---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAIN-MENU ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW GAME -------- Starts new single/hotseat/multiplayer game. JOIN GAME --------- Opens connect to server menu. Connect to remote server running Great Nations. LOAD SAVED GAME --------------- Loads saved game and enters to lobby-screen. OPTIONS ------- Change screen resolution, multiplayer machine name and new game session name.(you can't change machine name at lobby-screen!) HELP ---- Goto help screen QUIT ---- Quit Great Nations ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOBBY AREAS GREY BUTTONS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- POWERCHART ---------- Visitors/players can look nations' statistics. Only active when game is running. If visitor/player double clicks one of statistics screen, screen zooms larger. WORLD ----- EXIT ---- Close world/server/start options menu. LOAD ---- Load saved config. SAVE ---- Save present config. DELETE ------ Delete old config(s). NEXT/PREV --------- PAGE 1/3 Select world paramaters. (only player who have superuser privileges, or started the game is able to change parameters) button with world name: select pre-drawn maps or random map. WIDTH : width of map (random only) HEIGHT : height of map (random only) LAND : percentage of land (random only) CONTINENTS : number of big continents TEMPERAT. : temperature of world (smaller=colder) HUMIDITY : humidity of world (smaller=dryer) RIVERS : percentage of rivers MOUNTAIN : percentage of mountains VILLAGE : percentage of villages EXTRA : percentage of gems, gold, oil etc.. START POS : select between random or map's build-in start positions TERRAIN : Map terrain=use map file's terrain, RANDOM=randomly generate terrain PAGE 2/3 server options. (only player who have superuser privileges or started the game is able to change parameters) NAME :change session name MAIN PASSWORD :change/add/remove connection password ACCEPT CONNECTIONS :client connection accept/denied STOP TIME IN... :is time stopped on players list or not SERVER PORT :network port (default=26000) ADMIN PASSWORD :password for superuser privileges ALLOW COOPERATIVE MODE :not implemented yet PAGE 3/3 New Game starting parameters (only player who have superuser privileges, or started the game is able to change parameters) TIME LIMIT :max time per turn LAST PLAYER'S TIME LIMIT :max time for last non-ready player 4xBUILDING/INVENTION SLOT :starting buildings and inventions 4xENDING SLOT :game ending selection 6xSTART UNIT SLOT :starting unit selection OPTIONS ------- SCREEN MODE ----------- Change resolution NEW GAME -------- Starts new game without removing visitors from lobby-screen LOAD ---- Loads saved game. SAVE ---- Save running game. Only active when game is running. (only player who have superuser privileges, or started the game is able to save game) HELP ---- Goto help screen START ----- Starts terrain generator or start the game if terrain is already generated. Game starts when all players' ready-flags (green color) are active. RETURN ------ Back to game-screen. QUIT ---- Disconnect all players if selected from server machine or only players in this machine if connected to remote server and returns to main menu. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOBBY NATION SELECTION AREA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This area shows all free nation slots, their names, nations and local, ready and active -flags. Use left mouse button to edit your name, color and nation (only allowed before game has been started) GREEN ORB BUTTON ---------------- Green color means free nation slot (max. 8 players). When taken control of nation button's color changes to red. Player can leave the nation by pressing button again color changes back to green and any other visitor can take control of nation. YELLOW ORB BUTTON ----------------- Server can't start the game without all yellow buttons have been pressed. When player is ready to start and pressed the button color chages to green. PASSWORD -------- Nation password. Player can set password by pressing the button and writing the passcode twice. When password is active button color changes to red. player can cancel password by pressing return twice in empty password qestion menu (server can also cancel passwords) NATION COLOR ------------ Player can change nation color. LEADER NAME ----------- Player can change nation leaders name. NATION NAME ----------- Player can change nation. TIME SLOT --------- Shows player game turn time. Meaning of three boxes at right of screen: 1: LOCAL-flag. Players which have this flag active are playing in this machine. 2: READY-flag. Players which have this flag active are ready to start game or ready for next game turn. 3: ACTIVE-flag. Player(s) which have this flag active are currently controlling their nation(s). (Useful in hotseat games) TEAM MODE --------- Players can select team by pressing left mouse button(max 1-8 times). All players that have a same team number will belong to same team. Nations at same team see each others terrain, units and towns and they can't attack each other or change their relation. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOBBY PLAYERS/VISITORS MACHINE NAME AREA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- YELLOW ARROW BUTTONS Scroll visitor list. RED X-BUTTON ------------ Player with superuser privileges can kick any machine from the lobby/game screens. When machine is kicked from game it can join back to lobby, but only if server have "accept connections" set YELLOW/GREEN SQARE BUTTON ------------------------- Server can add/remove superuser privileges to another client, when pressed color changes to green, then client have all the same rights as server, but client can't kick the server! If "admin password" is set, any player can get superuser privileges by typing correct password. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- GAME-screen ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- See ingame HELP for keys