2 LESSONmaker 3 \nDocument \nDocument\nDocument (*.rtf)\n.rtf 4 \n \n 5 There are too many windows of study information. \n \nPlease select Options | Bookshelf, and uncheck some of the books. 6 Insert Text File 7 RTF Files(*.rtf)|*.rtf|Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 10 ?:\~WS*.* 11 System Error. Please call tech support at 512-835-6900 and report \n \n %s %i %i %s 12 There is not enough memory to run LESSONmaker. 13 \n \nChapter 14 \nPermanent Log\n 15 Demos contains text for the book of John only. 16 \n \n 17 \n \n 18 \n \n 19 \n \n 20 \n \n 21 \n \n 22 \n \n 23 NT 24 OT 25 OT & NT 26 \nRef List \nRef List 27 This will replace all word processor options with the standard options for %s! 28 Program File 29 Program Files (*.exe)/*.exe/ 30 The word-processor program file, %s, was not found on the path. Do you want to search the hard drive(s) for %s? 31 Required fields are not filled in. \n \nIf you selected a line beginning with "Other" or "DOS", this is normal; please click OK and fill them in. 32 Warning: %s is not a Windows application. \nDOS word processors usually work with LESSONmaker, but Windows word processors work better. 33 The word-processor program file, %s, was not found. 34 %s appears to be a DOS (non-Windows) word processor, so "Window Title" is being set to %s. 35 Memory Problem: At %s line %i, %s returned code %i. 36 Cannot start the word processor. Check the "Program File" (from the "Options" menu select "Word Processor"). Also check available memory (try starting it from the Program Manager). 37 Cannot send to the word processor. Check the "Window Title" (from the "Options" menu select "Word Processor"). 38 Field "%s" must contain a number between %li and %li. 39 There is not enough memory to do what you asked. \nCode: %s %i. 40 You asked to copy to the word processor, but there is nothing in the active window to copy. 41 You asked to copy the selected text to the word processor, but nothing is selected in the active window. 42 Map: 43 No Lesson Kit files were found. \n \nCheck that LESSONmaker has been properly installed. 44 No commentary on these verses. 45 WORDsearch 46 WinWs.Exe 47 ?:\ 48 ________________________________ \n \n 49 Cannot open the file. 50 No Lesson Kit is open. \n \nPlease open a Lesson Kit and return here to see its copyright notice. 51 \n \nEditors: \n \n James C. Galvin, Ed.D. \n Daryl J. Lucas \n J. Michael Kendrick \n Karen Lee-Thorp \n Mary Ann Lackland \n \n 52 Contributors: \n \n Linda Joiner \n Jack Crabtree \n Gene DiPaolo \n Betsy Elliot \n Anna Trimiew \n Valerie Weidemann \n Neil S. Wilson \n Len Woods \n Joey O'Conner 53 Cannot open file %s. \n \nSome causes: \n \n- This is a demo version, with only the book of John. \n- The file is on a CD which is not in the drive. \n- The file is damaged or missing. \n \n(Code %i) 54 No map for this Scripture. 55 First, you should specify a word processor to receive text from LESSONmaker. \nThen you can send it the lessons you create, or any of the text from LESSONmaker. 56 Next, let me show you the books available. You can specify which ones should go on the Bookshelf. This can be done at any time by selecting "Options" from the main menu and then "Bookshelf." \n \nIf you have WORDsearch, LESSONmaker should be installed in the same directory, so you can use its books too. 57 Welcome to LESSONmaker! \n \nSince this is your first time, let me show you a couple of LESSONmaker's important option dialogs. \n \nIf you need them again later, look on the "Options" menu. 58 You have not purchased access to the encrypted file %s. To purchase call 800-888-9898 or 512-832-2125. 59 When the printer stops, please remove the sheets for page %i, and prepare them for printing on the other side. \n \nClick OK when they are ready for printing. 