object FormScr: TFormScr Left = 275 Top = 102 AutoScroll = False BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu, biMinimize] Caption = 'Tonyu System' ClientHeight = 400 ClientWidth = 560 Color = clBlack Font.Charset = SHIFTJIS_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] Menu = MainMenu1 OldCreateOrder = True Visible = True OnActivate = FormActivate OnClose = FormClose OnCreate = FormCreate OnDeactivate = FormDeactivate OnMouseDown = SP1MapMouseDown OnMouseMove = SP1MapMouseMove OnMouseUp = SP1MapMouseUp OnPaint = FormPaint OnResize = FormResize PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 12 object Image1: TImage Left = 352 Top = 24 Width = 197 Height = 78 AutoSize = True Visible = False end object DD: TDXDraw Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 560 Height = 381 AutoInitialize = True AutoSize = True Color = clBlack Display.BitCount = 16 Display.FixedBitCount = True Display.FixedRatio = True Display.FixedSize = False Display.Height = 600 Display.Width = 800 Options = [doHardware] SurfaceHeight = 381 SurfaceWidth = 560 Align = alClient TabOrder = 0 Visible = False OnMouseDown = SP1MapMouseDown OnMouseMove = SP1MapMouseMove OnMouseUp = SP1MapMouseUp end object SB: TStatusBar Left = 0 Top = 381 Width = 560 Height = 19 Panels = < item Width = 50 end item Width = 50 end item Width = 50 end> SimplePanel = False end object MainMenu1: TMainMenu Left = 56 Top = 80 object F2: TMenuItem Caption = '&File' Visible = False object Exit1: TMenuItem Caption = 'E&xit' OnClick = Exit2Click end end object F1: TMenuItem Caption = '&File' object M2: TMenuItem Caption = 'Main Menu' OnClick = M2Click end object N2: TMenuItem Caption = '&New Project' OnClick = N2Click end object N12: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object P3: TMenuItem Caption = 'Add new page to the project' OnClick = N2Click end object Open1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Open Page/Project' OnClick = Open1Click end object N11: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object S4: TMenuItem Caption = '&Save Page' OnClick = S4Click end object A1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Save &as..' OnClick = A1Click end object N6: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object R2: TMenuItem Caption = 'Deploy(&R)' OnClick = R2Click end object N3: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object Exit2: TMenuItem Caption = 'E&xit' OnClick = Exit2Click end end object O2: TMenuItem Caption = '&Object' Visible = False object N4: TMenuItem Caption = #26032#35215'(&N)...' OnClick = N4Click end object Cut1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Cut(&X)' OnClick = Cut1Click end object C2: TMenuItem Caption = '&Copy' OnClick = C2Click end object Paste1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Paste' OnClick = Paste1Click end object Rename1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Rename' OnClick = Rename1Click end object Delete1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Delete' OnClick = Delete1Click end end object R1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Run' Visible = False object S1: TMenuItem Caption = #26368#21021#12363#12425#23455#34892'(&R)' ShortCut = 120 OnClick = S1Click end object P1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Pause/Resume' ShortCut = 114 OnClick = P1Click end object S2: TMenuItem Caption = '&Stop' ShortCut = 113 OnClick = S2Click end object D1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Debug' Visible = False OnClick = D1Click end end object W1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Window' Visible = False object P2: TMenuItem Caption = 'Frame Mana&ger' OnClick = P2Click end object classl1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Class' OnClick = classl1Click end object insp1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Object &Inspector' OnClick = insp1Click end object E1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Editor' OnClick = E1Click end object T2: TMenuItem Caption = '&Templates' Visible = False OnClick = T2Click end object N9: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object C1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Glyph(&P)' OnClick = C1Click end object M1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Create a new &Map' OnClick = M1Click end object S3: TMenuItem Caption = '&Satellite' OnClick = S3Click end object BGMB1: TMenuItem Caption = '&BGM/SE' OnClick = BGMB1Click end object N8: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object glocbl1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Global Variable' OnClick = glocbl1Click end object T1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Debug(&X)' OnClick = T1Click end object F3: TMenuItem Caption = 'Load A&verage' OnClick = F3Click end object O1: TMenuItem Caption = 'C&onsole' ShortCut = 16506 OnClick = O1Click end object N10: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object R3: TMenuItem Caption = '&Ranking on the Net' OnClick = R3Click end object V1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Memcard' Visible = False OnClick = V1Click end object D2: TMenuItem Caption = '&Debug' ShortCut = 16505 Visible = False OnClick = D2Click end end object O3: TMenuItem Caption = '&Options' object SoundOpt: TMenuItem Caption = '&Sound' Checked = True OnClick = SoundOptClick end object D3: TMenuItem Caption = '&Drawing Method' object Draw_A: TMenuItem Caption = '&A' Checked = True OnClick = Draw_AClick end object Draw_B: TMenuItem Caption = '&B' OnClick = Draw_AClick end object Draw_C: TMenuItem Caption = '&C' OnClick = Draw_AClick end end object B1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Show Status &Bar' Checked = True OnClick = B1Click end object C4: TMenuItem Caption = '&Code completion' Checked = True OnClick = C4Click end object saveWnd: TMenuItem Caption = 'Save Window State' OnClick = saveWndClick end object Full1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Full' Visible = False OnClick = Full1Click end object N7: TMenuItem Caption = 'Sound Calibration' Visible = False OnClick = N7Click end object Language1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Language..' Visible = False OnClick = Language1Click end end object H1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Help' object H2: TMenuItem Caption = '&Help top page' ShortCut = 112 OnClick = H2Click end object Find1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Find' ShortCut = 16465 OnClick = Find1Click end object TonyuT1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Tonyu Web Page' OnClick = TonyuT1Click end object N1: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object About1: TMenuItem Caption = '&About..' OnClick = About1Click end end end object MZ: TMezonet Interval = 50 BufferSize = 44100 Delay = 1000 Left = 200 Top = 56 end object Yup1: TYup LexNode.Strings = ( 'Lexical' ' '#39'while' ' '#39'break' ' '#39'if' ' '#39'is' ' '#39'in' ' '#39'else' ' '#39'null' ' '#39'for' ' '#39'fork' ' '#39'function' ' '#39'constructor' ' '#39'destructor' ' '#39'extends' ' '#39'native' ' '#39'new' ' '#39'return' ' '#39'var' ' '#39'++' ' '#39'--' ' '#39'+=' ' '#39'-=' ' '#39'*=' ' '#39'/=' ' '#39'%=' ' '#39'!=' ' '#39'==' ' '#39'>=' ' '#39'<=' ' '#39'||' ' '#39'&&' ' '#39'>' ' '#39'<' ' '#39';' ' '#39'=' ' '#39'|' ' '#39'&' ' '#39'+' ' '#39'-' ' '#39'*' ' '#39'/' ' '#39'%' ' '#39'!' ' '#39'(' ' '#39')' ' '#39'.' ' '#39',' ' '#39'{' ' '#39'}' ' COMM' ' |' ' com1' ' '#39'//' ' {}' ' -' ' $20' ' $ff' ' com2' ' '#39'/*' ' {}' ' |' ' -' ' $01' ' $29' ' -' ' $2b' ' $ff' ' nonend' ' '#39'*' ' |' ' -' ' $01' ' $2e' ' -' ' $30' ' $ff' ' '#39'*/' ' NUM' ' [}' ' Digit' ' []' ' '#39'.' ' [}' ' Digit' ' STRING' ' '#39'"' ' {}' ' |' ' kanji' ' -' ' $80' ' $ff' ' -' ' $01' ' $ff' ' -' ' $20' ' $21' ' -' ' $23' ' $5b' ' -' ' $5d' ' $ff' ' esc' ' $5c' ' -' ' $20' ' $ff' ' '#39'"' ' SYMBOL' ' |' ' Alpha' ' Kanji' ' '#39'$' ' {}' ' |' ' Digit' ' Alpha' ' Kanji' ' *Stop' ' -Digit' ' '#39'0' ' '#39'9' ' |Alpha' ' '#39'_' ' -' ' '#39'a' ' '#39'z' ' -' ' '#39'A' ' '#39'Z' ' Kanji' ' |' ' -' ' $80' ' $9f' ' -' ' $e0' ' $ff' ' -' ' $01' ' $ff' '@') GramNode.Strings = ( 'Grammar' ' Program' ' Extends' ' {}' ' |' ' FuncDecl' ' NativeDecl' ' Comment' ' Sentence' ' |Sentence' ' Block' ' While' ' For' ' If' ' Return' ' ExprS' ' Forin' ' Comment' ' Break' ' Comment' ' '#39'COMM' ' []Extends' ' '#39'extends' ' ResourceVal' ' '#39';' ' ExprS' ' Expr' ' '#39';' ' Expr' ' []' ' LVal' ' |' ' '#39'=' ' '#39'+=' ' '#39'-=' ' RVal' ' RVal' ' OrEx' ' {}' ' '#39'||' ' OrEx' ' OrEx' ' AndEx' ' {}' ' '#39'&&' ' AndEx' ' AndEx' ' IsEx' ' {}' ' |' ' '#39'!=' ' '#39'==' ' '#39'>=' ' '#39'<=' ' '#39'>' ' '#39'<' ' IsEx' ' IsEx' ' CompEx' ' []' ' '#39'is' ' ResourceVal' ' CompEx' ' ASEx' ' {}' ' |' ' '#39'+' ' '#39'-' ' ASEx' ' ASEx' ' MDEx' ' {}' ' |' ' '#39'*' ' '#39'/' ' '#39'%' ' MDEx' ' MDEx' ' []' ' |' ' '#39'-' ' '#39'!' ' Una' ' |Una' ' IncEx' ' Const' ' Par' ' NewObj' ' IncEx' ' LVal' ' []' ' |' ' '#39'++' ' '#39'--' ' NewObj' ' '#39'new' ' ResourceVal' ' '#39'(' ' ArgList' ' '#39')' ' Par' ' '#39'(' ' Expr' ' '#39')' ' Const' ' |' ' '#39'null' ' '#39'NUM' ' '#39'STRING' ' LVal' ' LValE' ' {}' ' '#39'.' ' LValE' ' LValE' ' |' ' '#39'SYMBOL' ' '#39'constructor' ' []' ' '#39'(' ' ArgList' ' '#39')' ' ResourceVal' ' '#39'SYMBOL' ' {}' ' '#39'.' ' '#39'SYMBOL' ' []ArgList' ' Expr' ' {}' ' '#39',' ' Expr' ' Block' ' '#39'{' ' {}' ' Sentence' ' '#39'}' ' Forin' ' '#39'for' ' '#39'(' ' LVal' ' '#39'in' ' Expr' ' '#39')' ' Sentence' ' While' ' '#39'while' ' '#39'(' ' Expr' ' '#39')' ' Sentence' ' For' ' '#39'for' ' '#39'(' ' Expr' ' '#39';' ' Expr' ' '#39';' ' Expr' ' '#39')' ' Sentence' ' Break' ' '#39'break' ' '#39';' ' If' ' '#39'if' ' '#39'(' ' Expr' ' '#39')' ' Sentence' ' []' ' '#39'else' ' Sentence' ' Return' ' '#39'return' ' []' ' Expr' ' '#39';' ' FuncDecl' ' |' ' '#39'function' ' '#39'constructor' ' '#39'destructor' ' '#39'SYMBOL' ' '#39'(' ' VArgList' ' '#39')' ' VarBlock' ' NativeDecl' ' '#39'native' ' '#39'SYMBOL' ' '#39';' ' []VArgList' ' '#39'SYMBOL' ' {}' ' '#39',' ' '#39'SYMBOL' ' VarBlock' ' '#39'{' ' {}' ' VarDecl' ' {}' ' Sentence' ' '#39'}' ' VarDecl' ' '#39'var' ' VArgList' ' '#39';' '@' ' ' ' ') OnCreateList = Yup1CreateList Left = 88 Top = 56 end object PM: TPopupMenu Left = 136 Top = 136 object N5: TMenuItem Caption = #26032#35215'(&N)...' OnClick = N4Click end object Cut2: TMenuItem Caption = 'Cut(&X)' OnClick = Cut1Click end object C3: TMenuItem Caption = '&Copy' OnClick = C2Click end object Paste2: TMenuItem Caption = '&Paste' OnClick = Paste1Click end object Rename2: TMenuItem Caption = '&Rename' OnClick = Rename1Click end object Delete2: TMenuItem Caption = '&Delete' OnClick = Delete1Click end end object Timer1: TTimer Interval = 200 OnTimer = Timer1Timer Left = 248 Top = 64 end end