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(art also available)

talking with ironghost, ansi supremo currently with Lazurus and Cia

Session Start: Sun Oct 05 18:05:17 1997

*** Now talking in #ironghost

(╡) [o: 1][v: 0][n: 0][t: 1][m: none]

*** Joins: ironghost (rootdaddy@

<dangermouse> woo woo
<ironghost> eye made it

*** dngrmouse sets mode: +o ironghost

<dangermouse> good to see lubber :>
<ironghost> eeye'm still drinking icehouse
<dangermouse> welp, time to put down the grog and do an interview
<ironghost> grog?!
<dangermouse> grog: commonly referred to as piss, sweet nectar of life..
<dangermouse> or alcohol as some call it
<ironghost> i don't drink piss
<dangermouse> haha..
<dangermouse> sweet nectar of life.. oh :)
<dangermouse> haha
<dangermouse> yeah well.. lets get on with it then eh?
<ironghost> yeah lets
<dangermouse> ok..

<ironghost> abcdefghijlklmnopqrstuvwzy now i know my abzw next time won't you sing with me

<dangermouse> ok, so tell about yourself.. current name/s, live, age, sex (yes/no), hobbies..
<ironghost> by name..handle?
<dangermouse> real name idiot :)
<dangermouse> duh
<ironghost> can you have more than one names?!
<ironghost> current name/s,
<dangermouse> darryl 'stuart' lyons..
<dangermouse> see?
<dangermouse> ahha
<ironghost> my name is Matthew P. Kemp..better known as Kemp/Kempinsky/Kempsky/Kemper/eyegee

<ironghost> i likve in the UsA ..Chicago, Il (school ) Wheaton, IL (nonschool) age.. 18 almost 19 .. sex hell yah better look good though :) male
<ironghost> hobbies = ansi / rip / models / n64 / stuff
<dangermouse> ahh..

<dangermouse> what group/s are you currently with?
<ironghost> groups .. right now lazarus / cia
<dangermouse> how long you been with em?
<dangermouse> and..
<dangermouse> how are you finding your time with them..
<ironghost> hmm. .cia since like right after 40 like 1 year.. lazarus bout 3 months.. cia is alot of fun.. andy's a cool guy so is brian and all them.. but some left for groups like twilight / others.. it kinda sucks.. i joined because of filth/fever/madball/phlux / others. friends.
<ironghost> lazarus is a cool's kinda small and really sucks that hennifer quit the scene though.. he was a great influence and cool guy in general
<dangermouse> yeah.. its a pity he quit.. but he must of had a good reason..
<ironghost> hehe my mouth is getting numb now.. i'm gonna open another icehouse
<dangermouse> oh god :)
<ironghost> yeah.. he's a cool guy.. i think having a life caused him to quit.. i should really quit the scene.. but i like doing the art.. i've been around too long
<dangermouse> yeah.. good point..

<dangermouse> so, with the up and coming cia #50, like tomorrow or the next day, what are/have you submitted? anything special?
<dangermouse> and I have to mention, its great cia is 50!

<ironghost> yeah i'm going over the edge now..can't taste the beer :)
<ironghost> i'll stop after this one
<dangermouse> good.. otherwise you'll become i drunken lout :)

<ironghost> cia 50 .. i'd like to have had more done..but nappy's giving me 2 days..and i haven't had all the time i wanted.. i want ot finish some joints.. 1 i started with pixelpusha 1 with vade ( who might not do it. i might release the uncolored and finish later or make it grey scale) .. 1 with serpahim hopefully
<ironghost> cia's a great group no matter what anyone says.. i'm so sick of scene politics.. they're just pissing me off lately
<dangermouse> yeah.. CIA is really one of stalwarts in the scene, its stood tall amoungst the rest for a long time with its consistency

<dangermouse> ok.. next question..

* dngrmouse slaps out his old style watch type doob

<dangermouse> im making you very sleepy, feel your eyes gettting heavier and heavier..
<dangermouse> im now taking you back to the early days of the scene, when you first started out..
<dangermouse> aha.. so, tell me, when did you first and how did you get involved in the art scene?
<ironghost> :)

<ironghost> true, cia has been around along time.. i always wondered if / when i'd get into a national group.. i started grouping in hi (highly insane) a local group.. then iMAGE then stab ( which was awsome kosh/beldma/captin)
<dangermouse> whoa
<dangermouse> nice line up
<dangermouse> when was this about?
<dangermouse> (time wise)

<ironghost> damnit..don't do that.. i'm gonna stop drinking..i can barely feel my toes
<ironghost> i don't wanna puke
<ironghost> this is eerie

(╡) The time is now 6:30pm.

