How to use The Duke Control System 5.0 First run Install.exe It won't take long, it will copy it correct files to your duke directory and it will create Duke3dp.dat in your C:\Windows\System directory, this file is not needed to run DukeNukem 3D. If you have an older version of The D.C.S. you don't need to delete it, just run Install.exe. When your finished installing run DCS.exe and that's it! Once your started you see that ALL settings are on-screen. There are no menu systems to confuse you. In the Top-Right you'll see what keys do what and will change correctly if you change any of them. In the Top-Left is a listing of the settings. And to the Mid-Right are the Respawn settings. All you have to do is press the key for the setting you wish to change and you'll be prompt for what-ever is necessary. System requirments: Software DukeNukem 3D The D.C.S. has been fully tested with the Full version 1.3d and with Windows'95 but should work fine with DOS and any version of the game. Hardware If you can run DukeNukem 3D you can run The D.C.S. Known problems & Trouble shooting Due to a bug in Build (yes in Build), If you load a map through the command line (ie. Build.exe and then save, it will make the back-up file ( but will not save to the original file. So after you exit Build The D.C.S. will copy the file to the original file. Note: If you enter Build through one file, load another file IN Build and save it, then quit, The D.C.S. will crush the file you entered with, with the last file saved! What this means is DO NOT EDIT MORE THAN ONE MAP IN ONE BUILD SESSION! When you quit Build you will be asked if The D.C.S. should make this copy, if you only edited one map, you "saved" it in Build and would like to keep the changes then press "Y" Q Sometimes when I start playing DukeNukem 3D under The D.C.S. it's jerky, I thought it wouldn't slow down? A When you first start the game there may be some slowdown, due to your hard-drive working. Give it 10-30 seconds and it should stop. Do NOT change or delete DCS.DAT doing so can diable your copy of The D.C.S. If you find any other problems you can send e-mail to Yummy Creations at Note: this address may change after 7/01/96 Kevin Reems - Yummy Creations 11:37 AM 6/18/96 -End of File-