60 There is not enough room to print on the page. \n \nSuggestions: \n \n - Click "File" and "Page Setup", and check the margins. \n - Click "File" and "Printer Setup", and check the page size. 61 Cannot write text file %s. Data may be lost. 62 Replace this message with the text of %s. \nFor Help, click here and press F1. \n 63 ================================ \n 65 Microsoft Word/WinWord.Exe//Microsoft Word//^v 66 Microsoft Works/MSworks.Exe//Microsoft Works//^v 67 WordPad/Wordpad.exe//WordPad//^v 68 WordPerfect 8/WPwin8.Exe//WordPerfect//^v/RTF 69 WordPerfect 9/WPwin9.Exe/C:\WordPerfect Office 2000/WordPerfect//^v/RTF 70 WordPerfect (Other)/WPwin.Exe//WordPerfect//^v 71 Lotus Word Pro/WordPro.Exe//Lotus Word//^v 72 Other/////%ep 73 Print Font Size 74 \n \n 76 LM.INX 77 See note on 78 » To re-open a Lesson Kit, double-click its line. \n \n 79 » To re-open a Lesson Kit, double-click its line. \n» You may add comments before the '@' if you wish. \n» This information is stored in file Log.Txt. \n \n 80 Log.Txt 81 Cannot open the file containing the Permanent Log. (Code %i%c) 82 Before making an entry in the Permanent Log, we recommend saving the LESSONmaker Document, so its name can be recorded in the log. Be sure to use a unique name. \n \nWould you like to save the Document now? 83 Open document "%s" too? 84 The path %s is too long. This can be changed in the advanced options dialog box. 85 Cannot open outline %s \n \nSome causes: \n \n- It is in use by a program which does not share it. \n You can place a copy (four files) in %s \n 86 - The file is on a CD which is not in the drive. \n- The file is damaged or missing. \n 87 Cannot open file system %s.*. \nOne or more of the three files (.mp, .nx and .st) may be damaged or missing. \n \n(Code %i) 89 Cannot open outline file "%s". Possible causes: \n * Files are damaged \n * Encrypted copies from the distribution disk may have \n been copied to your hard drive \n * The files may have been moved or deleted. \n \n%i 95 \nSession Log\n 99 [Not Found] 101 Doc 102 Document 104 LESSONmaker Outline 105 Outln 106 lm.otl 107 LESSONmaker Introduction 108 Intro 109 lm.itr 140 Genesis/OT\Gen.SF 141 Exodus/OT\Exo.SF 142 Leviticus/OT\Lev.SF 143 Numbers/OT\Num.SF 144 Deuteronomy/OT\Deut.SF 145 Joshua/OT\Josh.SF 146 Judges/OT\Judge.SF 147 Ruth/OT\Ruth.SF 148 1 Samuel/OT\1_Sam.SF 149 2 Samuel/OT\2_Sam.SF 150 1 Kings/OT\1_King.SF 151 2 Kings/OT\2_King.SF 152 1 Chronicles/OT\1_Chron.SF 153 2 Chronicles/OT\2_Chron.SF 154 Ezra/OT\Ezra.SF 155 Nehemiah/OT\Nehemiah.SF 156 Esther/OT\Esther.SF 157 Job/OT\Job.SF 158 Psalms/OT\Psalm.SF 159 Proverbs/OT\Proverbs.SF 160 Ecclesiastes/OT\Eccles.SF 161 Song of Songs/OT\Song.SF 162 Isaiah/OT\Isaiah.SF 163 Jeremiah/OT\Jeremiah.SF 164 Lamentations/OT\Lamen.SF 165 Ezekiel/OT\Ezekiel.SF 166 Daniel/OT\Daniel.SF 167 Hosea/OT\Hosea.SF 168 Joel/OT\Joel.SF 169 Amos/OT\Amos.SF 170 Obadiah/OT\Obadiah.SF 171 Jonah/OT\Jonah.SF 172 Micah/OT\Micah.SF 173 Nahum/OT\Nahum.SF 174 Habakkuk/OT\Habak.SF 175 Zephaniah/OT\Zeph.SF 176 Haggai/OT\Haggai.SF 177 Zechariah/OT\Zech.SF 178 Malachi/OT\Malachi.SF 179 Matthew/NT\Matthew.SF 180 Mark/NT\Mark.SF 181 Luke/NT\Luke.SF 182 John/NT\John.SF 183 Acts/NT\Acts.SF 184 Romans/NT\Romans.SF 185 1 Corinthians/NT\1_Cor.SF 186 2 Corinthians/NT\2_Cor.SF 187 Galatians/NT\Gal.SF 188 Ephesians/NT\Eph.SF 189 Philippians/NT\Phili.SF 190 Colossians/NT\Col.SF 191 1 Thessalonians/NT\1_Thes.SF 192 2 Thessalonians/NT\2_Thes.SF 193 1 Timothy/NT\1_Tim.SF 194 2 Timothy/NT\2_Tim.SF 195 Titus/NT\Titus.SF 196 Philemon/NT\Phile.SF 197 Hebrews/NT\Hebrews.SF 198 James/NT\James.SF 199 1 Peter/NT\1_Peter.SF 200 2 Peter/NT\2_Peter.SF 201 1 John/NT\1_John.SF 202 2 John/NT\2_John.SF 203 3 John/NT\3_John.SF 204 Jude/NT\Jude.SF 205 Revelation/NT\Rev.SF 206 Tobit/ 207 Judith/ 208 Add. Esth./ 209 Wisdom/ 210 Sirach/ 211 Baruch/ 212 Let. Jer./ 213 Azariah/ 214 Susana/ 215 Bel/ 216 1 Maccabees/ 217 2 Maccabees/ 218 1 Esdras/ 219 Manassah/ 220 2 Psalms/ 221 3 Maccabees/ 222 2 Esdras/ 223 4 Maccabees/ 256 -- None -- 257 :\NAVPRESS\ 258 \LM\ 259 \NAVPRESS\ 260 \samples 1045 Outlines 1046 Maps.WSM 1047 There is already text in the Document, where the Panic-Button Meeting will go. \n \nWould you like to clear it? \n \nNote: If you answer "No," the new text will replace the selection or be inserted at the cursor location. 