interviews > interviews > acrylic weekly


Interview with Haji
By Sodium
as appeared is acrylic weekly issue two

(haji ) wow.
(haji ) doctor, he's flatlining! *beep*
(haji ) *beep*
(haji ) 'clear!' *zZZZT!@* *beep* *beep*
(haji ) the acrylic weekly hospital docu-drama.
(_sodium ) much like any other division of the art scene, the ascii scene is constantly changing... here we have acid ascii artist.. doctor haji... to tell us whats going on right now
(_sodium ) welcome to the acrylic studio, haji
(haji ) howdy, sodium.
(haji ) wow. i am?
(haji ) okay.
(_sodium ) werent you just reviving a patient?
(haji ) i was attempting.
(haji ) i wish i could revive mHz's lagged-ass xdcc.

(_sodium ) so to start off.. what do YOU do as far as ascii goes?
(haji ) but oh well.
(haji ) far as I go, uh...well, i'm in acid.
(haji ) my colly (a paltry 400-some lines) should be out in acid-53.
(haji ) it's also in the debut remorse revival Thing.
(haji ) fuck boring.
(haji ) this'll be cool.
(haji ) ask me good questions.

(_sodium ) ok
(_sodium ) (this is going to be boring)
(_sodium ) yawn
(_sodium ) ok
(_sodium ) lets get this over with
(_sodium ) blah blah.. oh fuck it
(_sodium ) the end
(haji ) oh wait!
(_sodium ) no
(_sodium ) just kidding..

(_sodium ) ok so what are the major events that have been happening in the ascii scene?
(haji ) the ascii scene sucks.
(haji ) trank and acid merged, so we've got this remorse crap.
(haji ) and noname, well, ca1n runs them, they suck.
(haji ) and s0ap, haven't seen them in a while, so no more horrible crap from them.
(haji ) actually, i like all those guys, but i like to let cynicism rear its ugly head a lot.
(_sodium ) ah.. what about you? are you coming out with any major collys like mhz and miasma?
(haji ) yeah, i've got a colly.
(_sodium ) whats it called
(haji ) it's not mHz's though. it's called 'hepcat'
(haji ) it's in the new remorse pack.
(_sodium ) so like.. do you use any influences while you draw ascii.. (examples.. music.. lsd.. etc..)
(haji ) i dig music.
(_sodium ) while yer drawing?
(haji ) actually, i'm not big on drugs, or drinking, but i love music.
(haji ) actually, i was stoned while i was working on my colly.
(haji ) yeah, while drawing.
(haji ) right now, i'm listening to the misfits.
(_sodium ) what kinda of music do you listen to while drawing?
(haji ) i'm heavily into ska.
(haji ) and punk.
(haji ) and techno/industrial.
(haji ) and, uh, 70s stuff.
(_sodium ) i drew my last ansi listening to tOOl
(haji ) yeah, i like tool too.
(haji ) i'm into metal also.

(_sodium ) speaking of ansi.. what do you feel ansi's limitations are in comparison to ascii? (why do you like ascii better?)
(_sodium ) when i say ansi.. i mean extended characters
(_sodium ) with color
(haji ) wow, ascii is cool. there's so much more freedom, what with all the killer character stuff.
(haji ) with ansi, you can do those dumb chromatik arrows alot.
(haji ) and the classic halaster double f1 character.
(haji ) with ascii, it's like a wild crazy free-for-all.
(haji ) but seriously, with so many damned characters and their orientation compared to other characters, you can do TONS more stuff.
(haji ) i love it.
(haji ) (oh yeah, and i really suck at ansi)

(_sodium ) haha
(_sodium ) do you think ascii has any limitations in comparison to ansi?
(haji ) oh, there's limitations.
(haji ) but it's more free than ansi.
(_sodium ) such as?
(haji ) well, for example, there's th edifference in screen sizes.
(haji ) with ansi, you don't hav eto worry about it.
(haji ) but with ascii, the different screen sizes dictate the number of scanlines in the font, and the fonts are different. then people bitch about your curves, which really ARE smooth.
(_sodium ) what about shading-wise?
(haji ) people do it all stupid.
(_sodium ) ha
(haji ) i like msd's shading.
(haji ) and pixel pusher did a neat pic of the maxx's ass, it was shaed good.
(haji ) shaded, that is.
(_sodium ) do you think ansi posses an edge over ascii as far as shading goes tho..? with F1, F2, and F3 chars?
(haji ) yeah, but chech THIS out.
(haji ) $$$$$$$88888SSSSSllllliiiii;;;;;::::: :: :
(_sodium ) ooo
(haji ) ascii-shading, there's more.
(haji ) it's like having f1-f8.

#ironghost(ig@* ;) sorry to interrupt but let the record show.. i don't see it ;)

(_sodium ) wow
(_sodium ) you have a point
(_sodium ) so what artist basically got you into the scene? or did you do it yourself?
(haji ) hmm.
(haji ) well, ansi first lured me into the scene.
(haji ) i think when i saw an old acid!ascii colly, that really hooked me.
(haji ) that was like, unsane and kHz mainly. so who would when in
(haji ) and cool t.

