DISK PROTECT PRG formatted GEOS file V1.0 Star NX-1000 `uper.doc GEOLIST LASTER'S ONVERTER FONT THIEF SEQ VIEW DiskProtect V2.5 @Robert L. Thaller Change a disk to Boot, Master or Work type. Disk name: Master Insert disk you wish to PROTECT or UNPROTECT in Drive A: Do you want to PROTECT or UNPROTECT another disk? Operation canceled due to disk error: NON-GEOS disk. Operation canceled due to isk error: Switching of disk. Operation canceled due to disk error: Not enough blocks Invalid track Insufficient space Directory is full File not found Bad BAM in drive Can't organize a REU GEOS structure mismatch Buffer overFlow Directory is empty Device not present No header block Unformatted or missing disk No data block found Data checksum error Inco atable filetypes Write verify error Write protect on Header checksum error Disk ID mismatch DOS mismatch Unrecognized disk error 3 G W l