news archive > news

  november 1998

29 November
You may have already noticed, but there is now a new and improved discussions area offering fully threaded conversations. All of the old ones bar the "legion's latest" posting have been removed. So if you want to start a conversation abou the same
thing (quip, count, etc.. ) then by all means just post in the appropriate areas.

>> Discussions.

Marking half a year since our birth, Hallucigenia brings to you its November pack bursting with delights--including a special appearance by Catbones of Acid and other visual treats. Downloadable as (2.2Meg) or available on our website.

As we round the half-year mark with the release of our latest pack, Hallucigenia is looking to expand its horizons.

We are looking for coordinators for our music, lit and lowrez (ansi/ascii) departments.

We're not looking for the most prestigious names or hottest talent to fill these positions--just enthusiastic, dedicated people who would like a hand in shaping a rising group. The coordinators main tasks are keeping an eye on members in their department and keeping an eye out for people to recruit into the department.

Hallucigenia is the trippy little group that just won't go away.. if you would like to be a part of our future, please contact me at

28 November
SB GuildGotta love these lunch-hour logos using Win'95s Paint program. =)

Updates on the Shadowboxer's Guild:

theChef has opted to sign on for the project, bringing with him his Senior experience from Prestige/Focus, and his membership experiences from Echo, Glue, and Dark Illustrated.

The first pack will be released January 1st, 1999.

For reference purposes, the introduction has been posted at the following address:

Editorial note: Things are moving along appropriately. There HASN'T been a huge surge of interested people hoping to catch onto the next "big ticket" name in art groups. Instead, there've been increasing numbers of tentative requests for details and gestures of encouragement. THIS IS A GOOD THING!


WHOA, NELLY! (count zero)
Alright, the Count Zero logo request line is now closed. For some reason, although only two people responded to my FIRST posting here, about two million responded to my second. So I guess you guys do still luv me, but I'm gonna hafta turn down any more requests that I receive, 'cause I now have reached my current limit. Keep your eyes glued to Acheron for future updates to the situation, though. The request line will probably be open again in a few weeks. Later...

27 November
ENGINE (cyber punch)
After leaving the prezidents place in RIB i started the new project ENGINE . Now i am looking for talanted artists to join us . If you are interested - email :

Black Maiden┤s "Bare Electronic Art Magazine" got a redesigned homepage which is available at

HIREZ.ORG UP REALLY SOON! (mongi) will be up really really soon. I aimed for the end of November, but due to some complications and people not submitting what they promised, it will be late. It WILL get up in December, though.

You are still welcome to contribute!

26 November
YOOOHOOOO! (count zero)
What's up with this? I posted here a week ago or so, saying that I'm taking requests, and I've got maybe two requests since then. I want a bunch more :). You guys are making me feel bad, not asking me to do ansi. Don't you love me anymore? Send your requests to!

By the way... Those are free _logos_ that I'm offering.

25 November
EMAG (marlon brando)
mercenary magazine is a "bbs scene" emag to be released in the next couple of weeks..

if you are interested in submitting anything, please drop me an email.

if you are active in your local bbs scene, we are desiring area code reports (ala adrenaline). also, if you want your bbs advertised in mercenary, send me an ascii or ansi ad and i'll try to put it in..

also included in mercenary will be issue #1 of the "underground chronicler" which is an h/p emag (ala phrack) edited by opteek. any articles in this regard is also appreciated..

we can be contacted right now at or on our whq: black hole cafe' at 773-244-4137..


LORE NOT DEAD (ellisdee)
Apparently w7 has been going around saying that Lore is dead, and I have applied to iCE to try and recruit members from lore into his new group of the week. Now, to dispell these rumors created by that deranged fool, I have not yet applied to iCE, and lore is still around and will hopefully release its 2nd pack on the 1st of december. peace..

A NEW BEGINNING (palmore/pariah)
After a brief discussion Palmore and Pariah have decided to merge their respective emags (Cyberia and Massive) to form a bigger and better emag more capable of representing the ascii scene. This new emag is appropriately called "Quantum".

Quantum will combine the goodies you have come to expect from both Cyberia and Massive and still be released on a regular monthly basis. We encourage all of you who followed Cyberia and Massive avidly to do the same with Quantum and we invite all prospective readers to join in on the fun. The first issue of Quantum will be released on December 5th and will be available through mmcFiles on irc,, and All feedback and/or articles should be sent to or to Palmore/Pariah on irc. Thanks for your time...

24 November


This is what Shadowboxers will strive for, each and every month. Through art, music and literature this Guild will unleash itself upon its audience. As well, we will strive to act as problem-solvers for the many issues that plague each and every group in the community. A focussed team bent on strengthening themselves for the benefit of their peers.

Shadowboxers are like samurai in Feudal Japan.
Shadowboxers are like sheriffs in the Wild West.
Shadowboxers are like noble vikings in the Northern Wastelands.

I seek veterans of our community to fill twelve positions available within the Guild. This will not be easy for either of us.

My experience has taught me to seek only like-minded individuals, who are as passionate about their work as I am. This is a Trial by Fury, to see if there are any souls left who really feel strongly about the underground digital art scene. The intent is to forge a team as prolific as they are talented, with the desire to excel to the level achieved in European demo crews.

Steel yourself for a jolt, dear reader, for the requirements are steep.

If you've had less than 2 years exposure to the art scene, give up. If you're looking only to make friends, and fear making foes, you're too weak for the job. If you restrict yourself to one medium, or demonstrate bigotry towards another, move along. If your "art" is just a skillful tracing of pop cultures' many rags, get thee gone. If you can't take criticism stoically, or consider yourself above being an asshole, fuck off! If you're more interested in being associated with the prestige of a group than you are in cultivating your personal stature, keep your transient dual-grouping ass in the minor leagues.

However, if you can work independantly while remaining in a team environment, you qualify. If your ability to communicate is strong, get in touch with me. If you consider being a zealot a good thing, this cult's for you. If you hold your opinions fiercely, respect yourself without question, and are willing to impart your knowledge unto others, you have the necessary moxy. If you are fueled by rage, rather than crippled by it, this is your outlet.

The lifespan is not meant to be much more than a year. Longevity is for stubborn asses who don't know when to quit. Immortality is achieved through the constant cycle of life and death, and the building of experience throughout. For some this could even be looked upon as a training camp for future scene leaders. The moulding of gargoyles who will protect the structure of our beloved community.

The desired outcome is for each member to leave this group as pillars, ready to support an existing group, form a new group, or start this process over and sculpt more of our kind.

The only "medium" is Creativity.
The only "department" is Productivity.
The only "goal" is Superiority.

If these requirements disgust you, read no further. You obviously mistake it for the ravings of a conceited egotist.

But if this prospect intrigues you, and the idea of redefining the term "elite" excites you, here's what you do:

Put together a small portfolio. This can (should! if possible) include artwork in any [digital] medium, music you've composed or tracked, emails or articles you've written that you're most proud of, and anything you think would contribute to a definition of who you are and what you can do.

Send the archive to me via e-mail at, or track me down
(Androc or Androc_) on IRC's EFNet servers and DCC it.

Specify a time you can spare about ten minutes for an interview, via IRC.

Notice: If you aren't committed to a genuine effort, please don't waste my time.

- Androc (formerly Xypher Matryx)

PLF 1198 OUT! (bym)
Poffelipoff #16 released 23/11 with all glory from our art crew.. this pack is a beauty! btw.. next pack will be out til x-mas soo stay tuned

22 November
ICE SEMINAR #2 (massd)
Mass Delusion Presents...
iCE ANSI SEMINAR #2 : 11/29/98 : 10-1PST / 1-4EST : #iCEANSI

iCE Ansi SeminarsIf iCE Ansi seminars were summer movies, you could consider this seminar to be our second Titanic! With a star-studded lineup like The Green Hornet, Parasite, and Fluor, not even Leonardo Dicapprio could ruin this event! Like the original, come on Sunday, the 29th between 1:00pm and 4:00pm and bring your work in progress for critique and advice. The iCE guys will give you suggestions, help your outlines, shading, technique, whatever you're interested in. These three represent some of the best art that iCE has ever released, so if you want to get better, now's the time!

Continuing our UNiON-like Borg domination tactics, we have accepted 43 new members into iCE so far this month. However, in accordance with the Captains wishes, we will only name the ones who can do the "Twisted Fairy Dance" properly. Those members being:

Root88, after a _lengthy_ application.
The Knight

We'd like to give a big "shout out" to all our "homies" and thank them for "axeing" to join iCE. Word up. We're glad to have you, and we're looking forward to our next pack. =)

And good luck to the other 38 members, that they may perfect the twisted fairy dance and one day make it into total iCEHood.

-Mass Delusion / iCE Senior Staff

21 November
SCROLLZ ON THE WEB (dangermouse)
Scrollz's website in now online at:

DISCUSSION TOPIC (dangermouse)
There's a new discussion topic in the, naturally enough, discussions section.

VTAG NOW ONLINE (dieznyik)
Thanks to the gracious donation of space by, VTAG is now online. Drop by and peruse our archives of classic textmode art. View the works of great artists in large converted gif glory, check out our rarities, and have a walk down memory lane without bothering to sift through the thousands of unruly packs you'll find on any archives. The address is We update often, so drop by, as new pieces are being added all the time.

ARTHIRE (arthire)
Dear Artist,

Looking for creative jobs or a contracts has never been simpler! Take advantage of artHire, the ultimate internet employment service for:

- Visual Artists (Graphic Designers, Photographers, etc.)
- Music/Sound/Voice Artists
- Writers (Creative & Technical.)

This service conveniently brings together both Employers looking for Artists, and Artists looking for jobs or contracts.

All services provided to Artists are absolutely FREE!

How to use it:

1. Join artHire, FREE!
2. Submit your work samples to activate your account.
3. Sit back and wait for Employers to contact you. All at no cost to you!

For more information, please visit:

"Xypher Matryx is dead. Long live Dark Illustrated."

After over five years of service, I've ended my career as a member of Dark Illustrated. The reasons are many, all of them personal. It's past time that others take up the reigns and make the best of it.

I can't thank them enough for the memories and experience I've gained acting as an artist and Senior.

I've put to rest the character that was XypherM, to begin the next stage of my involvement in the art scene with a fresh slate. I intend to put every ounce of knowledge I have at my disposal in creating a team with cathartic purpose.

In the meantime, if you'd like to cheer or sneer, I'll be wandering the IRC as Androc, and for the time being my e-mail address remains

Brotherhoods website has been created and is still underconstruction. Most parts have been added, the biggest problem right now is the questbook. Were can I find a decent one?!! Feel free to check it out since everything work except the questbook! aight.. heres the link:

Any help given with my questbook problem will be rewarded...

20 November
c0's request line is open once again. The next 8 logo requests I get will be accepted and done free of charge. After that, you'll hafta wait 'til the next time you see one of these messages.

E-mail to put in your request.

Logos are done in whatever order I choose to do 'em. You may get your logo within 24 hours of requesting. On the other hand, it might take until god knows when before you get it, depending on my mood swings. So no complaining to me about how long it takes; art can not be forced. :)

Some of the reasons for you to come:
It's the only digitart exhibition available in Russia.
It's a must see for any HRg fan.
It's COOL.
It's the only place you can get a HRg fan shirt!
...ever seen a 2-meter high ascii? :)

Interested? try to get more info at (no Russian? tough. Well, the exhibition is in Moscow, Leontyevskiy per., 7. Active till December 1.

18 November
IMPURE!ASCII #6 IS OUT The impure ascii packxor #6 is out.. Euro's does it again!.. Leeche the pack, like you do y0 mOMMA!.. ( We are also looking for some EUROS to join the group... mail us at: if interested.

UPDATES (dangermouse)
- added links (art groups, personal)
- added retribution, skatter & tsk, the undertaker and black knight to photos
- updated art shop with some hirez links

DEMO DUDES MAKE GAME (dangermouse)
Some guys from the demo scene have gone and started their own games company. There latest game is Axia -- download the demo at:

CIA Hires is looking for new members of all different styles and forms of high-resolution art. Including Photomanipulation, 3D Rendering, Freehand airbrushing, Typography, etc. Feel free to apply! CIA provides a lively and fun community to express yourself.

