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Rescue aptFiler

 To recover the source from aptFiler.exe:

   1) Install Rescue5, including the files in the SAMPLE
      directory.  You may also like to print listings of
      aptFiler.src and aptfiler.ch.  Ensure Rescue5 is in your
      DOS PATH.

   2) Move to the newly installed sample directory, create an
      output directory called filer and type:

            rescue aptfiler /ofiler

   3) Examine the files written by Rescue5:

      REPORT        Statistics about the decompilation
      APTFILER.GRP  How procedures in APTFILER.EXE are grouped
      APTFILER.VAR  Suggested variable names for the 2nd pass
      APTFILER.LNK  Link file to rebuild aptFiler
      APTFILER.RMK  RMake file to rebuild aptFiler
      MAIN.UDF      The first procedure and its dependent static procedures
      APTALERT.UDF  Each non-static procedure with more lines than the
      APTBOX.UDF    /s setting (defaults to 30) is given its own source
      ERRORSYS.UDF  module, named after it (except ERRORSYS and GETSYS,
      GETSYS.UDF    which Rescue5 will recognise unless they have been
      ISMOUSE.UDF   radically altered).  Static and interdependent
      PUSHSCR.UDF   procedures (through sharing a common static variable)
      TBKEYHAN.UDF  are grouped in the same source file.
      LIB.UDF       Atomic procedures with fewer lines than the /s setting.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson