dkscrn1 dkscrn2 dkscrn3 dkscrn4 dkscrn5 dkscrn6 dkscrn7 dkscrn8 dkscrn9 dkscrn10 foxtools.fll TALKz Der Setup-Assistent ben tigt FoxPro f r Windows DKSCRN1 DKSCRN2 DKSCRN3 DKSCRN4 DKSCRN5 DKSCRN6 DKSCRN7 DKSCRN8 DKSCRN9 DKSCRN10 FOXTOOLS MTALK MTRBET MECHO cMDEBUG StrMSTEP ht dMUDFPARMS MCOMPAT ngMEXACT MNEAR WiMUNIQUE SMANSI iedeMCARRY e vMSTATUS kgMESCAPE acMERROR MLIBRARY dMDEFAULT EMPOINT denMDECIMALS eil uMAIN gCLEANUP Die Dateinamenerweiterung mu .EXE, .COM, .PIF oder .BAT lauten. Der Setup-Assistent ben tigt FOXTOOLS.FLL. Der Setup-Assistent ben tigt Version 1.01F oder h her von FOXTOOLS.FLL. Die Verzeichnisse mit den Quell- und den komprimiertenF Dateien d rfen nicht identisch sein. Die Quell- und ZielverzeichnisseF rfen nicht identisch sein. Das Verzeichnis mit den komprimierten Dateien undF das Zielverzeichnis d rfen nicht identisch sein. Es sind keine APP-, PRG-, FXP- oder EXE-F Dateien in diesem Verzeichnis vorhanden. Es sind keine Dateien im Distribution Kit-Verzeichnis vorhanden. (fehlt) konnte nicht gefunden werden. Suchen? Versteckte oder Systemdatei gefunden in Es mu ein Verzeichnisname angegeben werden. Es mu ein Anwendungsname angegeben werden. Eine der ben tigten Dateien konnte unerwarteterweise nicht gefunden werden. Fehler beim Ermitteln der Dateigr e der nicht komprimierten Datei. Fehler beim Komprimieren von Datei ist zu gro ; sie kann von COMPRESSF nicht in 9 oder weniger Teile geteilt werden. Die .EXE-Datei der Anwendung konnte nicht gefunden werden. Die .EXE-Datei der Anwendung konnte nichtF in der Verzeichnisstruktur der Anwendung gefunden werden. Der Kompressionsbefehl berschreitet die DOS-Grenze von 128 Bytes.F Versuchen Sie, Verzeichnisnamen zu k rzen oder COMPRESS in ein Verzeichnis zu kopieren, das in der Umgebungsvariable PATH aufgef hrt wird. COMPRESS.EXE konnte nicht gefunden werden. tigte Datei fehlt: F Es mu eine Programmgruppe angegeben werden. Ihre Datei DKCONTRL.DBF ist nicht mehr aktuell. Bitte l schen Sie die Datei. Fehler w hrend der Komprimierung. Der Komprimiervorgang wurde evtl. unterbrochen. Dieser Pfad oder Dateiname ist ung ltig. Das Feld f r die alternative CONFIG-Datei ist leer. Erstellen nicht m glich von Verzeichnis Das Zielverzeichnis darf nicht Teil der Verzeichnisstruktur der Anwendung sein. DEFAULTz DKSETUP FOXW250B.ESL DKCONTRL.DBF DKCONTRL FOXTOOLS.FLL FOXTOOLS.FLL DKSETUP.INI DKSETUP.INI DKSETUP.INI COMPRESS Setup-Assistent ERROR_ARRAG_DEFDRIVEG_SOURCEDIG_CPRSDIR G_DESTDIR G_TARGETDIG_DSK144 G_DSK12 G_DSK720 G_INSTGRAPG_PMDESCRIG_PMGROUP G_USEALTCFG_ALTCFGFIG_MODOPTIOG_NOLOGO rG_APPNAME G_EXECUTABG_TITLE ngG_COPYRIGHG_PARAMETEG_RUNTIMEDG_SPLITSIZG_ALGORITHG_ESL kgG_ESLEXTRAG_DKCNAME G_DBALIAS G_FIRSTSETG_NEWCTRL G_FOXPRINTG_THERMWIDG_DISKCOUNG_DISKS diFOXTOOLVERERRORMSG eE_FOXTOOLSGETPREFEREDISPATCH nDKSETUP uPUTPREFEREADDBS FEREJUSTFNAME ACTTHERM UPDTHERM DKCNAME InGETCTRL ZwGATHERDIR GENUNIQ iREQFILES FPINST lteOPTINST .EXECUTINSTMAKEDISKS DEACTTHERMSHOWSUMRY dksetup.vue LIBRARY STATUS BARz Microsoft FoxPro Setup-Assistent TRBETWEENz ECHOz DEBUGz STEPz UDFPARMSz COMPATIBLEz EXACTz NEARz UNIQUEz ANSIz CARRYz POINTz DECIMALSz DEFAULTzF ESCAPE DO esc_handler ERROR DO errorhandler WITH MESSAGE(), 3 DISKS dtype required naughty filname DKSETUP RAVUE FDRIVEMLIBRARY IMSTATUS MTRBET MECHO ETDIMDEBUG MSTEP MUDFPARMS MCOMPAT APMEXACT CRIMNEAR MUNIQUE CFMANSI FGFIMCARRY TIOMPOINT rDECIMALS MDEFAULT BMESCAPE ngMERROR IGHDISKS METEDTYPE IMEDREQUIRED ZNAUGHTY THFILNAME thermomete dksetup naughty required disks dkcontrl DKSETUP.VUE2 dksetup.vue dksetup.vue ON ESCAPE &mescape ON ERROR &merror FOXTOOLSF FOXTOOLS.FLL SET DEFAULT TO &mdefault SET STATUS BAR &mstatus SET TRBETWEEN &mtrbet SET ECHO &mecho SET DEBUG &mdebug SET STEP &mstep SET UDFPARMS TO &mudfparms SET COMPATIBLE &mcompat SET EXACT &mexact SET NEAR &mnear SET UNIQUE &munique SET ANSI &mansi SET CARRY &mcarry SET TALK &mtalk SET DECIMALS TO &mdecimals SET POINT TO "&mpoint" DEACTTHERMDKSETUP VENAUGHTY IREQUIRED DISKS DKCONTRL MLIBRARY m.msgf Microsoft FoxPro Setup-Assistent - Fehler TTHERMHOWBAD VEICONS ICHOICE ERROR_ARRAMSGBOX Beenden des Setup-Assistenten DKSETUP dkhelp topics dkhelp topics disphelp.spr SEEKSTRG MIN_AREA VEDKHELP ITOPICS DISPHELP dkscrnFF DKSETUP NEXTSCRN MACTION VETHISSCRN IDKSETUP DBFNAME MFNAME VEFILSIZE IFDATE FTIME AFATTRIB ICPRSNAME CPRSSIZE EXPNDSIZE FILFOUND PDEST144 RIDEST12 DEST720 CFSETUPFILE EXTRAFILE CPRSFLAG rCOMPRESS PARENT BSPLITFILE UNIQUEID uniqueidf fname DBFNAME MALIASNAME NUMFILES IRTDIR FORCEEXT ACREATECTRLG_NEWCTRL DBFSTEM JUSTSTEM ERRORMSG PERROR_ARRADKSETUP FNAME Suche nach den Dateien der Anwendung NUMESLFILEESLACTION G_DBALIAS ALIAS FILFOUND AEXTRAFILE JUSTFNAME FNAME G_ESL FILLDIR PADDBS ARRAG_SOURCEDIDKCNAME FG_APPNAME ERRORMSG ERROR_ARRADKSETUP INSTESL DEFAULTzF filname fname SET DEFAULT TO &in_defa DIRMASK LEDBFNAME PREFACE DBALIAS PREVTHERE IN_DEFA NUMFILES DIRLIST RMASK NAUGHTY PFILNAME RAJUSTFNAME FNAME FSRCHTERM ADDBS PARENT AFILSIZE FDATE BFTIME FATTRIB HEXPNDSIZE SPLITFILE UNIQUEID ZCOMPRESS HFILFOUND gEXTRAFILE SETUPFILE JUSTPATH FILLDIR noesl.spr FOXW250B.ESL ESL-Datei FOXW2500.ESLjF FOXW250A.ESLj NUMFILES EESLACTION CPRSCOUNT ESLDIR CPRSDIR ORIGSIZE G_DBALIAS JUSTFNAME FNAME G_ESL PARENT RAEXTRAFILE ADDBS FG_SOURCEDIG_ESLEXTRAFILFOUND FILSIZE FDATE BFTIME FATTRIB HG_CPRSDIR CPRSNAME ZAPFRAG JUSTEXT NOESL AFILE NUMESLFILEEXPNDSIZE SPLITFILE COMPRESS CPRSFLAG TSETUPFILE UNIQUEID NDKSETUP berpr fen auf Eindeutigkeit der Dateinamen cprsname fname DBFNAME ESTARTPLACETHENAME G_DBALIAS SETUPFILE CPRSNAME JUSTFNAME FNAME SPLITFILE COMPRESS GENCPRSNAMMAPNAME CPRSMATCH SETUP.INF SETUP.INF SETUP.LST SETUP.LST SETUP.INF DISKTYPE EDESTINATIORETVAL G_FIRSTSETTRIMPATH OG_CPRSDIR JUSTPATH MKDIR TIOERRORMSG OERROR_ARRADKSETUP IOKILLCTRL MAKECPRSBAUPDTHERM EGETCPRSSIZSHUFFLE MAKEINF IOADDBS BG_RUNTIMEDPUTONDISK MAKELST G_DISKS G_DISKCOUNCOPYFILES schen der Eintr NUMFILES ETHISREC IOTHISID THEREC SETTHEREC1 OKILLFNAME G_DBALIAS FILFOUND SPLITFILE PARENT JUSTFNAME FNAME ADDBS RSBAG_CPRSDIR CPRSNAME Vorbereiten der Dateikomprimierung cprsname 0123456789 DEFAULTzF COMPRESS.EXE2 COMPRESS COMPRESS.EXE COMPRESS.EXE COMPRESS.EXE COMPRESS DKSETUP\COMPRESS.EXE DKSETUP\COMPRESS COMPRESS.EXE SETUPWIZ.BAT SAFETYz setup.pif( setupbat.pif setupbat.pif <> -a<> -befl -z<> <> <> <> -a<> -befl -z<> <> <> SET DECIMALS TO &mdecimals Komprimieren der Dateien der Anwendung setupbat.pif setupbat.pif SET SAFETY &in_safe SET DEFAULT TO &in_defa DSKTYPE EIN_SAFE NUMCPRS ETBATNAME OGOT_ONE IN_AREA IN_DEFA LITFILE NEXTFILE FNAME CPRSFLAG ACOMPRESS CPRSNAME ZRTDIR ADDBS IOG_CPRSDIR FDATE EDFTIME CPRSSIZE SPLITFILE ZAPFRAG UNJUSTFNAME FNAME ATIOJUSTEXT G_NEWCTRL JUSTSTEM G_RUNTIMEDCPRSEXE TERRORMSG DERROR_ARRADKSETUP SETUP eSETUPBAT SG_SOURCEDIEXTRAFILE CHOICE uFILSPLIT SETUPWIZ.BAT SAFETYz setup.pif( setupbat.pif cprsname SETUPWIZ.BAT setup.pif( setupbat.pif Erneutes Teilen von . Bitte nicht unterbrechen. Erneutes Teilen von . Bitte nicht unterbrechen. Erneutes Teilen von . Bitte nicht unterbrechen. <> -a<> -befl -z<> <> <> setupbat.pif setupbat.pif SET SAFETY &in_safe _SAFE ETSTEM NEXTNUM PARENTREC PREVREC PREVNAME NEXTNAME BATNAME APREVNUM IN_SAFE ZSETUP IOSETUPBAT NUMFILES DRTDIR ADDBS G_CPRSDIR G_DBALIAS CPRSNAME JUSTSTEM OGETFNUM JUSTEXT PARENT UNIQUEID FNAME DCHILDREC TFILSIZE DFDATE ARRAFTIME FATTRIB CPRSSIZE eEXPNDSIZE COMPRESS IFILFOUND EXTRAFILE JUSTFNAME G_ESL G_ESLEXTRASETUPFILE SPLITFILE G_SPLITSIZERRORMSG wERROR_ARRAE_FATAL RADKSETUP ZAPFRAG teTHENAME FILNAME EJUSTSTEM Ermitteln der Dateigr e der komprimierten Dateien cprsname LNAME ENUMCPRS OTHESTEM PARENTNAMEPARENTREC THISREC IN_MSG PARENTSTEMG_DBALIAS CPRSNAME RTDIR ADDBS G_CPRSDIR CPRSSIZE ZFILSIZE IOCOMPRESS SPLITFILE ltiger Diskettentyp angegeben. cprssize DISKTYPE EROOTDIR OCLUSTER TOTSIZE MEDIRNAME MAXFILENUMDISKS CLUSTSIZE DISKSIZE DNAME MAXFILES MG_DBALIAS ALIAS DISKFLD DKSETUP ZSETUPFILE DISKASSGN SPLITFILE CPRSSIZE Zuweisen der Dateien DISKTYPE ECLUSTER OTOTSIZE MAXFILENUMDIRNAME SPLIT ENUMNUMDISKS ASIZE DISKS DNAME MALLOCSIZE CPRSSIZE G_DISKCOUNG_DISKS ZG_DBALIAS DISKFLD Installieren der Setup-Unterst tzungsdateien fname IN_DIR ETHEFILE OGOTIT XFILENUMNUMFILES RTDIR ENUMADDBS G_RUNTIMEDERRORMSG ERROR_ARRADKSETUP MG_DBALIAS FNAME REQUIRED NREQNAME ZFILSIZE FDATE FTIME FATTRIB EXPNDSIZE CPRSNAME COMPRESS FILFOUND EXTRAFILE SETUPFILE PARENT SPLITFILE UNIQUEID foxprint foxprint.dbf EIN_AREA OFOXPRINT RELDIR MFNAME ADDBS MG_RUNTIMEDG_FOXPRINTINSTFROMDB. msgraph.dbf G_INSTGRAPINSTFROMDBy Wo ist F Setup wird abgebrochen Setup wird abgebrochen fname OPTFNAME PIN_AREA DBTHEFILE GOTIT GRPHPATH MNUMFILES DSRCHNAME TIN_DIR MDBRELDIR AFNAME MADDBS G_RUNTIMEDOPTPATH NJUSTPATH ZRTDIR ERRORMSG JUSTFNAME ERROR_ARRADKSETUP AG_DBALIAS FILSIZE FDATE FTIME FATTRIB CPRSNAME EXPNDSIZE CPRSSIZE FILFOUND EXTRAFILE SETUPFILE COMPRESS DPARENT ASPLITFILE UNIQUEID NUMFILES PCPNAME DBTHEREC SPATH MG_EXECUTABWORDNUM MRTDIR BG_DBALIAS ADDBS G_SOURCEDIJUSTPATH MJUSTFNAME FNAME IMEDFILSIZE ABFDATE ZFTIME FATTRIB EXPNDSIZE FILFOUND AEXTRAFILE SETUPFILE COMPRESS PARENT SPLITFILE UNIQUEID GENCPRSNAMISRANDOM CPRSNAME CALCULATE MAX(&fldname) TO m.lastdisk ltiger Diskettentyp angegeben. fname Ausgabe-Verzeichnisse werden erstellt SET ORDER TO TAG &fldname m.leafnum = &fldname Kopieren von DISKTYPE PDESTINATIOCHILD LEAFNUM MLEAF CUTABOUTDIR MBATNAME DBALIAS FLDNAME DISKS CEDIDISKDIR MDISKFLD G_DBALIAS DKSETUP FNAME ZAPDIR ADDBS ERROR_ARRAMKDIR ALASTDISK OCPRSNAME ODNAME SETUPFILE G_RUNTIMEDEXTRAFILE COMPRESS MG_CPRSDIR Erstellen der Setup-Informationsdatei CALCULATE MAX(&fldname) TO m.numdisks fname SAFETYz [Source Media Descriptions] "<>", "Disk <>", LOCATE FOR &fldname = m.i "<>", "..\DISK<>" [Default File Settings] "STF_BACKUP" = "" "STF_COPY" = "YES" "STF_DECOMPRESS" = "YES" "STF_OVERWRITE" = "ALWAYS" "STF_READONLY" = "" "STF_ROOT" = "" "STF_SETTIME" = "" "STF_TIME" = "0" "STF_VITAL" = "YES" [FP SETUP] TITLE=<> PATH=C:\<> PATH=<> GROUP=<> FORCELOC="NO" FORCELOC="GROUP ONLY" FORCELOC="YES" COPYRIGHT=<> ESL=<> PROGRAM=<> -C<> <> RUN= RUN=<> RUN=<> <> DESCRIPT=<> [Sysfiles] fname m.disknum = &fldname <>, <expndname)>>, <fdate)>>,, 1033, OLDER, !READONLY,, <expndname)>>,,,, <expndsize>>, SYSTEM, <version)>>, VITAL foxprint cprsname m.disknum = &fldname <>, <>, ,,,,,, OLDER, !READONLY,, <expndname))>>,,,, <expndsize>>,,,,, !VITAL fname [MSGraph] msgraph cprsname m.disknum = &fldname <>, <>, ,,,,,, OLDER, !READONLY,, <expndname))>>,,,, <expndsize>>,,,,, !VITAL fname [Application] m.disknum = &fldname <>, <>, ,,,,,, !READONLY,, <>, ,,,,,, !READONLY,, <>, <>, ,,,,,, !READONLY,, ,,,,,, !READONLY,, <>, <>, ,,,,,, !READONLY,, <>, <>, !VITAL SET SAFETY &in_safe DISKTYPE PSETUPNAME FLDNAME AFNUM MNUMDISKS BIN_SAFE MDISKS BDISKFLD G_DBALIAS FNAME JUSTDRIVE G_TARGETDIG_MODOPTIOG_NOLOGO OG_USEALTCFG_ALTCFGFIG_PARAMETESPATH ARRAADDBS AG_SOURCEDIG_EXECUTABWORDS REQUIRED BCLASS DREQNAME ERRORMSG MERROR_ARRAG_FOXPRINTFOXPRINT MFILNAME JUSTFNAME COMPRESS DGENCPRSNAMCPRSNAME G_INSTGRAPMSGRAPH eGRPHNAME SETUPFILE EXTRAFILE WORDNUM G_ESLEXTRAG_ESL PARENT TABSPLITFILE [Params] WndTitle = <> WndMess = <<"Initialisieren von Setup...">> TmpDirSize = 500 TmpDirName = ~msstfqf.t CmdLine = _mstest setup.mst /C "/S %s %s" DrvModName = DSHELL [Files] setup.ms_ = setup.mst setup.in_ = setup.inf = setup.inf mscomstf.dl_ = mscomstf.dll msinsstf.dl_ = msinsstf.dll msuilstf.dl_ = msuilstf.dll msshlstf.dl_ = msshlstf.dll mscuistf.dl_ = mscuistf.dll msdetstf.dl_ = msdetstf.dll commdlg.dl_ = commdlg.dll shell.dl_ = shell.dll ver.dl_ = ver.dll _mssetup.su_ = _mssetup.exe _mstest.ex_ = _mstest.exe THEFILE G_DBALIAS G_DSK144 G_DSK12 MG_DSK720 SELECT &fldname AS "Disk", COUNT(dkcontrl.fname) AS "Files", SUM(allocsize(dkcontrl.cprssize,m.clsize)) AS "Bytes" FROM dkcontrl GROUP BY &fldname INTO CURSOR dkset putsumry.spr dkset DISKTYPE DISKS FLDNAME DISKFLD MCLSIZE BCLUSTSIZE PUTSUMRY DNAME DISKSIZE DKSET PATHNAME PNAME JUSTFNAME SPLITFILE BGETFNUM CPRSNAME BJUSTSTEM badsplit.spr THEFILE CPRSEXT PUTPROMPT LITFILE CLEANUP BJFNAME CPRSCOUNT THEREC G_DBALIAS JUSTFNAME JSTEM JUSTSTEM ISTEMLEN IOBADSPLIT EALTCFCPRSFILES ADDBS METEG_CPRSDIR JUSTEXT FNAME SPLITFILE PARENT NOMINAL CLUSTER CNAME JUSTEXT FORCEEXT fname FPATH DISKNO EXTRA SETUP BPRNT NUMFILES RTDIR ADDBS G_RUNTIMEDG_DBALIAS FNAME FILSIZE IOFDATE FTIME LTCFFATTRIB CPRSNAME EGENCPRSNAMJUSTFNAME FILFOUND EXTRAFILE SETUPFILE COMPRESS PARENT DSPLITFILE CPRSSIZE MEXPNDSIZE FILNAME THEEXT JUSTEXT FORCEEXT FILNAME JUSTEXT SHOWERRORMIN_AREA FILEMISSINREQUIRED NFORCEPATH REQNAME G_RUNTIMEDERRORMSG MERROR_ARRA FNAME1 ORMFNAME2 DISKROOT MERROR_ARRANUMFILES NRTDIR NADDBS SKROOT ZAPDIR DERRORMSG ARMDIR size.pif( ufsize.pif usize.bat usize.txt2 usize.txt DECOMP -Q <> > usize.txt usize.bat2 Fehler beim Erstellen der Stapelverarbeitungsdatei. ufsize.pif usize.bat2 usize.bat ufsize.pif2 ufsize.pif usize.txt2 usize.txt DECOMPRESSION usize.txt FNAME MTHESIZE FILES NBUFFER NNUMWORDS THEWORD IN_SEC DSIZE AUFSIZE NUSIZE IOWORDNUM WORDS ERRORMSG EERROR_ARRA DIRECTORY PARENT JUSTPATH NCHILD JUSTSTEM NUMFILES SUBDIR DADDBS MFILES Erstellen der Setup-Disketten... MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif PROMPT THERMOMETEG_THERMWID thermomete Setup-Assistent PERCENT NBLOCKS ACTTHERM EG_THERMWIDTHERMOMETE, thermomete THERMOMETEm Preferences SourceDirectory Preferences DestinationDirectory Preferences RuntimeDirectory Preferences Make1.44MegDisks Preferences Make1.2MegDisks Preferences Make720KDisks Preferences InstallGraph Preferences UserDefaultDirectory Preferences ApplicationName Preferences ProgManDescript Preferences ProgManGroup Preferences UserCanModify Preferences SuppressLogo Preferences ConfigFile Preferences EXEParameters Preferences PostExecute Preferences SetupBanner Preferences Copyright Preferences SplitSize Preferences Algorithm INI_NAME EG_SOURCEDIGETPROF EG_DESTDIR G_RUNTIMEDG_DSK144 DG_DSK12 DG_DSK720 AG_INSTGRAPG_TARGETDIG_APPNAME G_PMDESCRIG_PMGROUP G_MODOPTIOG_NOLOGO G_ALTCFGFIG_USEALTCFG_PARAMETEG_EXECUTABG_TITLE G_COPYRIGHG_SPLITSIZG_ALGORITH Preferences SourceDirectory Preferences DestinationDirectory Preferences RuntimeDirectory Preferences Make1.44MegDisksF Preferences Make1.2MegDisksF Preferences Make720KDisksF Preferences InstallGraphF Preferences UserDefaultDirectory Preferences ApplicationName Preferences ProgManDescript Preferences ProgManGroup Preferences UserCanModifyFF Preferences SuppressLogoFF Preferences ConfigFileF Preferences EXEParameters Preferences PostExecute Preferences SetupBanner Preferences Copyright Preferences SplitSizeFF Preferences Algorithm INI_NAME EPUTPROF DIG_SOURCEDIG_DESTDIR G_RUNTIMEDG_DSK144 DG_DSK12 DG_DSK720 AG_INSTGRAPG_TARGETDIG_APPNAME G_PMDESCRIG_PMGROUP G_MODOPTIOG_NOLOGO OG_USEALTCFG_ALTCFGFIG_PARAMETEG_EXECUTABG_TITLE BG_COPYRIGHG_SPLITSIZG_ALGORITH WritePrivateProfileString INI_NAME EAPPLICATIOSECTION DIPSTRING _NAME DREGFN DCALLFN GetPrivateProfileString CCC@CIC INI_NAME EAPPLICATIOSECTION DIE_BUF DREGFN DCALLFN ECODE CATIOERRORMSG IDKSETUP DKSETUP CLEANUP ERRORMSG ESC_HANDLE GETHELP DISPATCH CREATECTRL GETCTRL GATHERDIR FILLDIR INSTESL GENUNIQ MAKEDISKS KILLCTRL MAKECPRSBA FILSPLIT GETFNUM GETCPRSSIZ SHUFFLE DISKASSGN REQFILES FPINST OPTINST INSTFROMDB EXECUTINST COPYFILES MAKEINF MAKELST SHOWSUMRY PGETNAME ZAPFRAG ALLOCSIZE GENCPRSNAM PUTONDISK MAPNAME ISRANDOM CHECKFILES CPRSMATCH ZAPDIR GETUFSIZE ISDIR TRIMPATH ACTTHERM UPDTHERM DEACTTHERM GETPREFERE PUTPREFERE PUTPROF GETPROF ERRORHANDL TALKz COMPATIBLEz READBORDERz _qji0ze25t MS Sans Serif Microsoft FoxPro Setup-Assistent - Hilfe _qji0ze25t MS Sans Serif @*HT \> Geben Sie das Hauptverzeichnis der Verzeichnisstruktur an, das die DateienF lt. die Sie auf dem Computer des Benutzers installieren m chten. Diese Verzeichnisstruktur mu vor dem Ausf hren des Setup-Assistenten bereits vorhanden sein. MS Sans Serif dksetup SET READBORDER &rborder ACTION THISSCREENNEXTSCREENHELP_TOPICCURRAREA NTALKSTAT COMPSTAT RBORDER DKSETUP G_SOURCEDI_QJI0ZEZNY_QJI0ZF036GDIR _QJI0ZF19WBTN1 _QJI0ZF27LBTN2 _QJI0ZF38Q_QJI0ZF502 SCREEN DKSETUP.INI DKSETUP.INI ACTION EENG_SOURCEDIADDBS OPICJUSTFNAME GETPREFERE G_SOURCEDIJUSTPATH IJUSTDRIVE G_DEFDRIVEGRABPREF ORIGDIR DIG_SOURCEDIGRABPREF DIACTION EDIGETHELP IHELP_TOPICU *.app *.fxp *.prg *.exe DIACTION EDINEXTSCREENTHISSCREENG_SOURCEDIERRORMSG ECOUNTFILESADDBS ACTION DICOUNTFILES GRABPREF _QJI0ZEZNY _QJI0ZF036 _QJI0ZF19W _QJI0ZF27L _QJI0ZF38Q _QJI0ZF502 TOPICS DETAILS SCRN1_HELP 186 SCRN2_HELP 258 SCRN3_HELP 205 SCRN4_HELP 300 SCRN5_HELP 221 SCRN6_HELP 231 SCRN9_HELP 237 SCRN10_HELP 267 SCRN7_HELP 271 SCRN8_HELP 256 IThe Custom SetupWizard needs to find the setup support files that need to go on your final disks. This directory was created when you installed the FoxPro Distribution Kit and contains the files that the Windows SETUP.EXE needs to run. To see a list of the files that should be in this directory, click the "View Files" button. DBFSUMRY IN_AREA JUSTSTEM TOCLOSE DBFCHO The SetupWizard will create an entry in a Program Manager group for your application when it is installed. This description will appear beneath the icon.for your application when it i The Custom SetupWizard will copy the necessary files into a directory that you specify, after arranging the files in groups that will fit on the disks that you specify on the next page. The Custom SetupWizard will group the files for you so that the files will fit on disks of the size you specify. These options allow you to select the size of the disks. OCNAVI WEnter the file name for your application (i.e., the name of the EXE file you created from your project). The SetupWizard will create an entry in a Program Manager group for this file, using the description you specify on the next screen and the icon you attach to your EXE (or the FoxPro icon if you don't put another one onto your EXE file). Not all applications require Microsoft Graph functionality. If your application does not need Microsoft Graph, leave the checkbox unchecked, thus saving disk disk space. The Default Installation Directory is the directory that Setup will suggest to the user during installation. This field should contain the name of the directory only; don't include the drive letter and/or colon. \If your Microsoft FoxPro application requires further customization beyond that which the Custom SetupWizard gives you, simply create an executable file (which can be a batch file) that performs the customization and provide a full path to it here. This executable file will be copied onto the disks and automatically run after Setup has finished. The Title you provide here will be used throughout Custom Setup and in the Program Manager items that Setup automatically creates. COMPATIBLEz Your application will require one or more .APP, .FXP or .EXE files and possibly some support files such as .FLLs. Specify their directory here. This directory should only contain files that you wish to install with your application. These files should not be compressed. MS Sans Serif The Custom SetupWizard will copy the necessary files into a directory that you specify, after arranging the files in groups that will fit on the disks that you specify on the next page.using the description you specify on the next screen and the ic The SetupWizard will copy the application files as well as other files that SETUP.EXE requires into the directory that you specify, after allocating the files so that they fit on the floppy disk images. The disk images will be stored in subdirectories under this directory. For example, if you specify \DISKS as your destination directory and you elect to create 1.44meg and 720K disks, your 1.44meg disk images will be stored in \DISKS\DISK144\DISKn (where DISKn is DISK1, DISK2, and so forth, depending on how many disks your application requires). Similarly, your 720K disk images will be stored in \DISKS\DISK720\DISKn. You can copy from these disk images directories directly to floppy disks.les" button. DBFSUMRY IN_AREA JUSTSTEM TOCLOSE DBFCHO The SetupWizard will copy the application files as well as other files that SETUP.EXE requires into the directory that you specify, after allocating the files so that they fit on the floppy disk images. The disk images will be stored in subdirectories under this directory. For example, if you specify \DISKS as your destination directory and you elect to create 1.44meg and 720K disks, your 1.44meg disk images will be stored in \DISKS\DISK144\DISKn (where DISKn is DISK1, DISK2, and so forth, depending on how many disks your application requires). Similarly, your 720K disk images will be stored in \DISKS\DISK720\DISKn. You can copy from these disk images directories directly to the floppy disks you distribute to your users.FRX GETBOOK *The Default Installation Directory is the directory that Setup will suggest to the user during installation. You can force the user to accept this directory and the default Program Manager group, or you can give the user some latitude in changing the directory, the Program Manager group, or both.Bookmark: VEnter the file name for your application (i.e., the name of the EXE file you created from your project). The