1085 Bible 1086 Bibles 1089 Cmy 1090 Commentaries && Other Verse-by-Verse Books 1091 Outl 1092 Outlines of the Bible 1093 Other 1094 Other Books 1095 Map 1096 200 maps from the Life Application Bible 1097 Personal Notes 1098 Note 1099 Bib 1100 Non-WORDsearch Bible Text 1101 Attempting to load %li bytes of data, which exceeds the maximum size of %li bytes. \n \nBook: %s 1102 xRef 1103 Cross-Reference 2100 · 2101 There is a problem opening "%s". (Code %i) \n \nThe CD containing it may not be in the drive, or the files for this book may have been moved. \n \nConsider scaning the computer for books by selecting Options | Change CD / Scan for Books. 2102 Can't access this data. 2103 -- No notes on %s -- 2104 There is a problem reading file %s. It may be damaged or missing. (Code %i)\n 2105 History List\nHistory List 2106 LESSONmaker cannot find this STEP book: \n \n %s \n \n Publisher %s, Book %s 2107 This log entry is not correct. It may be in an old format. Try finding and opening the Lesson Kit yourself. 2108 The LESSONmaker Document has not been saved. \n \nWould you like to save it? \nIF YOU ANSWER "NO", IT WILL BE DISCARDED. 2109 Replace this message with Bible text by copying and pasting from Bible software or another source. The Bible references for this Lesson Kit can be placed in the clipboard by selecting Edit | Copy Ref to Clipboard. \n \nIf you are using WORDsearch, you do not need this window; select Options | Bookshelf from the menu, and request the Bibles you want. 2110 Qst 2111 Questions 2112 LESSONmaker Books 2113 LM 2114 Please wait while we search for STEP books. 2115 Would you like to renumber the document? \nRenumbering is recommended for lessons based on questions, but not for others. \nTo renumber part of the document, use Edit | Renumber Selection. 2116 -- No notes available -- 2117 Cannot start the WORDsearch Bible Study Software. It should be installed in the same folder as LESSONmaker. If you have WORDsearch installed, you can use green cross-reference links to browse Bibles and STEP books. 2118 There is a problem starting or finding the WORDsearch Bible study program. Please wait 30 seconds and try again. If the problem persists, make sure that WORDsearch is installed in the same folder as LESSONmaker. 2119 Some files are missing that were here before. \nYou may have forgotten to put a CD in the drive. \n \nLESSONmaker will now scan to see what books are available. \nIf you forgot to put a CD in the drive, please do so now and wait for the new CD to be recognized by the computer before continuing. 2120 Please wait while we scan for Bibles, STEP Books, and other books. 2121 \n \nNOTE: The open Lesson Kit will be closed and re-opened. 2122 Personal Commentary 2123 -- No notes available -- \nNOTE: Sample texts only include the book of John. 2124 The key for a STEP book appears to be damaged. \n \nSome Possible Causes: \n - You have a new computer or hard drive. \n - A hard drive error has occurred. \n \nSome Possible Actions: \n - Restore authorizations from a backup. \n - Contact iExalt (or whoever \n unlocked the book) for assistance. \n \nBook: %s \nPublisher: %s \nBook Number: %s \n \nContact Information: \n - Support@WORDsearchBible.com \n - 512-835-6900 2125 Cannot open the files for this book. \n \nFrom the main menu click "Options" and then "Change CD / Scan for Books," and try again. 