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Before you decompile

 Stop!  You should ensure that you have the rights to the source
 code you are intending to recover with Rescue5.  If you do not
 legally own the rights to the source code, or have the author's
 permission to recover it, you may be infringing copyright.

 Rescue5 is intended as a tool to recover lost source code.  It
 is our experience that many organisations and individuals lose
 code that legally belongs to them; re-creating hours of work
 lost in this manner is at best expensive and sometimes

 Rescue5 is not intended as a general "hacking" tool.  This
 version of Rescue5 will not decompile .EXE files that have
 Blinker demonstration dates or limits burned into them.
 Rescue5 also honours the ERRORSYS decompilation block
 introduced by CA-Clipper Summer '87 decompilers.

 APTware Ltd can accept no responsibility for any copyright
 infringed through the use or misuse of Rescue5.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson