--------------------------------------------------------------------- PKZIP(R) for Windows Version 2.60.03 11-01-98 Copyright 1989-1998 PKWARE Inc. All Rights Reserved. PKZIP Reg. U.S. Pat. and Tm. Off. Patent No. 5,051,745 --------------------------------------------------------------------- The Sponsored SHAREWARE version of PKZIP 2.60.03 for Windows is intended for use on Windows 9x or Windows NT 4.0 running on an x86/Pentium processor. If you plan to distribute the Sponsored Shareware version of PKZIP 2.60.03 for Windows to friends, associates, or to an on-line service, please distribute the entire distribution file rather than individual files. If you need assistance with installing or using this software, please contact our Technical Support Department as follows: Phone: 414-354-8699 Fax: 414-354-8559 Email: support@pkware.com Web: http://www.pkware.com CompuServe: Go PKWARE PKWARE BBS: 414-354-8670 Address: 9025 N. Deerwood Drive Brown Deer, WI 53223-2480 USA Files included with this release ---------------------------------- Distribution File ------------------- This is the installation file containing the 32-bit Sponsored SHAREWARE version of PKZIP for Windows. The following files will be installed on your system: LICENSE.TXT License information for using PKZIP for Windows. OMBUDSMN.ASP Association of Shareware Professionals statement. ORDER.TXT A list of distributors and an order form for purchasing PKWARE products. PKUNINST.EXE Program to uninstall PKZIP for Windows. PKWG32.DLL A DLL required to run PKZIP for Windows. PKZIPW.EXE PKZIP for Windows version 2.60.03. PKZIPW.HLP The help file for using PKZIP for Windows. PKZIPW.HTM A document allowing easy access to our WWW site. README.TXT Information about PKZIP for Windows (this file). TSAD.DLL A Windows DLL required for the Adgateway Service from Conducent Technologies, Inc.(installed in the \WINDOWS directory) TSADBOT.EXE Adgateway program from Conducent Technologies, Inc. (installed in the \PROGRAM FILES\TIMESINK\... directory) TSUNINST.EXE Program to uninstall Adgateway software from Conducent Technologies, Inc. This program is automatically run by PKUNINST.EXE during the PKZIP for Windows uninstallation process. WHATSNEW.TXT A file describing the new features in this release. Please see the WHATSNEW.TXT file for a complete list of the new features in this release. Sponsored Advertisement Display ------------------------------- This version of PKZIP for Windows displays banner advertisements in the lower right hand corner of the main application window. Clicking on the banner advertisement will automatically launch your default web browser and forward you to it's sponsor's web page. Registered versions of PKZIP for Windows do not display banner advertising. Banner advertisement technology provided by Conducent Technologies, Inc. Platform Notes ---------------- This version of PKZIP for Windows will only run on Windows 9x or Windows NT 4.0 or greater. Windows NT 4.0 users must have appropriate access privileges (e.g. Administrator) to install and/or uninstall this version of PKZIP for Windows. Consult your systems administrator for further information on Windows NT 4.0 access privilege configuration. Installing Over Existing Versions of PKZIP for Windows -------------------------------------------------------- If you are installing over an existing version of PKZIP for Windows, you may wish to uncheck the checkboxes labeled "Create program group(s)" and "Register extensions(s)" to avoid conflicts with your existing configuration settings. As an alternative, uninstall the existing version of PKZIP for Windows before installing PKZIP for Windows 2.60.03.