialog box which pops up, select New Program Item, then Ok 8. Type the following information in the new Dialog: Program Name Radon Shareware Command Line C:\radon\radon.exe Working Directory C:\radon Shortcut Key (none) 9. Press Ok To run Radon, double click on the new icon. If you receive a dialog which says you need VBRUN300.DLL, obtain this file from AOL (file search), Microsoft (ftp.microsoft.com), or the Morgan Systems Web Page (http://web.mit.edu/user/m/o/morganm/www/msys.html). You may use Radon for a period of 15 consecutive days. After that period has elapsed, you are expected to register the program if you wish to continue using it. To register, send US$10.00 to: Morgan McGuire Radon 115 Grove Street Tarrytown, NY 10591 Please make all checks payable to Morgan McGuire. You will receive the registered version on 1 HD 3.5" floppy disk via US Mail. The registered version comes complete with new worlds, an installation program and more music. You will also receive technical support and be notified of any free upgrades or product releases. Customizing the Blocks If you are a registered user, you may add more Radon Worlds by downloading free add-ons from the Morgan Systems Web Page (listed below), AOL and other distribution sites. The add-ons are clearly marked as such and are distributed by Morgan Systems. Customizing the Music You can customize the background music in Radon. To add music to Radon, simply copy .MID files into your Radon directory. They will be inserted randomly into the playlist. You can obtain more .MID files from the Morgan Systems Web site (lised below) as well as many other internet sites and online services. To remove music from the playlist, use Media Player (mplayer.exe) to listen to the .MID files in the Radon directory. Delete any files you do not like, and they will no longer appear in the playlist. Searching for the name of a composor on AOL in the software library will return all of their uploaded music selections. All of our composors have other .MID songs in AOL's archives. Many of the musicians who contributed to Radon are willing to create music for hire. If you are interested in contracting their services professionally (for multimedia projects, games or other projects), you may send e-mail to the addresses listed in the credits (button in the about box). Visit the Morgan Systems Web and FTP Sites! http://web.mit.edu/~morganm/www/msys.html ftp to: vampire.mit.edu (user anonymous, e-mail password) Free software, audio, images and game screen shots. Product information and Internet services. Updated Every Week. For More Information You can e-mail to MSys3000@aol.com for more information, support or other inquiry. If your company is interested in web page or custom software design, please view our web page and write to us. Solutions to Common Problems Errors Involving THREED.VBX You need to use the DOS DIR command to look at the two copies of the file THREED.VBX: one is in the Radon directory, the other is in your Windows\System Directory. If the one in the Windows\System directory is newer, erase the one in your Radon directory. Otherwise, copy the Radon one to Windows\System. Restart Windows and run Radon again. Radon Hangs, then Resumes Sometimes There are many reasons the game may pause for a short period of time (less than one second). The cause of this interruption is related to the events occuring when it happens. If the game pauses while loading, you may be running to many other programs, or have a slow hard drive. Place Radon on your fastest drive. If you are running Windows NT, disable the Run In Separate Memory Space option. The registered version loads significantly faster than the shareware version. If the game pauses while a piece is falling, you are probably running other applications in the background. Even small ones, like clocks or daemons, can slow down the game. Close these and performance should improve. (If you have a fast computer and a lot of RAM, you may be able to run other programs simultaneously) If the game still runs unevenly, try using a smaller board width and turning off the background music. If the game pauses when a piece lands, your computer is having trouble loading new sound and graphics. Make sure that you are using SMARTDRIVE if you are running Windows 3.11 or 95 with DOS, and your disk cache is larger than 1MB. Consult your DOS manual for help installing SMARTDRIVE. Reducing the number of other applications running will help, as will disabling background music. Please note a small pause is normal. I Don't Hear Any Sound or Music You need to have a sound card installed with Windows drivers and speakers or headphones to hear the sounds in Radon. Make sure that Background Music and Sound Effects are both checked under the Options menu in Radon (if you turn them on or off, they will remain set even if you close Radon and restart it). If you have a volume control on the outside of your computer or speakers, turn that on. If you have software volume control, you will need MIDI or Synth and WAV sounds, so make sure their volume is set. When the game starts, you should hear "Welcom To Radon," and when you look at the high scores window, theme music should play. Ensure you have the files "_high.mid" and "radond.wav" in your Radon directory if you do not, you should re-install the program. There should be a number of other .wav and .mid files as well. If you cannot hear sound or music after the above suggestions, you should inspect you hardware and driver setup. Other Game Bugs You can report game bugs to morganm@mit.edu.earching for the namwwsokgc#_u[WSOmK, m~wsn jE e a \% X& S O JmK S wT rnie`\WSNJmK vr nhjfbF^gZBVOQtMI wEsokgxc_[WSO K w s okgxc_[WSO Kx=@uwooooo oo<<%rKrnrrrrr*rNrsrurrrrrrrrr< rr&r:rHrWrjrmrrrr  E G ~ <  L  / G I W Z " $ 5 = P f f h )xgx<gxxxx  fhDFt<  fhDFt<  Arialgrams, or have a slow hard drive. Place Radon on your fastest drive. If you are running Windows NT, disable the R