UNDERSTANDING THE BODY Version CD 2.0 This CD ROM is designed to run on Archimedes, RISC PC and MPC computers which have at least 4 Megabytes of memory and a CD ROM drive. For instructions on how to install and run this program, please consult the booklet provided with this disc. ACTIVITY SHEETS Each of the four major sections of the disc contains a number of activity sheets which can be used in conjunction with the Understanding the Body CD ROM. These are collected together in a database available through the Media Index. For instructions on how to print these, please consult the booklet. CONDITIONS OF USE Users are allowed to extract text and graphics from this disc to use in their own work so long as it is not sold for gain or used outside the purchasing organisation. The video clips and sound samples must NOT be extracted from this CD ROM or run from any other medium unless you have the necessary site licence. Information on other Anglia CD ROMs and the KEY range of products is available from our distributors: SCA (Anglia Television), PO Box 18, Benfleet, Essex, SS7 1AZ Telephone / Fax: 01268 755 811 or from your usual KEY products supplier. COPYRIGHT INFORMATION Photographs: Copyright (c) 1995 Anglia Multimedia and its licensors Copyright (c) 1995 David Spears / Science Pictures Limited Copyright (c) 1995 Norwich City Council Copyright (c) 1995 Norfolk County Council Copyright (c) 1995 The Grayling Company Copyright (c) 1995 Dr J E McLaughlin Copyright (c) 1995 Norwich Family Planning Clinic Copyright (c) 1995 John Snyder Copyright (c) 1995 G R & A M Baxter Drawings and Animations: Copyright (c) 1995 Anglia Multimedia and its licensors Copyright (c) 1995 Top Floor Design Video sequences: Copyright (c) 1995 Anglia Television Copyright (c) 1995 Survival Anglia Limited QuickTime and the QuickTime Logo are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. used under licence.