## version $VER: EasyFind/Spanish.ct 1.10 (24.01.97) ## language espa ## codeset 0 pted to EasyFind2.0 16.08.1997 msgMemoryError No hay suficiente memoria !! msgSelectPath Elige cam msgCancel Cancelar msgError Error msgMuimasterError No encuentro muimaster.library ! msgNoIndexName Nombre o indice no encontrado ! msgNoIndexFile No es un indice msgIndexError No puedo encontrar indice msgInvert Invertir msgNone Ninguno msgDelete Borrar msgCopy Copiar msgUnpack Descomprimir msgArchive Comprimir msgRead msgShow Mostrar msgPath msgSearchword Buscar por msgSearch Buscar msgNewIndexfile Crear nuevo indice msgcase Respetar Mayusculas msgDirNames Nombres de directorios msgExact Exacto msgIndexsearch BuscarIndice msgOptions Opciones msgProgram Programa msgIndexfile Indice msgPacker Compresor msgUnpacker Descompresor msgTextviewer Lector Texto msgPictureviewer Visor Imagenes msgSave Salvar msgStop Parar msgSearching Buscando... msgAboutMUI Sobre MUI msgAboutEasyFind Sobre EasyFind msgQuit Salir msgProject Proyecto msgOK_Cancel OK|Cancelar msgDelSelectedEntries Borrar lo seleccionado msgSelDestPath Selecciona destino msgSelDestArchive Selecciona destino y nombre msgReplaceIndexfile Fichero ya existe ! . Reemplazar ? msgGuide EasyFind_Espa ol.guide msgMinStack Ponga el Stack al menos en 40000 msgDMSSelect Selecciona disco para DMS msgFileInfo FileInfo msgScript \033lS-Script msgPure \033lP-Pure msgArchivebit \033lA-Archive msgReadable \033lR-Read msgWritable \033lW-Write; msgExecuteable \033lE-Execute msgDeletable \033lD-Delete msgProtectionbits Protectionbits msgFileName msgDate msgComment Comment msgSize \033cSize msgRename Rename msgSetDate Set new date msgSetComment Set new comment ;------------------- ;new strings in V2.0 ;------------------- msgCreaIfile Creating Indexfile... msgIndex Index msgInfo msgAction Action msgFiletypes filetypes msgStorage storage msgNewIfile New Indexfile msgCreaNewIfile Create new indexfile msgCurrent current msgFiletype filetype msgOK msgFilename filename msgRNC Replace|Next|Cancel msgFileexists File already exists ! msgIdirnotfound Directory for indexfiles not found ! msgErrwriteifile Could not write indexfile ! msgMaxfound files/directories found. msgContCancel Continue|Cancel msgHotDelete msgHotCopy msgHotRead msgHotShow msgHotInvert msgHotNone msgHotUnpack msgHotArchive msgHotSearch msgHotSave msgHotInfo msgHotAction msgBubSList List of the found files.\nDoubleclick starts the\nfor these filetype selected action. msgBubPath EasyFind searchs within these path msgBubSword Name of the searched file/directory\No wildcards are needed msgBubSearch Select path and start search msgBubInvert Invert the selection within the list. msgBubDelete Delete all selected files msgBubUnpack Unpack all selected archives msgBubRead Read all selected files msgBubNone Unselect all files msgBubCopy Copy all selected files msgBubArchive Archive all selected files msgBubShow Show all selected pictures msgBubInfo Show info about the selected file. msgBubAction Start actions for the filetypes of the selected files msgBubFtypes List of known filetypes.\nDoubleclick to select action. msgBubSelType Name and path of the program/script\nwhich shall be started for this filetype. msgBubcasesensitive cksichtigung der Gro - und\nKleinschreibung bei der Suche msgBubDirnames Verzeichnisse mit Inhalt anzeigen, wenn das \n Suchwort im Verzeichnisnamen vorkommt msgBubExact Look only for whole words msgBubIndexsearch Use indexfiles for search msgBubPacker Name and arguments of the packer msgBubUnpacker Name and arguments of the unpacker msgBubTextview Name and path of the textviewer msgBubPicview Name and path of the pictureviewer msgBubPrefsave Save Preferences of EasyFind msgBubIfile_in_use List of Indexfiles which are used while the next search msgBubIfile_storage List of indexfile which are currently not in use msgBubtostor Move selected indexfiles to storage msgBubtouse Move selected indexfiles to "in use" msgBubNewIfile Name of the new indexfile msgBubNewIfilePath Select path and start creation of a new indexfile