GEOS - Drivers ARCed files (.ARC) can be uncompacted using ARC250.SDA (DIR 7), or CS-DOS Geos files must be CONVERTed from regular format to GEOS format after downloading using CNVRT25.PRG (DIR 15) before they can be used under Geos. bluechip.seq 1024 11-07-90 Ascii only printer driver for the BlueChip D12/10. Make sure all dips are down, except for #3. (CC c13512mh.seq 1024 10-27-90 128 C1351 2MHZ input driver. By pressing the right mouse button, then C128 will toggle between 1, and 2 mhz mode. Great for geoPublish. (CC c1526fix.seq 1152 12-09-90 This is a geos driver for 1526/mps-802. It is faster than the original version. Thanks to the author. (MC citohdrv.sfx 9344 02-07-94 A collection of printer drivers for the C.Itoh printers and Geos. Load and run to dissolve, and the use convert 2.5 to convert to geos format. Uploaded by: Commodore Chairman epred_ms.seq 2048 11-07-90 A modified EPSON RED printer driver that allows you to choose the number of passes per line (1-6). (CC epsn-128.seq 2176 12-05-88 Enchanced driver. EPSON compatiables (128)AB epsn-64.seq 2176 12-05-88 Enchanced driver. EPSON compatiables. (64) AB epson24.seq 2048 11-07-90 A single pass, 90 DPI smoothing driver for Epson comapatable 24 pin printers. Operates at 2 MHZ when used with Geos 128, and a XETEX GOLD interface. (CC epson24p.seq 2048 11-07-91 Shell printer driver that operates in 180 DPI mode of Epson 24-pin printers to produce smoother 80 dpi output. Great for 9 & 10 point fonts! (CC epsondrv.sfx 16384 02-07-94 A collection of Epson printer drivers for Geos. Load and run to dissolve, then use convert 2.5 to convert to Geos format. Uploaded by: Commodore Chairman epsonl21.prg 2048 02-18-91 A 2-pass driver for EPSON/PANASONIC 1080/1090 compatables. 240 DPI printout. (CC epsonrd.sda 7168 05-11-91 A collection of EPSON REDUCING printer drivers. CC epsredgc.seq 2048 10-24-89 Epson reducing printer driver for use with geoCable. (CC eptiny.seq 2048 11-07-90 A midified EPSON RED printer driver that reduces the printout to 1/3 of its original size. (CC ex800drv.prg 2176 10-22-92 printer driver for ex800 printer. use convert 2.5 to convert to geos format. ex800g35.seq 2176 04-16-90 An EPSON or compatable printer driver with 72, 80, 144 or 240 DPI for use with geoCable. 240 DPI uses a special 6 pass method for better output. (CC ex800gc.seq 2176 10-24-89 Enhanced printer driver with special 6 pass option for use with geoCable. (CC ex800_35.seq 2176 04-16-90 An EPSON or compatable printer driver with 72, 80, 144 or 240 DPI choices. 240 DPI has a special 6 pass. (CC gemindrv.sfx 8192 07-30-93 Five printer drivers for Gemini printers in Geos. Load and run to dissolve into yhe 5 files, then use convert 2.5 to convert to Geos format. injet2.sfx 21504 11-07-90 Load and run to dissolve. Allows you to print multiple columns in LANDSCAPE mode on the Hewlett Packard Deskjet(+). (CC lm1124.arc 2048 02-04-91 A LaserMatrix printer driver for the Panasonic 1124 printer in EPSON LQ-2500 mode. lm1124_2.prg 2048 02-12-91 A LASERMATRIX driver for the KX-P1124 in LQ-2500 mode which now prints in true horizontal and vertical proportions. (CC miscdrvr.sfx 12288 02-07-94 A collection of input drivers for Geos. Lightpen, Koala, and mouse drivers. Load and run to dissolve, and the use convert 2.5 to change to geos format. Uploaded by: Commodore Chairman mps10dd.prg 1152 02-07-92 Double density printer driver for the MPS1000 in 5152+ mode. Serial - DIP switches 1 & 3 must be on. mps10qd.prg 2048 02-07-92 Quad density printer drive for the MPS1000 in 5152+ mode. Serial - DIP switches 1 & 3 must be on. mps10sd.prg 1152 02-07-92 Single density printer driver for the MPS1000 in 5152+ mode. Serial - DIP switches 1, 3 & 8 must be on. newinput.sfx 7168 05-12-94 new modified mouse drivers for 1531 mouse and Geos. Right button double-clicks. Uploaded by: Commodore Chairman ntve128.sfx 20480 12-20-94 New drivers for CMD hard drive native partitions under Geos. Fixes the bugs that sometimes scramble partition directories load and run to dissolve Uploaded by: Commodore Chairman nx-1000l 2176 12-15-89 Enhanced geos printer driver for the star nx1000. download as nx-1000 nl 2.seq (DC nx100035.seq 2176 03-28-90 NX-1000/6 3.5 is a printer driver for the Star NX-1000 or compat. that will do 6 passes on each line, making the output close to laser printer quality. Same as EX-800 driver, but defaults to 240 DPI. (CC nx100090.prg 2176 02-12-91 Allows 7 different graphics printing modes, different printer fonts, different form lengths and pitches, normal/proportional printing. SEE FILE 'NX10009D.PRG' for DOCS. nx100090.seq 2176 11-07-90 Star NX-1000 printer driver. Use any one of the NX-1000s built in fonts, 4 different form lengths, all 4 pitches, and proportional/non proportional printing. Allows the use of embeded text codes for underlining, double high letters etc... (CC nx10009d.prg 4096 02-12-91 Docs to 'NX100090.PRG'. (CC nx10009d.seq 4096 11-07-90 Docs to NX100090.SEQ (CC nx1000dr.sfx 7168 10-22-92 printer driver for nx-1000 printer. load and run to dissolve, then use convert 2.5 to change to geos format GEOS nx1000lm.seq 2048 03-28-90 NX-1000-II LM is a laser matrix printer driver that enhances the output on a Star NX-1000 or compat. (CC nx1000sr.sfx 13312 11-07-90 The source code to a Star NX-1000 printer driver in geoProgrammer format. Load and run to dissolve. (CC nx10rvf.prg 1152 04-21-91 A STAR NX-10 printer driver that does a REVERSE form feed after printing to align the paper to the TOP of the printed page. Single strike. (CC nx10rvf2.prg 2048 04-21-91 A STAR NX-19 printer driver that does a REVERSE form feed after printing to align the paper to the TOP of the printed page. Double strike. (CC nx10ulgc.seq 3072 04-09-91 A triple pass driver for the Star NX-10 with geoCable. okidrv.sfx 10240 02-07-94 A collection of printer drivers for the Oki printers and Geos. Load and run to dissolve, and then use convert 2.5 to change to Geos format. Uploaded by: Commodore Chairman pntovly 2176 07-24-88 Overlays documents. Creates a geoPaint file posterp.sda 9216 01-20-92 A printer driver that makes posters using 4 pages instead of one. Based on the Epson FX-80 driver. Read instructions! posterp3.sda 11264 02-24-92 A printer driver that makes posters using 4 pages instead of one. Based on the Epson FX-80 driver. Geos 64 only. prnt1124.sfx 20480 06-21-90 GEOS printer drivers for Panasonic 1124 read (SEQ) docs included. Use CONVERT 2.5 shelldc2.sda 50176 11-29-90 GeoProgrammer source code for creating your own printer drivers. Half of the code is already written for you! (CC sp1200lm.seq 2048 04-21-91 A lasermatrix driver for the SP1200VC Seikosha printer. Switch #3 must be on! (CC stardrv.sfx 14336 02-07-94 A collection of printer drivers for Star printers and Geos. Load and run to dissolve and then use convert 2.5 to convert to Geos format. Uploaded by: Commodore Chairman stargc.seq 1152 10-24-89 Star NX-10 printer driver for use with geoCable. (AB starlmdr.prg 2048 10-22-92 Laser-matrix printer driver for Star NX1000 printer. use convert 2.5 GEOS suprdrvr.arc 4608 08-01-88 SUPERDRIVER.ARC. Super Driver-Jul88 Gazette. tmdlbc.seq 1024 06-08-91 A modified 1351 mouse driver to run properly with the TurboMaster at 4mhz. Pressing the right button will simulate a double click.(CC ultnlq.sfx 23552 11-09-90 Allows you to print geoWrite documents in NLQ mode with graphics, or draft. Originally wrote for the NX-1000/1000C. Allows you to customize to work with nearly any printer. 60,72,80 DPI, 60 or 80 chars per line. Supports up to 4 resident fonts. Includes docs. (CC xetecgol 1152 12-15-89 Enhanced geos printer driver for the xetec gold interface. download as xetec gold.seq(DC