SetupWizard will create an entry in a Program Manager group for this file, using the description you specify on the next screen and the icon you attach to your EXE (or a default icon if you don't put another one onto your EXE file).T RBORDER GETBOOK OKCANCL Enter the file name for your application (i.e., the name of the EXE file you created from your project). The SetupWizard will create an entry in a Program Manager group for this file, using the description you specify on the next screen and the icon you attach to your EXE (or a default icon if you don't put another one onto your EXE file). Use the ADDICON utility to attach an icon to your EXE.SPR DBFSTAT.SPX GETBOOK.SPR GETBOOK.SPX bThe SetupWizard will copy the application files as well as other files that SETUP.EXE requires into this directory, after allocating the files so that they fit on the floppy disk images. The disk images will be stored under this directory. For example, if you specify \DISKS as your directory and elect to create 1.44meg and 720K disks, your 1.44meg disk images will be stored in \DISKS\DISK144\DISKn (where DISKn is DISK1, DISK2, and so forth, depending on how many disks your application requires). You can copy from these disk images directories directly to the floppy disks you distribute to your users.1 5You must create this directory structure before you run the SetupWizard. If you have not created this directory structure, exit the SetupWizard now and create the structure. Copy all the application files you want your users to get into the appropriate directories. Do not specify the directory structure containing your source code unless you want to ship all your source files. The files you place in this directory structure will appear in an identical directory structure on your user's hard drive. Do not compress any files in this directory structure. The SetupWizard adds subdirectories off this directory for each disk size you specify in the next SetupWizard screen. For example, if you specify 1.44 MB 3.5-inch diskettes, a subdirectory called DISK144 is created. If your application requires two diskettes, two additional subdirectories called DISK1 and DISK2 are created off the DISK144 directory. The SetupWizard later copies all the files you need for your application its setup routine to the appropriate subdirectories. You can choose any combination of distribution disk sizes to create. For example, choose the 1.44 MB 3.5-inch and 1.2 MB 5.25-inch check boxes if you'd like to distribute your application and setup routine on diskettes of those sizes. Specify the directory containing the files required by your application's setup routine. This directory is automatically created when you install the Distribution Kit and is named DKSETUP by default. To see which files belong in this directory, click the Find Files... push button. If a required file cannot be located, "missing" appears beside the file name. If all the files are missing, you probably haven't specified the proper directory. To locate the directory containing these files, click the Find... push button. Choose this check box if your application uses Microsoft Graph. If your application doesn't use Microsoft Graph, don't choose this check box. This will conserve disk space on your distribution diskettes. ^Specify the directory and Program Manager group in which your application is installed by default. The directory and Program Manager group is displayed to your application's users. Do not specify a drive with the directory. You can also specify if a user of your application can change the installation directory and/or Program Manager group. Specify the name and location of your application's .EXE file. In this screen, you can also suppress the sign-on screen before your application is run and specify an alternate CONFIG.FPW configuration file. You can also specify parameters that are passed to the application. Enter the parameters in the Parameters text box. Separate the parameters with spaces. If a parameter contains an embedded space, surround the parameter with double quotes (" "). EThe text you enter here appears underneath your application's icon. You can specify a program to run after your setup routine is finished. The program the setup routine runs can be a batch file, another program or your application. You do not have to specify a program - you can leave this text box blank. The title you enter appears in the title bar of your setup routine window. The copyright appears in the About dialog when you choose About... from the setup window Control menu. 0Specify the directory and Program Manager group in which your application is installed by default. The directory and Program Manager group is displayed to your application's users. You can also specify if a user of your application can change the installation directory and/or Program Manager group. The SetupWizard adds subdirectories off this directory for each disk size you specify in the next SetupWizard screen. For example, if you specify 1.44 MB 3.5-inch diskettes, a subdirectory called DISK144 is created. If your application requires two diskettes, two additional subdirectories called DISK1 and DISK2 are created off the DISK144 directory. The SetupWizard later copies all the files you need for your application