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    CONTINUE searches for the next record in the active database file that
    meets the condition specified by the most recent LOCATE command.




    CONTINUE searches from the current record position for the next record
    meeting the most recent LOCATE condition executed in the current work
    area.  It terminates when a match is found or the end of the LOCATE
    scope is reached.

    If the CONTINUE is successful, the matching record becomes the current
    record and FOUND() returns true (.T.).  If it is unsuccessful, FOUND()
    always returns false (.F.) and the positioning of the record pointer
    depends on the controlling scope of the pending LOCATE.

    Each work area may have an active LOCATE condition.  In Clipper, a
    LOCATE condition remains pending until a new LOCATE condition is
    specified.  No other commands release the condition.

See Also: LOCATE
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson