Backup ManagerDISCUS Administration Instructions

PRO All features in this section are available in the professional version of this discussion board software only.

The "Backup Manager" allows you to create backups of files from your discussion board, including message and administration files. You can back up the documentation files, script files, and source files, if you so choose. You can also restore message files and administration files from existing backups. Backups are stored in the unix "tar" format, so you can download the backups you create and work with them using an ordinary program that can handle the unix tar format.

Working with existing backups

Several operations can be performed on existing backups using the interface provided.

It is also possible to use a backup that you have downloaded to your machine in the Discus backup manager. Use your FTP program to transfer the backup archive from your local machine to the WWW server, placing it in the administration/backups directory. Note that this transfer should be made in binary mode.

Creating a new backup

To create a new backup, scroll to the "Create New Backup" section of the Backup Manager screen. Using the check boxes, choose which elements of your board you wish to back up (it is strongly recommended that you perform at least a "Minimal Backup" which consists of backing up the data files and message files on your board). You can also use the radio buttons on the left side of the box to select among the most common backup types, which changes the check boxes automatically to indicate which components have been selected. You can give your backup file a file name by filling in the "File Name:" box. Then, click "Create Backup" to make the backup file (if you specify a file that already exists, the file name will be modified to make it unique). If you have a large board, creating the backup could require several seconds, so be patient.

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