and setup routine to the appropriate subdirectories. Specify the directory containing the files required by your application's setup routine. This directory is automatically created when you install the Distribution Kit and is named DKSETUP by default. To see which files belong in this directory, click the View Files... push button. If a required file cannot be located, "missing" appears beside the file name. If all the files are missing, you probably haven't specified the proper directory. To locate the directory containing these files, click the Find... push button. > Geben Sie den Namen des Verzeichnisses an, das die UnterverzeichnisseF r die verschiedenen Diskettengr en enth lt, die Sie erstellen m chten. Der Setup-Assistent erstellt das Verzeichnis, falls es nicht existiert. MS Sans Serif 33333sQ@ dksetup SET READBORDER &rborder ACTION THISSCREENNEXTSCREENHELP_TOPICCURRAREA NTALKSTAT COMPSTAT 2RBORDER 1DKSETUP 1 G_DESTDIR _QJI0ZFRR4GDIR FTFTF_QJI0ZFTEUBTN1 5_QJI0ZFUIWBTN2 _QJI0ZFVME_QJI0ZFXK8 G_DESTDIR JUSTPATH JUSTDRIVE G_DEFDRIVEN ORIGDIR G_DESTDIR ACTION GETHELP HELP_TOPIC ACTION NEXTSCREENTHISSCREENG_DESTDIR ERRORMSG VALIDPATH ADDBS G_SOURCEDIG_CPRSDIR ACTION _QJI0ZFRR4 _QJI0ZFTEU _QJI0ZFUIW _QJI0ZFVME _QJI0ZFXK8 SCRNFF _HELP TALKz COMPATIBLEz READBORDERz dksetup Welche Diskettengr chten Sie erstellen? MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif @*C 1,44 MB (3,5 Zoll) MS Sans Serif @*C 1,2 MB (5,25 Zoll) MS Sans Serif @*C 720 KB (3,5 Zoll) MS Sans Serif @*HN \?Abbrechen;\> hlen Sie eine beliebige Kombination von Vertriebsdisketten aus. MS Sans Serif dksetup SET READBORDER &rborder ACTION THISSCREENNEXTSCREENHELP_TOPICG_DSK144 NG_DSK12 FG_DSK720 CURRAREA TALKSTAT COMPSTAT RBORDER 1DKSETUP 3_QJI0ZGKIL_QJI0ZGLCD_QJI0ZGM2KBTN1 _QJI0ZGMR0BTN2 _QJI0ZGNJU_QJI0ZGOQU_QJI0ZGOSM ACTION EENGETHELP ENHELP_TOPIC ACTION EENNEXTSCREENTHISSCREEN ACTION CURRWIND G_DSK144 NG_DSK12 ENG_DSK720 NBTN2 CREEN_QJI0ZGKIL _QJI0ZGLCD _QJI0ZGM2K _QJI0ZGMR0 _QJI0ZGNJU _QJI0ZGOQU _QJI0ZGOSM SCRNFF _HELP DKSETUP TALKz COMPATIBLEz READBORDERz dksetup Wo befinden sich die Dateien zur Setup-Unterst tzung? MS Sans Serif Verzeichnis f r Dateien zur Setup-Unterst tzung: MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif @*HN \> Geben Sie das Verzeichnis ein, das die Dateien enth lt, die von IhremF Setup-Programm ben tigt werden. W hlen Sie "Dateien", wenn Sie wissen m chten, welche Dateien in dieses Verzeichnis gehen sollten, und "Durchsuchen", um das Verzeichnis zu finden. MS Sans Serif 33333sP@ dksetup SET READBORDER &rborder ACTION THISSCREENNEXTSCREENHELP_TOPICG_RUNTIMEDCHECKFILESCURRAREA NTALKSTAT COMPSTAT RBORDER DKSETUP _QJI0ZHD8N_QJI0ZHE6RGDIR _QJI0ZHF00GDIR1 _QJI0ZHG4ABTN1 _QJI0ZHGVQBTN2 _QJI0ZHHT7_QJI0ZHJ8Z G_RUNTIMEDJUSTDRIVE G_DEFDRIVE ORIGDIR EDG_RUNTIMED showreq.spr SHOWREQ EDSPR NTIMEDY EDACTION MEDGETHELP EDHELP_TOPIC EDACTION MEDNEXTSCREENTHISSCREENG_RUNTIMEDERRORMSG SCHECKFILES ACTION ED_QJI0ZHD8N _QJI0ZHE6R _QJI0ZHF00 _QJI0ZHG4A _QJI0ZHGVQ _QJI0ZHHT7 _QJI0ZHJ8Z SCRNFF _HELP TALKz COMPATIBLEz READBORDERz dksetup chten Sie die Laufzeitversion von F Microsoft Graph installieren? MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif @*C Laufzeitversion von Microsoft Graph installieren MS Sans Serif @*HN \?Abbrechen;\> Aktivieren Sie dieses Kontrollk stchen, falls Ihre AnwendungF Microsoft Graph verwendet. MS Sans Serif dksetup SET READBORDER &rborder ACTION THISSCREENNEXTSCREENHELP_TOPICCURRAREA NTALKSTAT COMPSTAT RBORDER DKSETUP G_INSTGRAPBTN1 _QJI0ZI4LNBTN2 _QJI0ZI5OF_QJI0ZI7K3Y ACTION EENGETHELP ENHELP_TOPIC ACTION EENNEXTSCREENTHISSCREEN ACTION _QJI0ZI4LN _QJI0ZI5OF _QJI0ZI7K3 SCRNFF _HELP Hauptgruppe TALKz COMPATIBLEz READBORDERz dksetup Wo soll Ihre Anwendung installiert werden? MS Sans Serif Standardinstallationsverzeichnis: MS Sans Serif Programm-Manager-Standardgruppe: MS Sans Serif Der Benutzer darf ndern: MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif @*RVN Verzeichnis und Programmgruppe;Nur Verzeichnis;Weder Verzeichnis noch Programmgruppe MS Sans Serif @*HN \?Abbrechen;\> dksetup SET READBORDER &rborder ACTION THISSCREENNEXTSCREENHELP_TOPICG_TARGETDIG_SOURCEDIG_PMGROUP CURRAREA TALKSTAT COMPSTAT RBORDER DKSETUP _QJI0ZITAX_QJI0ZIU1YG_MODOPTIOBTN1 _QJI0ZIVD7BTN2 _QJI0ZIWE8_QJI0ZIXTAf G_TARGETDIJUSTPATH ICLEANPATH G_PMGROUP ACTION GETHELP HELP_TOPIC ACTION NEXTSCREENTHISSCREENG_TARGETDIERRORMSG IG_PMGROUP VALIDPATH ACTION _QJI0ZITAX _QJI0ZIU1Y _QJI0ZIVD7 _QJI0ZIWE8 _QJI0ZIXTA SCRNFF _HELP TALKz COMPATIBLEz READBORDERz dksetup Wie lautet der Dateiname der Anwendung, dieF Sie installieren? MS Sans Serif Dateiname der Anwendung (einschl. Pfad) MS Sans Serif Parameter: MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif @*HN \> MS Sans Serif @*C Andere CONFIG.FPW benutzen: dksetup SET READBORDER &rborder ACTION THISSCREENNEXTSCREENHELP_TOPICCURRAREA NTALKSTAT COMPSTAT RBORDER DKSETUP G_APPNAME _QJI0ZJM5YGDIR _QJI0ZJNDBG_NOLOGO G_ALTCFGFIG_PARAMETEBTN1 _QJI0ZJPCHBTN2 _QJI0ZJQK2G_USEALTCF_QJI0ZJS5O G_APPNAME JUSTDRIVE G_DEFDRIVEJUSTPATH ADDBS G_SOURCEDIq APP|EXE Anwendung ORIGDIR G_APPNAME ACTION GETHELP HELP_TOPIC ACTION NEXTSCREENTHISSCREENG_APPNAME ERRORMSG IG_USEALTCFG_ALTCFGFI ACTION _QJI0ZJM5Y _QJI0ZJNDB _QJI0ZJPCH _QJI0ZJQK2 _QJI0ZJS5O SCRNFF _HELP TALKz COMPATIBLEz