FRONT FILENAME INDXNAME LEADINDX WINLIN WINCOL TONES LPTINIT LPTRESET SPECCOLOR COLORS TMPFLD CRITERIA HEADING OUTINDX FMT_SPEC OUT_SPEC PST_SPEC INI_SPEC RST_SPEC CFG_SPEC LPTDEVICE TMPFLD TMPFLD DLITE TMPFLD SET PATH TO &TMPFLD \DLITE \DLITE _interactive interact.frb _error error.frb print print.frb FMT_SPEC OUT_SPEC PST_SPEC INI_SPEC RST_SPEC CFG_SPEC LPTDEVICE CRITERIA FILENAME INDXNAME LEADINDX OUTINDX HEADING WINLIN WINCOL TONES LPTINIT LPTRESET SPECCOLOR ,, /w COLORS SPECCOLOR set color to &colors do dlite with '1' do dlite with '2' do dlite with '3' do dlite with '4' do dlite with '5' do dlite with '6' do dlite with '7' do dlite with '8' do dlite with '9' do dlite with '0' dLITE(tm) ShareWare Version 2.0 Copyright (c) Ward Mundy, 1988-1991. FrontRunner(tm) RunTime (c)Apex Software Corp, 1987. All rights reserved. dLITE(tm) ShareWare Version is licensed for use on a single computer for a period not to exceed 90 days to determine whether the software will meet your needs. NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ARE PROVIDED WITH THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ITS FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR USE & MERCHANTABILITY. YOU ASSUME ALL RISKS BY USING dLITE AND MAY DISCONTINUE USE ANY TIME. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS." The license fee for each copy of dLITE is a modest $25 plus $5 shipping. Foreign users add $5 additional shipping or $15 additional if a check is sent on a foreign checking account. We will send the Developer's Guide & latest software version by return mail. All rights reserved worldwide. Registration also entitles you to 90 DAYS FREE SUPPORT BY PHONE OR MAIL. To POP-UP the program from within any application, just press ALT-1. To make dLITE disappear, just hit the ape key. Thanks for your support! Mail your registration fee to Ward Mundy, 4160 Club Dr, Atlanta, GA 30319 Others trademarks: dBASE III, Ashton-Tate; FrontRunner, Apex Software DLITE.CFG DLITE.CFG TMPFLD TMPFLD TMPFLD SET TALK OFF OOPS=MESSAGE() &TMPFLD _ERROR CODE: TMPFLD FILE: DLITE.CFG