interviews > interviews > regular interviews


talking with reanimator, ansi artist formerly with ACiD and twilight, now with Legion..

Session Start: Mon Jan 06 23:58:18 1997

we started off pretty wierd, so i told him to check out the page first off..

dangermouse: okies
reanimator: .. where is this interview even going? :)
dangermouse: haven't started yet ;) thought you going to check out the page first ;) hahaa
reanimator: yeah
reanimator: wait a moment :)
reanimator: nice welcome :)
dangermouse: :) check out the rest of the page.. don't tell any1 about it yet though.. it'll open soon
reanimator: i'll upload information about it to"#ñ#/%/ñ&( :=
dangermouse: noooooooo!!! argghh! ';)
reanimator: haa haa! . uh
dangermouse: tell us when you want to start..
reanimator: hey now i know where the interview is going :)
dangermouse: :) there's a few there already :)
reanimator: "tell us" hgmm
dangermouse: ?
reanimator: i'll go view them
dangermouse: ok
dangermouse: when you get time (not now) check out the info page (and the acid oz agora info as well), it's quite humours
dangermouse: humorous.. ;)
reanimator: looks nice.
dangermouse: it is .. ;)

reanimator: are we going to start now or what :)
dangermouse: yeah, what the hell..
dangermouse: k, our page, as you've seen, is pretty informal, and thus, so are our interviews.. so look out!
reanimator: oh goddamnit :)
reanimator: i've gotten my self into trouble *again*
dangermouse: ok, fill us out on ya background info, you know, age, live, hobbies, g/f?
reanimator: =)
dangermouse: previous affils.. phew
dangermouse: u better be typing .. :>
reanimator: whoooh. 17 years old, living in Finland, hobbied - well my music, at this moment in ACiD (tho quitting it after #53), acid!ansi, twilight and blend.. mh. before all this i was in a small group called flavor.
dangermouse: ahh.. got a g/f? i ask this question of all my victims..
reanimator: (btw, you dont know flavor? well get the packs, tomppa1 was a member of it too :)
dangermouse: yep, will do..
dangermouse: flavor sounds familiar
dangermouse: ahh.. got a g/f? i ask this question of all my victims..
reanimator: g/f?
dangermouse: a female companion that you kiss and love ;)
reanimator: .. goddamn you have great questions there, man :)
reanimator: no infact i dont have anyone at this moment :)
dangermouse: too right, no these are the stupid questions i throw around just to keep you on your twos..

ok, now the *real* interview starts, i bet he was glad he got through that unscaved..

dangermouse: toes.. good spelling there.. ok, onto more serious matters..
dangermouse: so, why are you quiting ACiD (after how long?), just not content anymore?
reanimator: after.. hmm about six months. yeah well acid ansi section is dead, and there is just no point being a member. tho, if acid ansi section will someday get itself together... well that's a whole different thing then
dangermouse: hmm.. radman doesn't have much respect for cool_t and his acid!ansi ways, in that he thinks that he is using the ACiD name to propel his own group.. how do you feel about joining a group in so much controversy (so to speak)?
reanimator: well who cares :) acid!ansi is probably better group in ansi than the real acid.. and acid!ansi contains more members in ansi than the real acid.
reanimator: its strange that radman doesent want acid to have a real ansi section which would release its own packs and stuff.
dangermouse: well it would since most of acid's ansi depart has prolly quit now, or just extinct.. i dunno, i can't keep up with it..
reanimator: like, that way acid's ansi sections dead would be probably avoided.
dangermouse: i think radman is just to stubborn.. in my interview with cool_t, he said they brought their views to radman - he wouldn't have anything to do with it.. so they took it into their own hands..
dangermouse: ie. broke completely away from ACiD
reanimator: .. strange guy, radman
dangermouse: hmm.. indeed..
reanimator: like he should pay some respect towards ansi, it still IS the graphics format what created acid
reanimator: "ansi creators in demand" :)
dangermouse: ironically, ansi propelled ACiD into the top pos, ansi might just be their demise ;)
dangermouse: there's a paradox for ya
reanimator: ..

dangermouse: but i spose one has got to look at the bigger pictire.. has ansi got all that long to live? truly?
reanimator: well the fact is that ansi is dying same way with the bbs'es. now only thing people talk about is the net, and hirez.
reanimator: darn.
reanimator: someone should do something about that. kill the web or something :)
reanimator: well in any case, i'm going to make my web page with ansi.
reanimator: :)
dangermouse: hehe.. it means our demise if we don't dabble about in hi-rez a bit. or convert ansi's to hi-rez..
dangermouse: that'd work nicely..
reanimator: well i'm going to use screen thief and get my ansis to my web page. they'll kick there :)
dangermouse: yeah, they sure will.. we'll soon have tons of ansis and hi-rez in our gallery section.. rGt is on the job converting em...
reanimator: cool :) you should convert all ansis ever released to acheron, like that would be something"# :)
reanimator: tho, it would take some hard drive space too. eh, but thats your problem :)
dangermouse: it'd be bloody hard.. we're gonna chuck all the nasi ever done for acheron on there, including rips and hi-rez..
reanimator: you should do own sections for different groups. or artists
dangermouse: hmmm.. yeah, we'll have the best of each month their for each group.. that'll be about it.. don't want too much on their..

