
Section: Misc. Reference Manual Pages (3T)
Updated: December 16, 1991
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TIFFWritedEncodedStrip - compress and write a strip of data to an open TIFF file  


#include <tiffio.h>
int TIFFWriteEncodedStrip(TIFF* tif, u_int strip, u_char* buf, u_int size)  


Compress size bytes of raw data from buf and append the result to the end of the specified strip. TIFFWriteEncodedStrip() returns -1 if an error was encountered; otherwise it returns the value of size. Note that the value of strip is a ``raw strip number.'' That is, the caller must take into account whether or not the data are organized in separate places (PlanarConfiguration=2).

The library attempts to hide bit- and byte-ordering differences between the image and the native machine by converting data from the native machine order. Bit reversal is always done if the FillOrder tag is opposite to the native machine bit order. Byte swapping of 16- and 32-bit samples is automatically done when Compression=1 (``no compression''), but otherwise is left to the compression algorithms (which should generate compressed data in the native byte ordering of the machine).  


All error messages are directed to the TIFFError(3T) routine.

%s: File not open for writing. The file was opened for reading, not writing.

Can not write scanlines to a tiled image. The image is assumed to be organized in tiles because the TileWidth and TileLength tags have been set with TIFFSetField(3T).

%s: Must set "ImageWidth" before writing data. The image's width has not be set before the first write. See TIFFSetField(3T) for information on how to do this.

%s: Must set "PlanarConfiguration" before writing data. The organization of data has not be defined before the first write. See TIFFSetField(3T) for information on how to do this.

%s: No space for strip arrays". There was not enough space for the arrays that hold strip offsets and byte counts.  


intro(3T), TIFFOpen(3T), TIFFWriteScanline(3T), TIFFWriteRawStrip(3T)




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