2126 The Windows Registry appears to be damaged. It may be possible to continue, but Bookshelf codes may not be saved. \n \nCode %s %i %s 2127 LESSONmaker does not understand this kind of link. \n \nLink: %s \nFile: %s 2128 LESSONmaker cannot play the audio in file \n%s. \n \nPossible reasons: \n \n1. The CD is not in the drive \n2. The STEP book is not installed properly. \n3. The computer does not have suitable audio equipment. \n4. The audio equipment is not installed correctly. \n5. The file is damaged or missing. 2129 LESSONmaker does not understand the file %s. \n \nThis file may be damaged or encoded in a format LESSONmaker does not understand. \n \nCode %i 2130 That feature requires a Bible, but none was found. 2131 FREE books! Yours for the asking!\n\nTo unlock them instantly over the phone, call 800-888-9898 or\n512-832-2125 and register your %s.\n\nHere's what you get:\n\n%s 2132 \n \n(L-%i) 2133 This requires a Primary (i.e., non-Supplement) iExalt CD, Version 5-A or higher, which was not found. \n \n 2134 Please insert such a CD and try again. 2135 SUP 2136 However, in most cases you may use the iExalt installer to browse product information. 2137 \nTo start the installer, follow these steps: \n \n 1. Close all iExalt programs. \n 2. Use Explorer to open the iExalt CD. \n 3. Double-click file INSTALL.EXE. 2138 This requires a Primary (i.e., non-Supplement) iExalt CD, Version 5-A or higher. \nThe CD in the drive is a Supplement CD. \n \nPlease insert a Primary iExalt CD and try again. 2139 LESSONmaker cannot find the requested .HTM file on the CD. 2140 LESSONmaker cannot determine whether or not you have a default Internet browser. 2141 LESSONmaker cannot run your default Internet browser. 2142 The Lesson Kit you were using is no longer available.\nLESSONmaker will now close. 2143 You cannot cancel. You must answer either "Yes" or "No." 2145 :\Catalog\Default.htm 2149 Standard 2150 DLO 2151 An error has occurred reading the STEP book locations from the Windows registry. \nLESSONmaker will try to fix this problem automatically. \nPlease close LESSONmaker right away, and then re-start it. \n \nCode %i-%i 2152 LESSONmaker is not able to delete HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\NavPress\Paths from the Windows registry. Please do it manually using RegEdit. \n \nHere are the steps: \n \n1. Write down "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\NavPress\Paths". \n2. Close LESSONmaker. \n3. Open RegEdit.Exe, found in the Windows directory. \n4. Using RegEdit, delete the key that you wrote down. 2164 LESSONmaker cannot find that STEP book. 2165 LESSONmaker cannot find the requested section. \nThe book you are trying to access is probably a sampler, which does not have all the sections that are in the full book. It is also possible that this is not the right version of the book. \n \nBook: %s \nSection: %s 2196 <<< To see more, type more letters >>> 2209 TIP: To change the format of the Document and other editable windows, either \n \n - right-click in the window to get a context menu, or \n - use the Format tool bar. 2240 Insert, remove or change CD's now, if desired. \nThen click OK to scan for Bibles and books. 2253 We're concerned. You have not backed up the unlock keys for the products you recently unlocked. If anything happens to those keys, you can't use the products. \n \nTo back up, you need an empty 3.5" diskette and about five minutes \n \nWould you like to start now? 2254 To Back Up Unlock Keys:\n\n1. Insert your latest iExalt CD and run START.EXE\n (if the CD does not automatically start).\n2. Go to the Installer main menu and select "Other." 