RAR version 2.02 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RAR Registration and Support sites ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The latest version of RAR and support conferences are available at the sites and BBS's listed below. Most of them are FIDONET-nodes, so you can request the latest version of RAR, via file request, using the magic name of 'RAR'. NOTE: This list is distributed with the current version of RAR and may not be up-to-date. For the latest RAR_SITE list please visit our website at http://www.creabel.com/softronic There you will also find the latest versions of RAR for all platforms as well as FAR, the greatest file manager in the world. World-Wide distribution headquarters: FINLAND ------- Postal address Ordering information RAR HQ Fax : +358 (9) 2983308 PL 97 Voice : +358 (9) 22301230 02101 Espoo Email : ron@knowledgebase.fi Finland FidoNet: 2:220/22 North American Continent: SouthEastern US USA/Kentucky: ------------ Postal Address: Ordering Information: Janis Kracht 211 N. Madison Avenue Voice: : 1-502-245-4353 Louisville, KY 40243 BBS/FAX: : 1-502-245-6778 V.Everything telnet/ftp : (jkracht.aye.net) Voice Hours: FidoNet: : 1:2320/38 Compuserve : 70267,2777 10:00AM - 7:00PM EST Internet : E-Mail: jkracht@aye.net WWW : WWW: http://www.aye.net/~jkracht Payment accepted in Personal or Bank Checks, US Postal order or other money orders. Purchase orders accepted with FAX of PO number as well, net 30 days. USA/Wisconsin ------------- Postal Address: Ordering Information: Brian Hertziger Voice : 1-414-329-8511 Mr. Homies' Computex BBS : 1-414-329-8442 3728 South 43rd St., #29 FAX : 1-414-329-8443 Milwaukee, WI 53220-2174 FidoNet : 1:154/645 Voice Hours: Monday-Saturday -- 6:00pm to 10:00pm (CST) Sunday -- 10:00am to 10:00pm (CST) Orders accepted by Phone, Mail, NetMail (Crash), FAX, and BBS. Credit Cards accepted: American Express, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and Novus cards. Personal and Business Checks, Money Orders, or Cashier's Checks accepted; make all checks payable to: Mr. Homies' Computex. NOTE: Personal and Business checks require 7 working days to clear Wisconsin residents add 5.6% sales tax. Canada ------ Postal Address: Ordering Information: Game Quest Online BBS/FAX 1-604-535-1077 Box #45527 Sunnyside Mall PO FidoNet 1:153/9117 Surrey, B.C InterNet gremlin@gamequest.net V4A 9N3, Canada Orders accepted by Fax, SnailMail, E-Mail. (BBS Online Ordering Shortly) Credit Cards accepted: Visa, MasterCard All Credit Card orders add 5% Personal Checks, Money Orders accepted; make payable to Darrell Harder Europe: Deutschland, ™sterreich und Schweiz ----------------------------------- Postanschrift Information: mediacom Fax : +49 (0)6151 151436 Telefon : +49 (0)6151 26438 RAR Support Karlstraαe 57 64285 Darmstadt Germany Sie k”nnen Ihre Bestellung per Fax, Mail, E-Mail oder in der DIDDI'S DEN SUPPORTBOX aufgeben. Dort finden Sie auch die aktuellen Versionen von RAR sowie viele Hilfsprogramme: DIDDI'S DEN DARMSTADT 06151-26422 (33.6) / 06151-282622,23 (ISDN) Finland, Suomi -------------- Yritys osoite Ordering information KP Tietoliikenne Oy Fax : +358-9-873 1962 PL 263 email : kari@knowledgebase.fi 01301 VANTAA FidoNet : 2:220/22.358@fidonet FINLAND Orders accepted by fax, mail or BBS Credit cards : Visa, American Express Sweden ------- Postal address Ordering information Definite Solutions Voice: +46 (8) 6456495 Forskottsvagen 11 Fax : +46 (8) 55630102 S-12932 Hagersten BBS : +46 (8) 55630102 (ISDN/V.34) Sweden +46 (8) 55630103 (ISDN/V.34) FidoNet : 2:201/330, 2:201/329 Internet: sales@defsol.se WWW : http://www.defsol.se/ Orders accepted by Voice phone, FAX, Mail, crash NetMail or BBS. File request REGFORM.SWE for our Swedish order form. This form is also available on our web site. Credit card orders require a signed order form to be mailed or faxed due to local authorities' regulations for credit card payments. Credit cards accepted VISA, MasterCard, EuroCard, BankKort, RiksKort, KopKort and SparbanksKort. Denmark ------- Postal address Ordering information CommConsult Voice: +45 5764 5757 / 4030 6374 S›park Alle 86 Fax : +45 5764 5758 4171 Danmark BBS : +45 5764 5758 (ISDN/V.34) Danmark FidoNet : 2:236/64 Internet: rhansen@commconsult.dk WWW : http://www.commconsult.dk Orders accepted by Voice phone, FAX, Mail, crash NetMail or BBS. File request REGFORM.DAN for our Danish order form. This form is also available on our web site. Payment: PostGiro (GiroBank) Konto: 067-8058 Bank transfer (Haandvaerkerbanken) Konto: 6070 4326259 Check, please make check payable to: Richard Hansen Cash, remember to send by registered mail. Belgique/Belgie, Luxembourg & France ------------------------------------ Adresse Postale: RAR Belgian RegSite Board: RAR Belgian RegSite Europa BBS - SysOp: Jacques Theys Denis Navarre BBS: Line 1 - +32-71-886065 (2:293/3212) Rue General de Gaulle, 228 Line 2 - +32-71-886378 (2:293/3206) 6180 Courcelles BELGIQUE / BELGIE FAX: +32-71-886065 VOICE: +32-71-455729 (Denis Navarre) GSM VOICE: +32-95-840380 FidoNet: 2:293/3212.69 FrancoMedia: 101:320/7105.69 SparkNet: 74:292/7101.6 FrancoPhoNet: 34:220/118.6 Download WebSite : http://www.hemisphere.fr/rar Internet: dnav@myself.com Orders accepted by post, phone, netmail, e-mail, fax or bbs. Spain ----- Postal address Ordering information On-Line Services 2000 S.L. Diablo BBS (24h - 28k8) +34-3-2680612 Trafalgar 78 2§ 2¦ B Voice support +34-902 333366 08010 Barcelona Fax +34-3-2683590 Spain FidoNet 2:343/146 RedBBS 757:101/33 E-Mail rar@ols.es WWW http://web.ols.es/rar/ (not yet available, but soon) ftp ftp://diablo.ols.es/SUPPORT/RAR We also accept VISA & Mastercard. Orders accepted by Voice phone, Mail, Crash NetMail or BBS. Czech Republic -------------- Postal Address Ordering Information Viliam Mlich Desna 70 763 15 Slusovice Voice : +420-67-7986163 Czech Rep. Mobile : +420-603-454069 e-mail: vmlich@mbox.vol.cz fidonet: 2:421/45, 2:421/50 http://www.monetplus.cz/softw/rar/ Orders accepted by FAX, Mail, E-Mail and Voice Czech Republic -------------- Postal address Ordering Information JIMAZ s.r.o. Voice: +42-2-379-498 Hermanova 37 FAX: +42-2-378-103 170 00 Praha 7 BBS: +42-2-312-1919 CZECHIA Email: jimaz@jimaz.cz Orders accepted by Voice phone, fax, mail and Internet Email. Objednavky prijimame telefonicky, faxem, postou a elektronickou postou. Hungary ------- Postal address/retail shop: Ordering information: KeSzo Kft. Voice : +36-1-332-8717 (Hungarian and English) Falk Miksa u. 6 Fax : +36-1-302-5136 H-1055 Budapest e-mail: sales@keszo.com Hungary Internet: www.keszo.com Orders accepted by Voice Phone, Fax, E-Mail, or personally in our shop. Payments accepted by Cash, Bank Transfer. Slovakia -------- Postal address Ordering information Peter Hubinsky Voice : +421 7 5257937 SAC-ESET,Ltd. FAX : +421 7 5257939 Pionierska 9/a BBS : +421 7 5257942 831 01 Bratislava E-mail : hubak@eset.sk SLOVAKIA FidoNet : 2:422/80 Orders accepted by Voice phone, fax, mail or BBS Australasia: Australia/DP Computing ---------------------- DP Computing Voice : +08 8326 4364 PO Box 712 Web Site : http://www.dpcomputing.com.au Noarlunga Centre SA 5168 E-Mail : sales@dpcomputing.com.au Australia FAX : +08 8382 3785 Mobile : +015 973 503 Voice Hours: FidoNet : [Fido Node] 24 Hours Per Day Orders accepted by phone, mail, e-mail, or World Wide Web. Credit Cards accepted: Visa, MasterCard, or Bankcard. Personal Checks, Money Orders, or Cashier's Checks accepted; make payable to DP Computing. Australia --------- Postal address Ordering information Secure Antivirus Systems Voice : +61 (0)7 3204 5000 PO Box 29 fidonet : 3:640/886 Kallangur internet : ftp.st.net.au /pub/rar Australia 4503 email : rod@st.net.au Orders accepted by phone/ mail / email Credit cards : Bankcard / Mastercard / Visa New Zealand ----------- Postal address Ordering information Arrow Computer Services Fax : +64 (649) 486-7606 30A Bracken Ave Voice : +64 (649) 486-1012 Takapuna Orders : +64 (649) 486-1012 North Shore City 1309 BBS (14.4) : +64 (649) 488-0769 New Zealand Internet: 71333,2275@compuserve.com FidoNet : 3:772/185 CompuServe: 71333,2275 Orders accepted by Voice phone, fax, mail or BBS Credit cards : Visa, Mastercard, Bankcard South America: Brazil ------ Postal Address: Ordering Information/Technical Support: ATT: Fabio Becker Voice/FAX : 55-51-593-3964 RS-Net Consultoria Informatica BBS : 55-51-594-3720 / 24h Rua Sao Francisco de Paula, 149 FidoNet : 4:805/4 Novo Hamburgo, RS, 93410-330 RBT : 12:1251/0 Brazil LusoNet : 20:20051/1 Internet : admin@rsnetbbs.com.br WWW : http://www.rsnetbbs.com.br Voice Hours: FTP : ftp://rsnetbbs.com.br /rar Mon-Fri: 10:00a to 04:00p (GMT -3) Orders accepted by phone, mail, e-mail, fax, or BBS. Credit Cards accepted: Visa, MasterCard, Diners Club. Personal Checks, Money Orders, or Cashier's Checks accepted, please make payable to Fabio Becker. Purchase Orders by Mail (not electronic) add 10% for registered post. Far East: Taiwan, Rep. of China --------------------- Postal address Ordering information Long Fellow BBS Tonny Lin Fax : 886-4-483-4410 PO Box 21-210 BBS : 886-4-483-4485 Tali, Taichung county BBS : 886-4-483-4486 Taiwan, Rep. of China 412 Internet: tonny@ms1.hinet.net FidoNet : 6:722/207 90Net : 90:2020/800 SkyNet : 33:3002/106 ISLNet : 84:400/113 ZyXELnet : 17:130/201 Orders accepted by Fax, Mail or Netmail Magic name "REGISTER" INTERNET -------- ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» Ί Visit our world wide web site at: Ί ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ Http://www.creabel.com/softronic ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» Ί FTP site to get latest RAR version Ί ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ The official anonymous FTP sites for RAR are: ftp://ftp.creabel.com/pub/rar ftp://ftp.elf.stuba.sk/pub/pc/pack ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» Ί Registration of RAR via the Internet Ί ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ It is now possible to register your copy of RAR, using a credit card (Visa, Mastercard, Eurocard or Ok) via the internet. For full details please see the enclosed file, INTERNET.REG or send a message to: Send a message to: In order to obtain: ftp.rar@knowledgebase.fi A list of ftp sites for RAR software sites.rar@knowledgebase.fi A list of registration sites whatsnew.rar@knowledgebase.fi Details of the latest version The above targets are robots which will ignore the body of the message and respond with a result file. helpdesk@knowledgebase.fi Answers to technical questions Messages addressed to helpdesk will be handled by staff proficient in the usage of RAR and/or the author of the product. SysOp: Please place the RAR SFX archive on your BBS, but do not distribute RAR registration keys and cracks. How to become an RAR Registration and Support Site: If you want to be an RAR Site and there is none in your area - write to the world-wide distribution center in Finland.