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  the knight
(art also available)

talking with the knight, ansi pic artist extraordinare with fuel..

Session Start: Mon Jul 14 12:46:17 1997

*** Now talking in #theknight

(╡) [o: 1][v: 0][n: 0][t: 1][m: none]

<dangermouse> woop woop

*** Joins: theknight (

<dangermouse> woo
<dangermouse> now im ready
<dangermouse> phew
<theknight> oh look mummy.. my own channel :) can i take it home ? can i can i ?
<dangermouse> i prolly would have done the whole thing to find out i didnt have logging on

*** dngrmouse sets mode: +o theknight
*** theknight sets mode: +snt

<dangermouse> jeeze
<theknight> heh.. happens to me often.. now i have logging on most of the time :)
<theknight> ight..ask away :)

<dangermouse> okies, now.. tell me about tk, whos the man behind the medievel helmet type doob?
<dangermouse> name?
<dangermouse> sex?
<dangermouse> hobbies?
<theknight> uhwell... i got my handle way back in 91 or 92 i guess.. i was active in the commodore64 scene back then...
<dangermouse> woo, c64.. eeks
<theknight> my name ? hahahha. that's a secret now....
<dangermouse> i had a cpc 464
<dangermouse> haha.. why a secret?
<theknight> ohno!.. c64 ruled
<dangermouse> amstrads ruled the planet my friend
<theknight> i just don't feel comfortable telling my name to the whole world
<dangermouse> mines darryl
<theknight> not that it makes a big difrence but hell..
<dangermouse> there, its out.. bwhhahaha

(╡) gravy has requested a channel CREED on #ansi.

<theknight> ungh... ahrighte.. mine's Siemen
<theknight> *laughlaugh*
<dangermouse> i see why,...
<dangermouse> hehe
<theknight> :)

<dangermouse> where you from?
<theknight> my folks are stupid.. they shoulda known i was gonna enter the scene... why the fuck did they gimme such a dumb name
<dangermouse> all the usual bio stuff here
<theknight> oh, i'm from belgium
<dangermouse> ahh
<theknight> i'm uh..23 years old
<theknight> male :)
<dangermouse> yeah, its like being called Wayne Ker or something
<theknight> hahah.. yeah.. sorta :)
<dangermouse> hhee

<dangermouse> yeah, so how did you find your way into the scene? the usual bbs treatment or?
<theknight> hm.. if you're referring to pc scene.. yeah BBS
<dangermouse> well really, the bbs scene would have led to the art scene wouldn't it?
<theknight> actually i knew about "an" artscene before i ever knew modems existed
<dangermouse> really? how
<theknight> but i don't wanna bring that whole c64 thing up again :)
<dangermouse> oh.. c64.. nbad.. argghhhh
<theknight> but since you're asking :) i drew stuff in 16 colors on c64 :) so uh.. ansi was an easy switch for me :)
<dangermouse> ahh

<dangermouse> how did you get involved in ansi?
<theknight> the usual.. called a board, sysop dropped thedraw on my pc, said if i could make cooler menu's i was welcome to try it .. this happened after i laughed at his bbs :)
<theknight> i said it was ugly
<dangermouse> haha
<theknight> i tried it
<theknight> discovered it was hard
<dangermouse> i've done that many times.. and then asked to do better !)
<theknight> and uh.. eventually got better :)
<dangermouse> 'better' being the operative word there

<dangermouse> so what was your first group?
<theknight> fuel
<dangermouse> and the groups after..
<dangermouse> still fuel uh?
<theknight> there's not much of a story in my scene career huh :)
<theknight> i dualled with a local group cow for a short time, but they merged into fuel...
<dangermouse> oh, so no exciting affairs with a doodle boy's girls? no tom foolery to speak of?
<theknight> and uhm.. fuel merged into iCE for a short wile...
<dangermouse> i must say, i admire how you've stuck with the same group
<theknight> it's my spiritual child :) i can't give up on fuel :)
<dangermouse> its now paid off, fuel being one of the premier art groups
<theknight> at last we get the recognition i think we deserve... i'm not saying we're the best... unlike some others do
<theknight> but we manage to pull out some pretty spiffy packs
<dangermouse> telling me
<theknight> sorry ?
<dangermouse> huh?

<dangermouse> so tell me, when did you first start venturing into pics?
<theknight> i'll give you the exact date hold :) must look it up
<dangermouse> woo.. even better,.,. :)
<theknight> my first real pic is from the 28th of april of the year 1995

(╡) The time is now 1:00pm.

<theknight> before that i only did like menu sets or 23line things
<dangermouse> cool stuff
<theknight> i had no clue what ansipacks were

<dangermouse> did you find it hard going over to pics? like my first pic (just recently) took me ages
<theknight> very... my first pic actually took me a full week... i was so damn proud of it... ahhahah, and locals thought i ripped it... coz it was too much of a difference with what i produced before
<dangermouse> haha
<dangermouse> you get that i spose
<dangermouse> how long does it take you now?
<dangermouse> say on an average picture
<dangermouse> (length wise)
<theknight> ohwell.. i actually uploaded all the different steps of that ansi to them, so they would believe me :)
<dangermouse> haha
<dangermouse> good shit
<theknight> that depends really... let's say if i really put a lot of detail in a pic and work on the shades hard... i guess about 2 days for a 100 lines pic
<dangermouse> woo!
<theknight> not like 48 hours ofcourse :)
<dangermouse> thats pretty quick
<theknight> i'm never satisfied with everything though... sometimes i rush shit too hard for the pack
<dangermouse> yeah i guessed :)
<theknight> that's the disadvantage of having to release monthly

<theknight> i forgot to eat again today...damn

<dangermouse> i think every artist feels that way with their work, even when someone tells you it rocks, there's something in the back of your mind that says "nah, there's something wrong with!".. dont you agree?
<theknight> absolutely... i couldn't have put it any better ..
<dangermouse> hehe.. :)
<theknight> most of the time i'm unhappy about my backgrounds
<dangermouse> yeah, backgrounds always seem to trouble me too
<dangermouse> i just seem to do a kickass font, the rest falls away
<theknight> ah.. i said that uh... the background is less fun than the actuall picture (or font) so it gets boring quickly...
<dangermouse> yeah i know
<theknight> but yeah..there's this unwritten code in ansi that you got to do a uhm.. i go with the flow :)

<dangermouse> ok, just closing up..
<dangermouse> a question i ask of all my prey :> .. how do you feel about the ansi scene in general? where do you see it heading?

(╡) necro- has requested a channel PING on #ansi.

<theknight> as a pure artform... that's what i think it will all come down to.... the boards won't matter anymore.. just the colored blocks will matter... i'm afraid that logo only groups won't stand much of a chance, becoz if boards disappear... what will they draw ? their own groupname over and over again ? :)
<theknight> i think the ansi scene will also pull away from comic rips more and more..but hey, that's just a hunch :)
<dangermouse> yeah thats a dilemar i've often thought about.. i think original artists, that usually draw stuff ya cant read anyway will flourish.. but hye, there are many words one can draw :)
<theknight> maybe they'll start drawing slogans
<dangermouse> yeah, yuou never really know i guess

<dangermouse> finally, anything else ya wanna add?
<dangermouse> greets? beats? anything? :)
<theknight> i stopped greeting ppl.. someone is always failing and bitches on me for that :)...
<dangermouse> hha :)
<theknight> so uh.. just greets to all cool ppl i know, and the ones that worked hard in the fuel studios past and present (i wasn't done!:)
<dangermouse> okies..
<dangermouse> welp.. thats over

Session Close: Mon Jul 14 13:38:59 1997

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