2256 LESSONmaker will stop asking you to back up your unlock keys. 2257 This requires an iExalt CD, Version 5-A or higher, which was not found. \n 2258 There is a problem opening file %s on the iExalt CD.\n\n - The CD may not be in the drive.\n - You may have an older CD, which does not have this file. 2259 There is a problem running the Quick Tour on the iExalt CD.\n\n - The CD may not be in the drive.\n - You may be using an older CD or a Supplement CD,\n which does not have this file. 2260 :\ 2261 You asked for something from the Internet, but LESSONmaker cannot find your Internet browser. \n \nIf you have an Internet browser, please make sure it is automatically run when you double-click a file ending with .HTML or .HTM. \n \nInternet Address: %s 2262 You asked for something from the Internet, but LESSONmaker cannot start your Internet browser. \n \nInternet Address: %s 2263 QuickTour.exe 2264 QuickData.dbd 2265 LESSONmaker cannot activate the Quick Tour. 4096 Startup 4099 Initialized 4100 No LESSONmaker index files were found. \n \nCheck that LESSONmaker has been properly installed. 4101 The image %s cannot be opened. The file may be damaged, missing, or on a CD that is not available. \n \nCode %i 4102 There is a problem playing a sound clip. \n \nError: %s \nCode: %i %s %i 4103 Version 3.0.0 of RealAudio is required. \nTry re-installing WORDsearch. \n \nFileName: pnen3230.dll \nVersion Found: %i.%i.%i 4127 Layout 4128 SideBySidePercent 4129 OverAndUnderPercent 5000 One or more iExalt encrypted STEP books have invalid authorization keys. \n \nPlease restore the authorization information from a backup diskette by running START from the iExalt CD. If you do not have a backup diskette, or you need help, please call iExalt Technical Support at 512-835-6900. \n \nFolder: %s; Publisher: %i; Book: %i\n\n 5001 One or more encrypted STEP books have invalid keys. Please consult the documentation provided by the organization that unlocked the book for you, or contact them for assistance. \n \nFolder: %s; Publisher: %i; Book: %i 31744 Genesis 31745 Exodus 31746 Leviticus 31747 Numbers 31748 Deut. 31749 Joshua 31750 Judges 31751 Ruth 31752 1 Samuel 31753 2 Samuel 31754 1 Kings 31755 2 Kings 31756 1 Chron. 31757 2 Chron. 31758 Ezra 31759 Neh. 31760 Esther 31761 Job 31762 Psalm 31763 Proverbs 31764 Eccles. 31765 Song 31766 Isaiah 31767 Jeremiah 31768 Lament. 31769 Ezekiel 31770 Daniel 31771 Hosea 31772 Joel 31773 Amos 31774 Obadiah 31775 Jonah 31776 Micah 31777 Nahum 31778 Habakkuk 31779 Zeph. 31780 Haggai 31781 Zech. 31782 Malachi 31783 Matthew 31784 Mark 31785 Luke 31786 John 31787 Acts 31788 Romans 31789 1 Cor. 31790 2 Cor. 31791 Galatians 31792 Ephes. 31793 Philip. 31794 Col. 31795 1 Thes. 31796 2 Thes. 31797 1 Tim. 31798 2 Tim. 31799 Titus 31800 Philemon 31801 Hebrews 31802 James 31803 1 Peter 31804 2 Peter 31805 1 John 31806 2 John 31807 3 John 31808 Jude 31809 Rev. 31810 Tobit 31811 Judith 31812 Add Esth. 31813 Wisdom 31814 Sirach 31815 Baruch 31816 Let Jer. 31817 Azariah 31818 Susanna 31819 Bel 31820 1 Macc. 31821 2 Macc. 31822 1 Esdras 31823 Manasseh 31824 2 Psalms 31825 3 Macc. 31826 2 Esdras 31827 4 Macc. 31872 Genesis 31873 Exodus 31874 Leviticus 31875 Numbers 31876 Deuteronomy 31877 Joshua 31878 Judges 31879 Ruth 31880 1 Samuel 31881 2 Samuel 31882 1 Kings 31883 2 Kings 31884 1 Chronicles 31885 2 Chronicles 31886 Ezra 31887 Nehemiah 31888 Esther 31889 Job 31890 Psalms 31891 Proverbs 31892 Ecclesiastes 31893 Song of Songs 31894 Isaiah 31895 Jeremiah 31896 Lamentations 31897 Ezekiel 31898 Daniel 31899 Hosea 31900 Joel 31901 Amos 31902 Obadiah 31903 Jonah 31904 Micah 31905 Nahum 31906 Habakkuk 31907 Zephaniah 31908 Haggai 31909 Zechariah 31910 Malachi 31911 Matthew 31912 Mark 31913 Luke 31914 John 31915 Acts 31916 Romans 31917 1 Corinthians 31918 2 Corinthians 31919 Galatians 31920 Ephesians 31921 Philippians 31922 Colossians 