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talking with nail, ansi head of fire productions..

Session Start: Mon Jan 27 18:40:03 1997

*** Now talking in #nail
*** dngrmouse sets mode: +o nail|fire
*** Retrieving #nail channel info...
*** dngrmouse changes topic to "nail intervoo"
*** dngrmouse sets mode: +pti+l 2

<dngrmouse> ok
<nail|fire> you know what's funny?
<dngrmouse> i have no idea?
<dngrmouse> what?

<nail|fire> you did the halaster interview the same time when i take my time zone =)
<nail|fire> Session Start: Mon Jan 27 09:48:40 1997

<dngrmouse> haha

<nail|fire> it's 27th 9:45 over here =)

<dngrmouse> no shit
<dngrmouse> haha
<dngrmouse> man, must be a bloody omen
<dngrmouse> shit

<nail|fire> well, halaster stepped back from prez and stuff the month after =)
<nail|fire> let's hope it's NO omen =)

<dngrmouse> ok, lets get to it

<nail|fire> alright, shoot =)

<dngrmouse> without mishaps :)

Gimme some stats to start off with, like yer name, age, sex, and place of worship

My name's Bj÷rn (don't even try to pronounce it, you'll most likely get it wrong i guess) Odendahl, I'm 23 male from Dortmund /Germany

Born? heh

Nah, it's more like burn with an additional -ee- in there =) like b-ee-urn =)

Umm, Ok, i've certainly heard of you, and seen yer ansis and shit in the fire packs, but I've never actually found out where you came from, how you got started.. Where did it begin?

You seem to keep a low profile :)


Look what I just got sent, heh

Well, it started on a local chat bbs over here where i got talked into calling some scene BBS by some lamers, then i started to draw ansi, joined a German group called Pain! ...

To keep somewhat independent I did my own subsection Mean Scheme, which later went independent as kinda "best of german ansi guys" group

Joined fire in september 96 if I remember right, and I was lucky to get in as Jesse first turned my app down but was talked into giving me a chance... =) and then suddenly in 1997 I found myself as head of the ansi divison when Jesse stepped back and David suddenly disappeared,...

So I've been drawing ansi for slightly over 2 years now...

As for the low profile.. as soon as people know too much about you, they own you.. I don't like that =)

Yeha, when abouts did you enter the scene again, time frame wise..

Uhm.. i joined Pain! in october 96 i think, my first scene appearance was in January 96 with my first solo "art" pack (which sucked but was still decent compared to the rest of the german art packs at that time =))

Shit a brick, I thought you were like a old daddy, see what a low profile does!?

I' ve been in the scene about a eyar longer than yer, shit!

Hehe, not when it comes to PC scene, when you talk about computer scene in general I am =) Started on C64 over 10 years ago =) Which is the best computer ever if i might add that =)

Nono, the Amstrad CPC 464 was my friend!

Anyways, How do you like Fire Productions as a group in the whole? ...and, whats this about Hal rejecting yer app?! :)

Bah, no way... C64 was it... all the cool groups back in the good old days, Fairlight, Genesis Project, Red Sector etc etc =)

Haha.. Shit, i remember fairlight

Fire simply was my dream... when I started I looked at packs of Integrity and Legend but when i finally was "good enough" to head for a US group most of the guys I admired went to Fire meanwhile.. so I headed for Fire...

*** Quits: nail|fire (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) *** Joins: nail|f1R3 (nail@

ooops =)


Uhm.. back to that last question... I had a pretty.. uhm.. awkward shading style back then I guess and I never really did full length pics back then, so all there was in my app was mainly 23liners and one strange shaded pic =)

And your now the Fire Ansi Head am i correct?

uhm.. yeah, wicked, uh? =)

Haha.. I just find it ironic that halaster tried to reject your ansis and shit, and you've replaced him :)

Thats funny shit..

I didn't replace Jesse. noone ever will replace him

I meant his posisition :), he was ansi head..

I just took over the coordination of the ansi division, he was prez first of all, then ansi head, yeah =)

Is the Fire Presidency next? :)

For me? nah... i'm way too busy, to be honest i guess it was kinda my fault that we didn't release for quite a while now...

I've been away doing some c64 stuff =)

Haha.. Ok, where do you see Fire heading in the future, and your division too.. With all the major groups dying, theres been speculation that fire is headed for a similar fate.. ?

well.. I think all these new groups that pop up recently are kinda killing our scene's continuity...

With good ansi artists rare there just isn't enough active ones to keep the ansi groups running, and it's pretty much the same for fire

When I started there was hardly anything like dual grouping and stuff like that, nowadays everybody got 2 or 3 affiliations and if you have to split up your few ansis you do there isn't enough for all of them...

That brings up a point, why do you think ansi is dying? Lack of the bbs?

No, i don't think it's lack of BBSes, or at least it's not the main reason.. There still are a lot of BBSes around, but ppl just won't draw anymore.. I know cause I still DO run a board and it's really hard to get ppl to draw for it =)

Ppl aren't dedicated to their groups anymore, the we-are-family feeling in groups is fading...

Nowadays you join a group because it's cool and it looks nice behind your nickname (no, that's not the reason i'm using this irc nick, it's just since i was away from Efnet for a while there's some other guy using my nick =))

Does attitute need an adjustment you think?

Yeah, it's attitude... group's members need to get known to each other, communicate, talk about life, opinions, whatever... not only "I did that ansi lately" - "lemme check.." - "there you go" - "cool" - "cya l8er"

Heh, I agree..

Welp, time to cap yer ass im affraid... Whats the time? (finish the same time as hal?)

10:28 =)

What, hal finished at 10:28?

Oh, and IRC is a handicap, too =) ermm.. dunno, it's 10:28 over here now =)

Herhe, he finished in anotehr 20 minutes ;)

Oh welk, nice jabbering to you man..

Yo =)

Nono, you say 'bye' now :)

Oh... you're not expecting me to keep up with some silly rules, uh? =)

Haha, cya l8r man

*** nail|f1R3 was kicked by dngrmouse ('bye')

Session Close: Mon Jan 27 19:27:54 1997

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