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ACiD #73 - score: 7.5 out of 10

Acid released the best Halloween pack once again this year. Saffron had a very nice pic this month, and I know people are tired of hearing it, but Catbones pics are always amazing. Such original style and technique are really hard to come by in the scene these days. While some artist trap themselves by shading with only the dodge and burn settings on the airbrush tool in Photoshop, ACiD members almost always seem to find a new way of doing it. Great work once again from the ACiD crew.

I do dislike that fact that they pack their images in a RAR archives though. There are people that are just too lazy do download RAR archives and just grab ZIP files because itÆs easier. This doesnÆt turn out to be a huge problem because ACiD places every one of their images for the month on the web. ACiD also had the job of maintaining the largest scene archive on the net, thanks guys. May be someday weÆll be able to browse through all images from all the packs in the archive on the web. ItÆs a long shot, but I know there are other people out there without lives. ;)

Another minor complaint I have is on ACiD nfo file. It isnÆt much more that a large file_id.diz file. Possibly ACiD could include a few personal comments from the artists on their works. What they were trying to accomplish, the programs they used, how they used them, or just point out a few details that viewers might have missed. ACiD does have a nice news section on the web.

score: 7.5