31923 1 Thessalonians 31924 2 Thessalonians 31925 1 Timothy 31926 2 Timothy 31927 Titus 31928 Philemon 31929 Hebrews 31930 James 31931 1 Peter 31932 2 Peter 31933 1 John 31934 2 John 31935 3 John 31936 Jude 31937 Revelation 31938 Tobit 31939 Judith 31940 Add. Esth. 31941 Wisdom 31942 Sirach 31943 Baruch 31944 Let. Jer. 31945 Azariah 31946 Susanna 31947 Bel 31948 1 Maccabees 31949 2 Maccabees 31950 1 Esdras 31951 Manasseh 31952 2 Psalms 31953 3 Maccabees 31954 2 Esdras 31955 4 Maccabees 32000 Genesis 32001 Exodus 32002 Leviticus 32003 Numbers 32004 Deuteronomy 32005 Joshua 32006 Judges 32007 Ruth 32008 1 Samuel 32009 2 Samuel 32010 1 Kings 32011 2 Kings 32012 1 Chronicles 32013 2 Chronicles 32014 Ezra 32015 Nehemiah 32016 Esther 32017 Job 32018 Psalm 32019 Proverbs 32020 Ecclesiastes 32021 Song 32022 Isaiah 32023 Jeremiah 32024 Lamentations 32025 Ezekiel 32026 Daniel 32027 Hosea 32028 Joel 32029 Amos 32030 Obadiah 32031 Jonah 32032 Micah 32033 Nahum 32034 Habakkuk 32035 Zephaniah 32036 Haggai 32037 Zechariah 32038 Malachi 32039 Matthew 32040 Mark 32041 Luke 32042 John 32043 Acts 32044 Romans 32045 1 Corinthians 32046 2 Corinthians 32047 Galatians 32048 Ephesians 32049 Philippians 32050 Colossians 32051 1 Thessalonians 32052 2 Thessalonians 32053 1 Timothy 32054 2 Timothy 32055 Titus 32056 Philemon 32057 Hebrews 32058 James 32059 1 Peter 32060 2 Peter 32061 1 John 32062 2 John 32063 3 John 32064 Jude 32065 Revelation 32066 Tobit 32067 Judith 32068 Add Esth. 32069 Wisdom 32070 Sirach 32071 Baruch 32072 Let Jer. 32073 Azariah 32074 Susanna 32075 Bel 32076 1 Maccabees 32077 2 Maccabees 32078 1 Esdras 32079 Manasseh 32080 2 Psalms 32081 3 Maccabees 32082 2 Esdras 32083 4 Maccabees 32772 Move the cursor to the previous paragraph 32773 Move the cursor to the next paragraph 32774 Copy the paragraph the cursor is in to the Document\nCopy Paragraph to Document 32775 Delete the selection 32776 %s file "%s" is marked read only, hidden, system, or is a directory. It cannot be opened. 32777 Insert the contents of a text (ASCII) file at the cursor 32778 Start a new page 32779 Open a file containing Lesson Kits\nOpen Lesson Kit 32780 Open the topical index of Lesson Kits\nIndex of Lesson Kits 32781 Copy to the word processor\nCopy to Word Processor 32782 Automatically create a study using pre-selected items\nPanic-Button Meeting 32783 Renumber the questions (and any numbered paragraphs) in the selected text 32784 Specify how LESSONmaker should look when it starts 32785 Specify the word processor to receive lessons 32786 Enlarge or shrink the letters in STEP books when viewed on the screen 32787 Specify the number of lines to leave after each question for writing answers 32788 Handle STEP books from other publishers\nSTEP Book Locations 32789 Switch to word processor\nGo to Word Processor 32790 Switch to WORDsearch\nGo to WORDsearch 32791 Hints to get you started with LESSONmaker 32792 Change the page layout used when printing 32793 Change the font size for printing 32794 Unlock an iExalt product 32795 Outline 32796 Black 32797 Maroon 32798 Green 32799 Olive 32800 Navy 32801 Purple 32802 Teal 32803 Gray 32804 Silver 32805 Red 32806 Lime 32807 Yellow 32808 Blue 32809 Fuchsia 32810 Aqua 32811 White 32812 Automatic 32823 Open the Table of Contents\nTable of Contents 32827 Show the last section again\nGo Back (Ctrl + K) 32829 Show the previous Ref or section\nPrevious 32830 Show the next Ref or section\nNext 32861 Arrange windows side by side\nSide by Side Windows 32862 Copy entire window to the Document\nCopy Window to Document 32863 Copy Selection to Document\nCopy Selection to Document 32864 Copy Ref for Lesson Kit to Clipboard Copy Ref for Lesson Kit to Clipboard 32865 Open the Permanent Log for viewing or revision\nShow Permanent Log 32866 Add a Lesson Kit and Document to the Permanent Log\nAdd Log Entry 32867 Open the Session Log\nShow Session Log 32871 Change the book code that appears on the bookshelf 32875 Bold\nBold 32876 Italic\nItalic 32877 Underline\nUnderline 32878 Color\nColor 32879 Center\nCenter 32880 You must exit the iExalt Installer before starting LESSONmaker.\n 32881 Left Align\nLeft Align 32882 Right Align\nRight Align 32883 Bullet\nBullet 32885 Use to Insert, Remove, or Change a CD 32886 Open a Lesson Kits\nOpen Lesson Kit 32887 Copy the section the cursor is in to the Document\nCopy Section to Document 32889 Show Ruler\nShow the ruler for setting margins and tabs 32890 Place the bookshelf at the top and in the standard order 32891 Place the bookshelf at the left and in the standard order 32892 Show or hide the sampler data that can be used to evaluate LESSONmaker. 32902 Set the Bible translation for showing verses in a popup window 32905 Insert one line of space for people to write answers 32906 Insert two lines of space for people to write answers 32907 Insert three lines of space for people to write answers 32908 Insert four lines of space for people to write answers 32909 Insert five lines of space for people to write answers 32911 Take a quick tour of our products 32914 Show the LESSONmaker home page, using the default Internet browser 32915 Show the LESSONmaker technical information, using the default Internet browser 32916 Browse a product catalog and a list of the books on this CD 32917 Request technical support by e-mail 32919 Contact our sales department by e-mail 32920 Request technical support by e-mail (alternate method) 57344 LESSONmaker 57345 For Help, press F1 57346 Select an object on which to get Help 57600 Create a new document 57601 Open an existing document 57602 Close the document 57603 Save the document\nSave Document 57604 Save the document with a new name 57605 Change the printing options 57606 Change the printer and printing options 57607 Print the active window\nPrint 57609 Display full pages\nPrint Preview 57616 Open this document 57617 Open this document 57618 Open this document 57619 Open this document 57632 Erase the selection 57633 Erase everything 57634 Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCopy 57635 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCut 57636 Find the specified text 57637 Insert Clipboard contents\nPaste 57640 Repeat the last action 57641 Replace specific text with different text 57642 Select the entire document 57643 Undo the last action 57644 Redo the previously undone action 57648 Open another window for the active document 57649 Arrange icons at the bottom of the window 57650 Arrange windows so they overlap\nCascade Windows 57651 Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles\nTile Windows 57652 Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles 57653 Split the active window into panes 57664 Display program information, version number and copyright 57665 Quit the application; prompts to save documents 57666 List Help topics 57668 Display instructions about how to use help 57669 Display help for clicked on buttons, menus and windows\nHelp Cursor 57670 Display help for current task or command 57680 Switch to the next window pane 57681 Switch back to the previous window pane 59136 EXT 59137 CAP 59138 NUM 59139 SCRL 59140 OVR 59141 REC 59392 Show or hide the toolbar 59393 Show or hide the status bar 61184 Change the window size 61185 Change the window position 61186 Reduce the window to an icon 61187 Enlarge the window to full size 61188 Switch to the next document window 61189 Switch to the previous document window 61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents 61191 AdvancedOptions 61192 SearchPath 61202 Restore the window to normal size 61203 Activate Task List 61215 Activate this window