READBORDERz dksetup Welchen Namen m chten Sie f r Ihr Anwendungs-F symbol im Programm-Manager verwenden? MS Sans Serif Symbolbeschreibung im Programm-Manager: MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif @*HN \?Abbrechen;\> Der Text, den Sie hier eingeben, wird unterhalb des Anwendungs-F symbols angezeigt. MS Sans Serif dksetup SET READBORDER &rborder ACTION THISSCREENNEXTSCREENHELP_TOPICG_TARGETDIG_SOURCEDICURRAREA TALKSTAT COMPSTAT RBORDER DKSETUP G_PMDESCRI_QJI0ZL9LZBTN1 _QJI0ZLBBOBTN2 _QJI0ZLD6P_QJI0ZLFVC ACTION EENGETHELP ENHELP_TOPIC ACTION EENNEXTSCREENTHISSCREEN ACTION _QJI0ZL9LZ _QJI0ZLBBO _QJI0ZLD6P _QJI0ZLFVC SCRNFF _HELP TALKz COMPATIBLEz READBORDERz dksetup chten Sie nach dem Durchf hren diesesF Installationsvorgangs eine weitere Anwendung starten? Wenn ja, geben Sie den Dateinamen hier ein. MS Sans Serif Name der EXE-Datei: MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif @*HN \> Geben Sie den Namen eines Programms ein, das nach Abschlu der Installation ausgef hrt werden soll. MS Sans Serif dksetup SET READBORDER &rborder ACTION THISSCREENNEXTSCREENERROR_ARRAHELP_TOPICCURRAREA NTALKSTAT COMPSTAT RBORDER EXT_ERR DKSETUP G_EXECUTAB_QJI0ZNX1EGDIR _QJI0ZNYIPBTN1 _QJI0ZO3L5BTN2 _QJI0ZOFWW_QJI0ZOJXHC G_EXECUTABWORDNUM G_EXECUTABJUSTDRIVE G_DEFDRIVEt EXE|COM|BAT|PIF Dateiname ORIGDIR ABG_EXECUTABY ABACTION TABGETHELP ABHELP_TOPICK ABACTION TABNEXTSCREENTHISSCREENG_EXECUTABJUSTEXT NWORDNUM ERRORMSG BFILESRCH ERROR_ARRA ACTION ABFILESRCH _QJI0ZNX1E _QJI0ZNYIP _QJI0ZO3L5 _QJI0ZOFWW _QJI0ZOJXH FILNAME FOXPROW.EXE FOXPRO.EXE DKCONTRL.DBF DKCONTRL.FPT DKCONTRL.CDX DKSETUP.INI DKSETUP.BAK ADDICON.APP COMPRESS.EXE FOXHELP.DBF FOXHELP.FPT FOXHELP.HLP MSSP_GE.LEX MSSP_BR.LEX RESERVED.FLL SPELLCHK.APP MSSP_AM.LEX FILNAME filname SPELLCHK.APPRESERVED.FLLGE.LEXBR.LEXMSSP_AM.LEXW.EXEPRO.EXEHLPFPTFOXHELP.DBFINISETUP.BAKFPTDBFDKCONTRL.CDXCOMPRESS.EXEADDICON.APP TALKz COMPATIBLEz READBORDERz dkresults DKRESULTS DKRESULTS.PJX DKRESULTS DKRESULTS.SCX DKRESULTS DKRESULTS.MNX DKRESULTS DKRESULTS.PRG DKRESULTS DKRESULTS.FRX DKRESULTS DKRESULTS.QPR FoxFont Setup-Assistent - Ergebnisse 999,999,999,999c 999,999,999,999c dkresults @ 6.250,6.000 GET z PICTURE "@&N" POPUP _qji0zpama SIZE 12.833,45.000 DEFAULT " " FONT "FoxFont", 9 STYLE "" COLOR RGB(,,,255,255,255),RGB(,,,255,255,255) Diskette MS Sans Serif Dateien MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif Gesamt: MS Sans Serif Setup-Ergebnisse f MS Sans Serif 9,999,999c 999,999,999,999c 999,999,999,999c FoxFont MS Sans Serif @*HN \"Speicherplatz verf gbar auf Diskette "+ALLTRIM(STR(dest12,4)) Arial ~"("+ALLTRIM(STR(allfcnt,4))+" Datei"+IIF(allfcnt<=1,", ","en, ") +ALLTRIM(STR(dest12,4))+ " Diskette"+ IIF(dest12<=1,")","n)") Arial #"Gesamtergebnis f r alle Disketten" Arial "Seite "+ALLTRIM(STR(_PAGENO,5)) Arial %"Dateien von "+justfname(m.g_appname) Arial ondisk Dkcontrl.cprssize cprssize allfcnt cprssize Courier New Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial PLATFORM UNIQUEID TIMESTAMP OBJTYPE OBJCODE HEIGHT WIDTH STYLE PICTURE ORDER UNIQUE COMMENT ENVIRON BOXCHAR FILLCHAR PENRED PENGREEN PENBLUE FILLRED FILLGREEN FILLBLUE PENSIZE PENPAT FILLPAT FONTFACE FONTSTYLE FONTSIZE RULER RULERLINES GRIDV GRIDH FLOAT STRETCH STRETCHTOP BOTTOM SUPTYPE SUPREST NOREPEAT RESETRPT PAGEBREAK COLBREAK RESETPAGE GENERAL SPACING DOUBLE SWAPHEADER SWAPFOOTER EJECTBEFOR EJECTAFTER PLAIN SUMMARY ADDALIAS OFFSET TOPMARGIN BOTMARGIN TOTALTYPE RESETTOTAL RESOID CURPOS SUPALWAYS SUPOVFLOW SUPRPCOL SUPGROUP SUPVALCHNG SUPEXPR WINDOWS _QD70VMP52 441021869 1 53 1.000 0.000 0.000 -1.000 F 17 21 16 0 10 10F1212 FF T T WINDOWS _QD70VN91A 9 0 6146.000 0.000 F FFF F WINDOWS _QD70VMP53 9 1 6667.000 0.000 F FFF F WINDOWS _QD70VNH31 9 3 29 4375.000 0.000 F FFF F WINDOWS _QD70VMP54 9 4 2188.000 0.000 F FFF F WINDOWS _QD70VNHBJ 9 5 6146.000 0.000 F FFF F WINDOWS _QD70VMP55 9 7 1875.000 0.000 F FFF F WINDOWS _QD70VRR5F 9 8 11146.000 -1.000 T FTT T WINDOWS _QD70VOBFB 446330722 8 0 3019062.500 0.000 2187.50015104.167 C 0 0 0 255 255 255 32 1 12 1 FF T F 2 0 0 1 TF3 0F WINDOWS _QD70VQ669 441869021 8 0 3323750.000 1562.500 1875.00013750.000 C 0 0 0 255 255 255 34 0 10 1 FF T F 0 0 0 1 TF3 0F WINDOWS _QD70VQWAV 441026697 8 0 3523750.00018229.167 1875.00011666.667 37 N 0 0 0 255 255 255 36 0 10 1 FF T F 0 1 0 1 TF3 0F WINDOWS _QD70VRX8Y 441026689 8 0 3823750.00030729.167 1875.00011666.667 40 N 0 0 0 255 255 255 39 0 10 1 FF T F 0 1 0 1 TF3 0F WINDOWS _QD70VSMC4 446330889 5 0 4212604.16720000.000 1666.667 9791.667 0 0 0 255 255 255 41 1 10 1 F T F 0 TF3 0F WINDOWS _QD70VSS5Q 446330893 5 0 4412604.16734062.500 1666.667 8229.167 0 0 0 255 255 255 43 1 10 1 F T F 0 TF3 0F WINDOWS _QD70VUDIT 446330885 5 0 46 9479.16734270.833 1666.667 7291.667 0 0 0 255 255 255 45 1 10 1 F T F 0 TF3 0F WINDOWS _QD70VV1WP 441022076 6 11979.16718229.167 104.16736770.833 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 0 T F 1 TF3 0F WINDOWS _QD70VVXWJ 441025913 8 0 4728541.66718229.167 1875.00011666.667 49 N 0 0 0 255 255 255 48 0 10 1 FF T F 0 1 2 6 TF3 0F WINDOWS _QD70VVXWM 441025917 8 0 5028541.66730729.167 1875.00011666.667 52 N 0 0 0 255 255 255 51 0 10 1 FF T F 0 1 2 6 TF3 0F WINDOWS _QD70VW1GG 441025932 8 0 5345000.00018229.167 1875.00011666.667 55 N 0 0 0 255 255 255 54 0 10 1 FF T F 0 1 