Send Samples to, or drop by #cia on EfNet!

ok, as you all may have seen the raggamuffin compo results on the main page. there were not a lot of people entered. mainly i think because we threw it together in a matter of 30min. :) but we're hoping to let this be a weekly thing, when your at home on a saturday morning just got outta bed, and are anxious (SP) to start drawing some mad elite ascii. well this is your chance. talk to cat-dog or mother, or pogue for more info, this will be a weekly thing depending on how many people come out for #2, we're hoping to get something like satwar going, so come out, and show us what you got, we might even start offering prizes if there is enough interest. until then. peace, love, empathy.

Sense is dead. Not that you knew it existed, but fuck, its still dead ..

17 November
tHA hOOd WEBSITE (spirit of rage)
Yea.. this is the first time im using this sudmit thingy so I hope the damn link will work:

Thats the place were hood is going to have all its releases. So if your unsure if you have the latest release or not just check it out. And when I get the time for it I'll start coding a homepage on that url (before christmas hopefully). Aight brotherhood is here to stay, let the rumours spread out, hide your girlfriend, tell your sister to lock her door at night, send your mom on vacation cause the hood pimps are here and we're hungry! aight.. peace!

I am sad to say that Defjamz will no longer be releasing any more issues. We thought the first issue turned out great, but the lack of support for issue two, plus lack of time of the editors has forced us to end the magazine for now. But, I myself have joined up with Filth to help out gutter and make the next issue rock. So make sure to check out all my rants in gutter08, which is coming to a monitor near you shortly.... latre boyz

[ed note: Ellisdee is going bonkers this month with the news items :>]

LORE ON THE WEB (ellisdee)
For all of you still looking for the lore pack, I have created a temporary web page at with the first pack on it. Until our real website is fully completed all packs can be found at that address. So if you haven't gotten the pack yet, go grab it. peace....

As of November the 16th, we here at Lore would like to welcome Pixel Pusha of Legend/twilight fame to the lore Family. He is currently drawing and everyone should check out the second lore release for his awesome return.

15 November
BEAM #2 FINALLY OUT! (shine)

Yeah, we did it. beam #2 is finally out. Grab it on
(why the heck they put it in artpacks, btw?)

Note: just press a mouse button in the introscreen to proceed. Have phun, your beam crew


I. oldschool;;

#1 esc I 0
#2 esc II 7
#3 mother 0
#4 zippy 0
#5 avenger / deviate 3
#6 pogue 1

II. newschool;;

#1 pogue 6
#2 cleaner 2

total votes: 11 (some voted on oldschool only...)

14 November
I'd like to take this opportunity to formally welcome Leo to AWE Lettering! An extremely worthy addition to our crew, his use of colour is profuond. Be sure to check his stuff in the upcoming on December 1st, 1998.

13 November
A new group Natural has joined the scene, a group encompassing many different mediums -- not unlike the older ACiD. Natural contains 3 groups:

The art division of Natural, with ANSI, ASCII, a music division, VGA and RIP. All members also get an e-mail address and room for a site.

The hackers division of Natural.

The coding and literature division of Natural.

The group asprires to become as good as ACiD, and give the current top groups a run for their money.

For any more information, e-mail Starks

12 November
ACHERON WINS AWARD (dangermouse) just got awarded the People's Choice Award for November 1998.. (apparently)

Be sure to grab the pack at Artpacks Archive!... or from e_side's web site.

11 November
Get Karma's latest pack from our site:

09 November
There is a new ascii and general scene mailing list called scenetalk has been started by mr. violent. Go to
to subscribe.

08 November
The new impure ascii pack is out .. stop beating your children and leech this newbie off:

Rebelart and WOE did a artpack joint!.. So get this new pack off: .. The pack is pretty ok and therefore i think YOU should get it...

NEW UPDATES (dangermouse)
- added LIVID pics to the photo gallery
- added article
- added legion 6, ecolove 10 and ice 9810 to the art gallery
- added the artshop, with links to commonly used programs
- added five new pics to the photo gallery
- added lsd interview about the new rgoup Lore
- removed dead links from the links page

Stille artgroup is being created now. i'm looking for talented people to join (not anyone). mail me or join #stille, sometimes i'm there

07 November
WANTED: HIREZ REVIEWER (mongi) is in need of one or more high resolution art reviewer/s. What you need to do is find as many packs you can every month and write a "standard" review of it. I am willing to co-write it, or you can write it together with another reviewer. Or you can also split up the packs and workload. I am desperately in need of reviewers!

CLOSING TIME (count zero)
Okay, no more logo requests, please :). I've recieved my quota of 6, and I'm stopping. Next time the free logo line opens again, you'll read about it here. If you'd like to request a pic, go ahead and offer me money. Later!

06 November
yes!@ your favorite trash mag gutter is far from dead. download it now at so put down your penthouses, and get gutter 6 now!@

ANSI FOR SALE (toon goon)
This is Toon Goon aka Jae of iCE. I'm back drawing ansi again and if anyone wants to buy some, email me and let me know. Right now I have 3 danger girl/abbey chase ansis drawn (2 about 100lines each and 1 at 200lines) i also have an oldschool spaceman spiff/calvin and a nice wakko/animaniacs pic. I plan on doing some more danger girl/witchblade stuff and some anime.

05 November
DEFACT2 HACKED! (dangermouse)
Defacto2, the biggest pc scene news page was hacked. From the 2nd of November a message on the front page of the site has been claiming that pretty much all "scene" groups suck, except for a select few of four. Purely amazing stuff :)

04 November
As of November the 4th all of us at Lore Arts would like to welcome font maniac Mr. Wrong to our ranks. So look out for his crazy fonts in lore02.... Peace

LORE PACK (ellisdee)
The debut lore pack was released november the 1st. I apologize for getting it up here so late, but I thought acheron was dead for some odd reason =) We hope you enjoy the pack, and look out for the 2nd pack on the 1st of december. Also take not that lore is looking for artists in the mediums of ansi, rip, and hirez. So if your interested send an email telling about yourself and a zip of your work to Check you guys later.

LEGION NEWS (silver rat)
Yes, its that time again--packs are released--and for a few brief days everyone forgets about scene politics and channels ops and its all about the art again! Yes, The Legion even released on the First of The Month, this month. Check it out, its not the average Legionpack.

03 November
HRG PACK #21 -- YOU NEED IT! (shere khan)
What else needs to be said? It's HRg quality. You want to leech it. If you don't, then you don't know what HRg is, so you still need to leech it - to get EDUCATED! :) it's at (along with the other 20 hrg packs, if you've been living under a rock for 2 years). And, just in case, to hear our music you can visit ... well, enough propaganda for one day, Shere out.

iCE would like to loudly welcome Quip and Vade79 to iCE and re-welcome Kitiara back as a returning member. We're proud to welcome these talented ansi artists into iCE and encourage you to check their work out next month when we release our 11th pack this year on the 1st. Enjoy!

Remorse Ascii once again pulls out all the stops in order to bring you another heart-pounding artistic masterpiece in the form of RMRS-27.ZIP. The pack is currently being offered on EFNet's #ascii and can soon be found on . GO NOW.

Okay, people. Anyone who wants a free count zero logo during the month of November has until Wednesday, the 11th of November, to submit their request to me. That's Remembrance Day for us Canucks, and Veteran's Day for you Yanks. I dunno if it's anything for anybody else. Anything submitted after that date will be summarily tossed in the trashcan, unless I have not filled my quota by that time (which is, for this month, 6 requests).

If I finish all the ansi I have to do pronto, I may consider reopening the request line before the end of the month, but don't bet on it. You're gonna hafta be fast if you want ansi, dudes, so get movin'.

PURG!LOGOS RELEASE #19 (tee_are)
Purg Productions released its 19th pack on Halloween Night! Checkout or grab it from

02 November
Function is dead, folks. Have a nice day.

Oh, and if you can, please pick up Function's final pack on acheron: f(x) .. the infofile explains everything. Our web page was taken down a couple weeks ago by Silent Knight (who runs because he's on a massive power trip, so you won't be able to get the pack from there.

[ed note: What a great month this is turning out to be :>]

01 November

I just like to imform you that the current art group FORCE now ceases to exist. Force is now officially dead due to lack of communication, loss of seniors, and no motivation what so ever.

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