(_sodium ) so who would win in a fight? khz or the god of ascii?
(haji ) who's the god of ascii?
(haji ) i think kHz is slipping in quality.
(_sodium ) THE god of ascii... the spiritual guy
(_sodium ) in heavan
(haji ) OH!
(haji ) the god, of course.
(haji ) he can conjure up lightning bolts from his fingertips, probably.
(_sodium ) no way... its self mutilation... khz IS the god of ascii
(haji ) oh.
(haji ) wow.
(_sodium ) see see?
(_sodium ) ugh
(_sodium ) nevermind
(_sodium ) so much for humor
(haji ) hmm.
(haji ) i'm the anti-humor.
(haji ) wanna hear about my turkey fetish?
(haji ) oh, this is interesting.
(_sodium ) you have a turkey fetus?
(_sodium ) is it growing in you?
(haji ) fetuses shmetuses, i like em young and old.
(haji ) turkeys rule!
(haji ) i drew turkeys all over my school papers.
(haji ) all over notes to my girlfriend.
(_sodium ) with your hand
(haji ) i drew a toony turkey pic for noname #6!
(_sodium ) i did that in school
(haji ) i drew ascii in school one time.

#ironghost(ig@* ask him about his past affils and his first group "skism" ;)

(_sodium ) so what were your past affils... btw... whats the first thought that comes to your mind when i say, "skism"?
(haji ) "ironghost".
(haji ) because he told you that.
(_sodium ) what?

#ironghost(ig@* i wasn't in the group :) it sucked ;)

(haji ) skism was fucking rad as hell.
(haji ) did ig fill you in on skism
(haji ) ?
(_sodium ) "ironghost!ig@*" i wasn't in the group :) it sucked ;)
(_sodium ) uh oh
(_sodium ) we've got a problem
(haji ) it DID suck!
(haji ) that's what made us so cool!
(ironghost) haji : so being sucky makes you cool?
(haji ) i drew my first ascii for them, i've got it here somewhere. shall i play it into the channel?
(_sodium ) yes
(haji ) ig; exactly.
(haji ) keeping people's expectations low means you can really 'wow' them later.
(_sodium ) ladys and gentleman, may i introduce our listings editor.. iron ghost!
(haji ) that's what high school's been teaching me.
(_sodium ) haji: where the hell did you get your name?
(_sodium ) answer me now
(haji ) ironghost is a proud member of 'cat rapists anonymous' and various other related bestiality 12-step programs.
(ironghost) haji , or should i say moemoney, don't avoid the question
(haji ) haha. mighty MIGHTY, that is.
(haji ) mighty moghty, wow.
(haji ) btw, ironghost, why the fuck did skism suck?
(ironghost) haji : cause the group couldn't do shit, noone could draw
(ironghost) why'd you changer your handle after you left skism, cause you didn't want anyone to know you were in it?
(_sodium ) thats nice but back to the interview
(haji ) fuck you!
(haji ) i used my handle!
(haji ) i was in graPE!
(haji ) i changed it because IT sucked!
(haji ) shut up ig, kobb could draw~!
(ironghost) haji, it's cause you blow goats, and you know it
(haji ) where were YOU back then?! CRYING ABOUT MOP, THAT'S WHERE!
(haji ) 'mOp, mOp wah wah wah!'
(_sodium ) uh guys
(ironghost) what the hell you fucking faggot pussy you guys couldn't out draw emic
(_sodium ) hello?
(haji ) well boo hoo, you damned fratboy.
(_sodium ) ok settle down
(haji ) 'mop and stab, blah blah blah.'
(haji ) that's RIGHT.
(haji ) GRR.
(ironghost) fuck you
(ironghost) you little piece of hindu shit
(_sodium ) woah!
(haji ) eat shit and die, you damned buffoon!
(_sodium ) hey? am i invisible here? (head editor's note: apparently so.)

+ haji busts out wild nijitsu action on ig's head...'wa-chaAAA!!@'

(haji ) *crack*
(ironghost) haji, i've got a car, and your address from kobb's board, don't make me drive out there
(_sodium ) helllooo?
(_sodium ) HEY!
(haji ) ig; let's see you try and stay in your lane, you drunken fratboy fruitass.
(ironghost) haji : yeah you little piece of crap, let's see you outrun me
(ironghost) haji :fuck off you fruity bastard
(_sodium ) im trying to do an interview for cry's sake
(haji ) you really will be a ghost, becvause you'll be in a head on collison.
(haji ) and i'll get a ppicture, and scan it, and put you in the next fucking splatt pack.
(_sodium ) thats it

*** haji has been kicked off channel #acrylic by _sodium (.:%dreadX.)
*** ironghost has been kicked off channel #acrylic by _sodium (.:%dreadX.)

(_sodium ) the end.

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