reanimator: yeah, oh well, back to the interview? :)
dangermouse: just getting back to acid!ansi, how did u get involved with them? you approach them, or did they aproach you..
dangermouse: (this is an interview??)
reanimator: .. umh. i barely had time to say anything until i noticed that i was a member, uh. it was the very same day when i joined twilight :)
dangermouse: hehe. two groups? aren't we being a bit greedy? hehe.. have you got the time?
reanimator: .. nope :) but i'll try my best. heh
reanimator: i've thought that if i release every second month in twilight and stuff.. hmm
reanimator: :)
dangermouse: hehe... yeah, you'll have to spilt your work up a bit.. so how long have you actually been in the seen.. you're only 17..
reanimator: .. well in the ansi scene i've been about a year, but using a modem for several years...
dangermouse: ahh yeah. i've been around for about a year i spose, it's hard to tally up after a while ;)
reanimator: i started working ansi something like three years ago tho..
reanimator: yeah, you're right in that one, lad :)
dangermouse: lad? i'm older than you laddy ;)

no comment there, must have got him one :>

dangermouse: yeah, how do you find devine inspiration for your ansi creations? comics? god? etc..
reanimator: wk: god :) heh, well not quite :) Mostly from comics.. ofcourse when viewing a great artpack gives a great inspiration too uh. .
dangermouse: yeah, when im down on creativity i'll have a gander at a few packs.. sometimes even on colour schemes.. you know..
reanimator: this reminds me, when i joined ACiD, i was like greatly inspirited to draw stuff. but after like two months in acid i just quit making ansi. now after three months of inactivity i've made this big binary and few logos .. huh :)
dangermouse: must be the kind of "wow, im in new group, or a good group" sorta thing.. like when you were ten years old and getting a really good toy, and then losing interest in it after 2 weeks..
reanimator: yeah, it might be something like that. like acid was something like a wet dream to me and when i got into it, i was in some kinda of ecstacy :)

reanimator: hey by the way, i noticed that you did'nt have a link to orange's web page"! (a demo group).. well i evn dunno if they have one, but still! :)
dangermouse: cool, what is it?
reanimator: you dont know orange!"# goddamn :)
reanimator: it's the best demogroup there is :)
reanimator: (it's even finnish, heh heh :)
dangermouse: hey, im the art scene news man, not the demo.. i know shit about the coding scene :!(
dangermouse: that explains it ;)
reanimator: neither do i, but i still know orange :) (mostly because one of my friends is in orange. heh)
dangermouse: well..
reanimator: ofcourse you knew that future crew was mostly finnish too :)
dangermouse: future crew? who?
reanimator: like, you guys have a link to future crew's web page and you dont even know what future crew is. oh god :)
dangermouse: i *know* who future crew are.. they're currently developing a game for some commerial bidder, or something like that anyways..
reanimator: yeah, well they were the best demo group few years ago. .. then they just quit the demo scene, apparently
dangermouse: yeah, doing that bloody game i think.. oh well, so are triton..

now for a little off shoot, the dog question.. yay!

dangermouse: hehe.. yeah, well.. do ya have a dog.. gotta ask this one..
reanimator: nope... BUT I HAVE AQUARIUM"!#"%#%/%
dangermouse: :)
reanimator: there are three Catfishes
reanimator: phreat that
reanimator: :)
dangermouse: woo! an aquarium! rGt has aquarium with two *dead* fish.. woo
dangermouse: plus two alive ones ..
reanimator: oh.
reanimator: you know that catfishes EAT dead fishes?
reanimator: oof course i have few other fishes too, but that is NOT the point. catfishes are.
dangermouse: ahh.. i'll post the dead ones to ya ;)
reanimator: no thanks, i can live without them :)
dangermouse: damn..

woop.. back on track..

reanimator: who cares about demos anyway, only REAL moving pictures are ansimations
reanimator: :)
dangermouse: too right.. ansi rules (only because i can do it, i'd prolly be saying hi-rez rules if i could even do it!) :>
dangermouse: CAN'T DO IT.. fucking spelling again ;)
dangermouse: damn.. jesus.. im gone!
reanimator: :)
reanimator: ansi is really more harder to make than hirez. like ansi is too damn lowrez :)
reanimator: well but lets face the fact, ansi is barely living. and will be dead in few years.
dangermouse: too right.. oh well, live it up while we can..

dangermouse: oh well.. i need a rare commidity called sleep unfortunately, so i'll have to bite the bullet and say, thanks very much for talking to me man.. and one last note ANSI FUKCING RULES OK! .. hehe
reanimator: yeah :)
reanimator: seeya!"ñ##ñ/%(
reanimator: hey!ñ6
reanimator: whats the time there now?%"
reanimator: :)
dangermouse: it's 1am here
reanimator: ookay. seeya
dangermouse: there?!
reanimator: you know what, 17:00
reanimator: phear that
reanimator: 5 pm
dangermouse: only 5pm.. oh well.. cya around like an australian meatball...
reanimator: uh ok :)
dangermouse: hehe.. just keeping up with our web pages dazzling dumbness. ;)
reanimator: yeah :)
reanimator: ookay.
dangermouse: hope to around tho... cya

Session Close: Tue Jan 07 01:02:11 1997

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