<ironghost> awh.. okay.. the exact date.. i don't know.. first it started off with a kid in my math class running a board (new world order) giving me access for an ansi.. then he got me on twb ( the whammy bar) you could see adds of it in old shiver packs. where i freelanced alot.. black dameon got me started.. before that i was just a newbie on pd boards
<ironghost> i used to love thedraw fonts
<dangermouse> oh, not thedraw fonts.. ewk.. :(

<dangermouse> how many years you been drawing btw?
<ironghost> hmm
<ironghost> lemme think
<ironghost> it's 1997 now
<ironghost> 90 - 91 round there..probably like early 91 i started on pd boards
<ironghost> 91-92 art scene..till now. i'm a nobody though :) nobody knows me or cares
<ironghost> i'm okay
<dangermouse> whoa.. thats a long time man.. something thats definately found in some of your art..

<dangermouse> speaking of your art, what styles do you think it represents, or, how have you been inspired by others in your drawing..
<dangermouse> i mean, it's pretty unique, take that MAXX one you recently did for instance..
<ironghost> styles.. i like alot of artists.. i'm trying to develop my own..ti's hard to say if i really have been doing someone elses style
<ironghost> like wO / seraphim / hennifers stuff alot
<dangermouse> yeah..
<dangermouse> i spose your kinda subconciously copying 'someone' all the time
<dangermouse> i know i prolly am
<dangermouse> who knows
<ironghost> the maxx one.. i think that was inspired alot by what i've learend from hennifer, what i've seen in seraphims art and wO's block style
<ironghost> i pull inspiration out of everywhere.. i like something i go with it

<dangermouse> when did you first get involved with the internet side of the art scene, and of course, the big groups...?
<ironghost> big gropus.. round cia30 something I wanted ot join.. i talked to numb..numb told me to join samsara or fire.. i joined ophidiac.. then moved on to cia
<dangermouse> yeah
<ironghost> nationally stab almost went national..but it died :(
<dangermouse> yea..

<dangermouse> so, just wrapping up -- how would you define the ironghost of today artistically?
<ironghost> the ironghost of today, when he draws.. sits down.. does something.. works on it.. then later asks someone if tehy want something then fonts it ..releases it.. i don't look for any approval before i release.. i do it because it has significance to me in some way.. it doesn't have to be "good looking" or the best thin someone has seen... people still want art for boards.. i still want to create art.. i help out when i feel i should
<dangermouse> good stuff man
<dangermouse> any greets, praises, general boo-haa's, etc..

<ironghost> greetz :)
<ironghost> uhmm.. wO / hennifer / warpus / grindking / straka ( captin) / kosh / bedlam / tweed / bobtj / #28 / andrew nice / black daemon / black pawn / rook / bleys / all fo teh 630 scene including xavii / haji / fo / et.. damn i'm too tried and drunk.. all fo cia / laz /
<ironghost> fire / forget ice
<ironghost> everglo
<ironghost> the scene
<ironghost> cept #ansi faggots.. and fuck tguardian cause he's a lamer now
<ironghost> heeh
<ironghost> woo
<ironghost> nappy / filth / madball / pp$ / maestro
<ironghost> etc
<ironghost> too many to remeber
<ironghost> awh
<dangermouse> hah
<dangermouse> and me! :)
<ironghost> i could probably list over 100 names
<ironghost> dngrmouse and the teklords crew for inspiration
<dangermouse> hehe
<ironghost> mOp can bite me :)
<dangermouse> ok ok :>
<ironghost> even though some individuals were cool

<dangermouse> welp its been nice talking to you man.. see yer around

<ironghost> haha.. and radman / catbones / other acid loosers shoiuld go out, get real girls instead of these 5$ hookers and get lifes

<dangermouse> i said nice talking to you man..

<ironghost> i could go on all night as my drunk ass can remember
<ironghost> hehe don't make me shutup :)
<ironghost> and fuel rocks me

<dangermouse> don't make me get out my jimmywhack

<ironghost> bye
<ironghost> goodnight

Session Close: Sun Oct 05 19:26:29 1997

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