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talking with empty, creator of tyrone emag..

Session Start: Thu Jan 11 10:59:27 1997

*** Now talking in #empty

<dangermouse> heh

*** Joins: illusionX (
*** empty sets mode: +snti
*** Retrieving #empty channel info...

<dangermouse> ops

*** illusionX was kicked by empty (∙a%k∙ *pOW* you've been capped)
*** empty sets mode: +o dngrmouse

<dangermouse> woo
<dangermouse> ok, lets get underway
<dangermouse> Now, I've talked to you b4, and well, seen u in #ansi since i've ever been in the scene, but never found out what you've been up to
<dangermouse> So, first of all, slap yer stats on me, ie. name, age, sex, hobbies..
<dangermouse> ?
<dangermouse> ops
<empty_> grr.

*** empty was kicked by dngrmouse (dngrmouse)

<empty_> Damned fags.

*** dngrmouse sets mode: +o empty_

<empty_> anyway
<dangermouse> heh
<dangermouse> Now, I've talked to you b4, and well, seen u in #ansi since i've ever been in the scene, but never found out what you've been up to
<dangermouse> So, first of all, slap yer stats on me, ie. name, age, sex, hobbies..

*** Quits: empty_ (
*** Joins: empty_ (
*** sets mode: +o empty_

<empty_> splits
<empty_> grr.
<empty_> change to my server.
<dangermouse> whats yer server?

*** dngrmouse sets mode: -i


Session Close: Thu Jan 11 11:11:17 1997

Session Start: Thu Jan 11 11:11:34 1997

*** Now talking in #empty

<dangermouse> okies
<empty_> damnit
<empty_> i just changed to your server
<dangermouse> hahahahahaha
<empty_> and you changed to mine
<dangermouse> thats funny shit
<dangermouse> ok
<dangermouse> ill change back to mine?

Session Close: Thu Jan 11 11:12:14 1997

Session Start: Thu Jan 11 11:12:29 1997

*** Now talking in #empty
*** Parts: LuvBug (

<dangermouse> ok?

*** empty_ sets mode: +snti

<empty_> yep

*** empty_ sets mode: +o dngrmouse

<dangermouse> ok

<empty_> Now.. lets do this shit.

Now, I've talked to you b4, and well, seen u in #ansi since i've ever been in the scene, but never found out what you've been up to

So, first of all, slap yer stats on me, ie. name, age, sex, hobbies..

name: Mike, age: 18, sex: As often as humanly possible, hobbies: Hrm.. well normal things. i'd guess.

How long have you been in the scene?

irc wise.. 2 years.. well.. now 3... but from the local board scene to now, about 5 to 6 years.

Were bbs's an integral part of your entry into the scene?

Yeah, it's basicly were i got my start.. like most everyone i used to be a pd caller on my krad 300 buad modem.. downloading old games that were 200k, or 300k the first cool game i remember getting was, hmm.. i think commander keen.

How did you did involved within the art scene? *detailed answer*

Well as you know sinister x got me into the scene, but i never really did art... so one day i just got bored off my ass.. downloaded aciddraw, and started playing with ascii.. that was about 3 years back, and well i liked it..(ansi is for gimps..real men draw ascii BITCH) and i kept doing it.. my first group to join i think was purg..then came blind and surge and first major group was cia..


oh yeah, I DID ANSI PUNK :)

My point exactly =)

You're a gimp =)


You still in cia?

No.. i was in cia from packs 38, to 42.. i was senior staff and ran the ascii div for most of that time.. i quit cia about 9 months ago..

Thats also when i quote unquote stopped drawing ascii

Why so?

Then about.. oh.. 8 to 7 months back i joined Remorse Ascii..

Well it's like this, I drew because it was fun.. i never charged, or asked for anything in return i'd just take requests.. i liked it.. then it gradually became a chore to me.. and when it quit being fun, i dropped it.

Yeah, i can relate to that

But, yeah back to Remorse, how'd you get involved with that, I thought you said you dropped ascii

Well i did, but then i wanted to still do something for the scene, and i started Tyrone(the only pure ascii scene magazine at the time) and i asked Necromancer if he wanted it to be remorse related, and we both agreed that it would be a remorse publication, its a monthly mag, im on issue 5 now.. and it's changed formats from month to month.. i actully drew something in remorse 11 when i joined.. a good-bye to noname ascii..(one of the BEST ascii groups of our time) and from then on i've been senior staff in remorse and run the remorse quake clan and shit.. just doing adminstrative type things for the group.

oh and #ascii owns #ansi.

Ahh.. Tell me more about tyrone, like who is involved, and how it has been recieved within the scene..

Well Tyrone(the big black nigger mag of ascii) is just a mag about ascii.. anyone can submit articles and draw for it.. its a unbiased mag.. i release anything that is given to me, even if it bashes me or the group im in.. Anyone can write.. ansi guys or ascii guys, but the article's must pertain to Ascii

So, I could submit an article "Empty sucks my nads", and get away with it? :)

Yeah, I'd release it. Its like the voice of #ascii sorta. People voice what ever opinions they want.

So, where do you see empty going this bouncing 1998?

Hrm.. well my girl friend is moving back down here this summer.. we're going to get more invovled and less out of the scene.. but ill still be here to rag on.

Heh.. and remorse and tyrone? Going from strength to strength?

Yeah. I plan to stick with those. Remorse is a fun group and well we own you all

So im sticking with remorse.. and if i quit necrom would hire radman to cap me or something, either that more make me look at acid packs.

Another thing, what do you think of the scene of yesteryear compared to today?

Well i think the ansi scene blows completely, acid is no longer respected as it used to be..Radman got rid of ansi.. and well that was stupid.. i dont think theres anyway to fix the scene from what it once was.. i'd much rather be back in the oldschool days of the scene rather than now

The ascii still is still respectable in my opinion.. We still have groups around, lots of oldschool ascii people are around

Welp, thats about it..


Thanks, been nice jabbering to yer

*** empty_ sets mode: -o dngrmouse
*** empty_ changes topic to "INTERVIEW OVER"
*** You were kicked by empty_ (weee! i pee! on yew!!)
*** Attempting to rejoin...

Session Close: Thu Jan 11 11:51:45 1997

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