2 1 TF3 0F WINDOWS _QD70VW1GI 441025937 8 0 5645000.00030729.167 1875.00011666.667 58 N 0 0 0 255 255 255 57 0 10 1 FF T F 0 1 2 1 TF3 0F WINDOWS _QD70VX8GH 441022131 6 47083.33318229.167 104.16711666.667 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 0 T F 1 TF3 0F WINDOWS _QD70VXEXT 441022135 6 47395.83318229.167 104.16711666.667 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 0 T F 1 TF3 0F WINDOWS _QD70VXOP9 441022141 6 47083.33330729.167 104.16711666.667 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 0 T F 1 TF3 0F WINDOWS _QD70VXOPA 441022141 6 47395.83330729.167 104.16711666.667 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 0 T F 1 TF3 0F WINDOWS _QD70W2ON2 446330620 8 0 59 625.000 1041.667 3541.66778229.167 C 0 0 0 255 255 255 62 1 14 1 FF T F 2 2 0 1 TF3 0F WINDOWS _QD70W8QVL 441026104 8 0 6330520.83343437.500 1875.00011666.667 65 N 0 0 0 255 255 255 64 0 10 1 FF T F 0 1 0 6 TF3 0F WINDOWS _QD70Y8QH3 441024336 6 28020.83318229.167 104.16711666.667 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 0 T F 1 TF3 0F WINDOWS _QD70Y8XXD 441024341 6 28020.83330729.167 104.16711666.667 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 0 T F 1 TF3 0F WINDOWS _QD70ZGY55 441025564 6 14270.83318229.167 104.16711666.667 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 0 T F 1 TF3 0F WINDOWS _QD70ZGY57 441025564 6 14270.83330937.500 104.16711458.333 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 0 T F 1 TF3 0F WINDOWS _QD710H63I 441026802 8 0 6623750.00043437.500 1875.00011666.667 69 N 0 0 0 255 255 255 68 0 10 1 FF T F 0 1 0 1 TF3 0F WINDOWS _QD710LHXY 441026798 8 0 7028541.66743437.500 1875.00011666.667 73 N 0 0 0 255 255 255 72 0 10 1 FF T F 0 1 2 6 TF3 0F WINDOWS _QD710LS4Q 441026708 6 28020.83343437.500 104.16711666.667 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 0 T F 1 TF3 0F WINDOWS _QD710M02J 441026713 6 14270.83343437.500 104.16711666.667 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 0 T F 1 TF3 0F WINDOWS _QD710M6YQ 446330897 5 0 7512604.16747083.333 1666.667 7916.667 0 0 0 255 255 255 74 1 10 1 F T F 0 TF3 0F WINDOWS _QD710PM7W 441026819 8 0 7645000.00043437.500 1875.00011666.667 79 N 0 0 0 255 255 255 78 0 10 1 FF T F 0 1 2 1 TF3 0F WINDOWS _QD710PM7Y 441026804 6 47083.33343437.500 104.16711666.667 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 0 T F 1 TF3 0F WINDOWS _QD710PM7Z 441026804 6 47395.83343437.500 104.16711666.667 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 0 T F 1 TF3 0F WINDOWS _QD710W77K 449737568 8 0 8028541.667 1562.500 1875.00013750.000 C 0 0 0 255 255 255 83 1 9 1 FF T F 2 0 0 1 TF3 0F WINDOWS _QD7114VSD 448494257 8 0 8430520.833 1562.500 1875.00031979.167 C 0 0 0 255 255 255 87 1 9 1 FF T F 2 0 0 1 TF3 0F WINDOWS _QD7116UMD 448494318 8 0 8845000.000 1562.500 1770.83315937.500 C 0 0 0 255 255 255 93 1 9 1 FF T F 2 0 0 1 TF3 0F WINDOWS _QD7118T0D 446330690 8 0 9442083.333 0.000 2604.16729687.500 C 0 0 0 255 255 255 96 1 12 1 FF T F 2 0 0 1 TF3 0F WINDOWS _QDK10M6XG 446330703 8 0 9735937.50048854.167 1666.66711979.167 C 0 0 0 255 255 255 99 1 8 1 FF T F 2 0 0 1 TF3 0F WINDOWS _QDK114RGC 446330635 8 0 100 4062.500 1041.667 2083.33378229.167 C 0 0 0 255 255 255 102 1 12 1 FF T F 2 2 0 1 TF3 0F WINDOWS _QD70WAEAQ 44102579318 103 104 T 105 2 6 WINDOWS _QD710X2K4 44102699618 106 107 T 108 1 6 WINDOWS _QD711B5K5 44102734718 109 110 T 111 1 1 WINDOWS 23 16.000 8.000 12.000 9.000 4 0 112 0 10 WINDOWS 23 20.000 8.000 15.000 17.000 4 1 113 1 12 WINDOWS 23 16.000 6.000 13.000 14.000 3 0 114 1 10 WINDOWS 23 23.000 9.000 18.000 20.000 4 1 115 1 14 WINDOWS 23 15.000 6.000 12.000 13.000 3 0 116 1 9 WINDOWS 23 14.000 5.000 11.000 12.000 3 0 117 1 8 Courier New @HP LaserJet IIISi PostScript pscript LPT2: HP LaserJet IIISi PostScript dest720 #"Diskette "+ALLTRIM(STR(dest720,4)) Arial pgetname(fname) Courier New Dkcontrl.expndsize Courier New "99,999,999" Dkcontrl.cprssize Courier New "99,999,999" Arial "Dekomprimiert" Arial "Komprimiert" Arial "Dateigr Dkcontrl.expndsize Courier New "99,999,999" Dkcontrl.cprssize Courier New "99,999,999" Dkcontrl.expndsize Courier New "99,999,999" Dkcontrl.cprssize Courier New "99,999,999" <"Ergebnisbericht des Setup-Assistenten f r 720 KB-Disketten" Arial m.capacity-ondisk Courier New "99,999,999" &allocsize(Dkcontrl.cprssize,m.cluster) Courier New "99,999,999" &allocsize(Dkcontrl.cprssize,m.cluster) Courier New "99,999,999" Arial "Zugewiesen" &allocsize(Dkcontrl.cprssize,m.cluster) Courier New "99,999,999" A"Gesamt ("+ALLTRIM(STR(fcnt,3))+" Datei"+IIF(fcnt<=1,"","en")+")" Arial ?"Speicherplatz verf gbar auf Diskette "+ALLTRIM(STR(dest720,4)) Arial "("+ALLTRIM(STR(allfcnt,4))+" Datei"+IIF(allfcnt<=1,", ","en, ") +ALLTRIM(STR(dest720,4))+ " Diskette"+ IIF(dest720<=1,")","n)") Arial #"Gesamtergebnis f r alle Disketten" Arial "Seite "+ALLTRIM(STR(_PAGENO,5)) Arial %"Dateien von "+justfname(m.g_appname) Arial ondisk Dkcontrl.cprssize cprssize allfcnt cprssize Courier New Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial SCRNFF _HELP TALKz COMPATIBLEz READBORDERz dksetup Welchen Titel und welchen Copyright-TextF chten Sie w hrend des Installationsvorgangs anzeigen? MS Sans Serif Titel: MS Sans Serif Copyright: MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif @*HN \?Abbrechen;\