Hello everyone! As I promised... O N E S C A P E E R T G ..is ready! This patch is for the commercial release! 1. How to install? Run the provided installer script. Then run - not from the CD - the program 'Escmode', choose the suitable screenmodes, and run the game (again, not from the CD!). Not more than 250K free HD space required. 2. What screenmodes to choose? You should select modes called Chunky and/or 8bit. Regarding to the size, a low-res(320x256) mode for the game screen, and a hi-res(640x400) for the menu screen. If you don't have a 320x256 mode, but a 320x240 one, I think the bottom edge of the screen won't be displayed. It's not a too big problem, but anyway, create a 320x256 mode, it worth the effort! 3. It runs, but it too slow for me.... In short: our test results show, that the Picasso96 software approx. 3 times faster than CGFX_V3. It probably because we tried it only with Picasso cards. If sw changing won't help, then I'm suggesting hw upgrade... I'm sure many of you will ask for code optimatization, but it would be as a giant work, that it isn't reasonable. Test results on 030-25, with 70ns rams: With Picasso96 software: Z3 PicassoIV: half the speed of the AGA version, almost playable. (around 7-9 fps) Z2 PicassoII+: half the speed of the pIV card. With CGFX_V3: Z2 PicassoII+: three times slower than under p96. So it seems that a 030-50 and a PicassoIV card with Picasso96 sw can produce perfect framerate So try it, or try the upcaming rtg demo. You can email me the results, but I'm not able to make the game faster :(. It would mean the total rewriting of the gfx system of the game, new image formats... Instead I feel like developing new games based on rtg graphics! Cheers, Akos Divianszky Ordering Info: -------------- To order your copy of onEscapee, either send a cheque or postal order to the address below for the sum of £30.95 (price includes postage and packing worldwide), please make sure payment is in pounds sterling. Alternatively, you can pay via credit/debit card. We accept most major cards including Visa, Switch, Mastercard, Eurocard. Sadeness Software 13 Russell Terrace Mundesley Norfolk NR11 8LJ UK TEL : 01263 722169 email : onescapee@sadeness.demon.co.uk WWW : www.sadeness.demon.co.uk