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    SETCOLOR() determines the current or previous color setting and
optionally defines colors for the next screen painting




    <expC> is a character string containing the standard, enhanced,
border, background, and unselected color settings to make the current
colors.  Unlike SET COLOR TO, SETCOLOR() with no argument does not
restore colors to their default values.

Note also that SETCOLOR() only supports color lettercombinations and
not color numbers.


A character string.

SETCOLOR() returns a string representing the last color setting if
<expC> is specified and the current setting if it is not specified.


    Standard/Enhanced: The "standard" and "enhanced" displays are color
    pairs with a foreground and an optional background color.  "Standard"
    is used by all output, such as @...SAY and ?.  "Enhanced" setting
    affects only the display of GETs.

    Border: Sets the border color.  Border color is not supported on
    EGA or VGA monitors.

    Background: The "background" is not currently supported by any
    machines for which Nantucket provides drivers.

    Unselected: THe "unselected" setting displays the current GET in
the "enhanced" color while other GETs are displayed in the
"unselected" color.

Attributes: High intensity and blinking are the supported
attributes of colors.  High intensity is denoted by "+" and blinking
with "*".  Each attribute specified is applied to the foreground color
no matter where it occurs in the setting definition.

    The following table lists the colors available:

         Color              Letter
         BLACK              N
         BLUE               B
         GREEN              G
         CYAN               BG
         RED                R
         MAGENTA            RB
         BROWN              GR
         WHITE              W
         GREY               N+
         YELLOW             GR+
         BLANK              X
         Underline          U
         Inverse Video      I

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson