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    RECNO() returns the current record number of the current work area.




    An integer numeric value.

    If there are no records in a database file, RECNO() = 1 and both BOF()
    and EOF() return True (.T.).

    If the record pointer is set to point past the last record in the file
    (by using a SKIP command to skip past the last record), RECNO() returns
    a value which is one more than the number of records in the file and
    EOF() returns true (.T.).  If an attempt is made to set the record
    pointer before the first record in a file, RECNO() returns the value 1
    and BOF() returns true (.T.).


    RECNO() is useful when you want to determine a record number from
    within a program.

See Also: BOF EOF
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson