Summary of Changes ------------------ SUMMARY: International date formats produced an "Invalid date" message when used in a "Between" expression in RQBE. SUMMARY: Accented characters used in field names in the MODIFY STRUCTURE dialog appear incorrectly when modified on another platform when codepage=AUTO. SUMMARY: The 16-bit FoxPro for MS-DOS product sometimes generated erroneous commands when opening a .TXT file when the "Other Code Page" check box was checked in the Open File dialog. SUMMARY: The FoxPro for Windows Setup Wizard included with the Distribution Kit generated unnecessary zeros in the Compress command line with certain settings of SET POINT. SUMMARY: When a table was tagged with a code page other than the current working code page, data in a memo field could be lost if the memo file was reorganized. SUMMARY: In the 16-bit FoxPro for MS-DOS product, issuing the commands APPEND MEMO, COPY MEMO, and REPLACE memo1 WITH memo2 (this includes general and picture fields) could result in the new data not being written. SUMMARY: If you attempted to close FoxPro for Windows through the Task List, the ON SHUTDOWN command didn't execute, and control didn't return to FoxPro for Windows. Instead, FoxPro for Windows "flashed" for a split second and then FoxPro for Windows disappeared from Task List. When you attempted to exit Windows, the Windows message box (called by the ON SHUTDOWN command) appeared and Windows would hang. SUMMARY: When a READ was active and you exited FoxPro for Windows with End Task, FoxPro didn't release all resources/memory. Any ON SHUTDOWN command was ignored, and the system would sometimes hang. SUMMARY: MODIFY MEMO didn't respect the code page of the underlying table/DBF. SUMMARY: When REFRESH was set to >0, if you had an open BROWSE window containing fields from two tables (related one-to-many) and the record pointer was positioned on a child record, upon refreshing, FoxPro moved the record pointer to the first child record in the parent table. SUMMARY: A WAIT WINDOW command with embedded newlines displayed the lines in the window incorrectly when you pressed and released the Ctrl or Shift key. The second line disappeared and the WAIT WINDOW would resize itself to display only the word on the first line. SUMMARY: The WAIT WINDOW command brought FoxPro to the front over all other applications. SUMMARY: With a Browse window open, when you used Help then issued the SET HELP TO command, FoxPro closed the BROWSE window. SUMMARY: In FoxPro for Windows, when report variables were initialized in a UDF (and were self-referential, i.e. memvar=memvar+1) FPW returned improper results. SUMMARY: Indexing on a numeric expression composed of a very long calculation formula sometimes caused a "general protection fault" in FoxPro 2.5a for Windows and sometimes caused FoxPro 2.5a for MS-DOS to hang. This was the index expression that caused the problem: INDEX ON VAL(SUBSTR(NN1,1,20)) + ; VAL(SUBSTR(NN2,1,20)) + VAL(SUBSTR(NN3,1,20)) + ; VAL(SUBSTR(NN4,1,20)) + VAL(SUBSTR(NN5,1,20)) + ; VAL(SUBSTR(NN6,1,20)) + VAL(SUBSTR(NN7,1,20)) + ; VAL(SUBSTR(NN8,1,20)) + VAL(SUBSTR(NN9,1,20)) + ; VAL(SUBSTR(NNA,1,20)) + VAL(SUBSTR(NNB,1,20)) + ; VAL(SUBSTR(NNC,1,20)) + VAL(SUBSTR(NND,1,20)) + ; VAL(SUBSTR(NNE,1,20)) + VAL(SUBSTR(NNF,1,20)) + ; VAL(SUBSTR(NNG,1,20)) + VAL(SUBSTR(NNH,1,20)) + ; VAL(SUBSTR(NNI,1,20)) + VAL(SUBSTR(NNJ,1,20)) + ; VAL(SUBSTR(NNK,1,20)) + VAL(SUBSTR(NNL,1,20)) + ; VAL(SUBSTR(NNM,1,20)) + VAL(SUBSTR(NNN,1,20)) ; TAG rptsort SUMMARY: Under certain circumstances during a COPY FILE, FoxPro reported that the file did not exist. SUMMARY: In some circumstances, FoxPro for Windows (or the Distribution Kit) displayed "Engineering Prototype" in the released version. SUMMARY: In the Report Writer's Print Preview dialog, zooming the report then pressing the Spacebar generated an "internal consistency error." These two steps did not have to be the first two steps. It would happen at any time. SUMMARY: With CODEPAGE=Auto and a table/DBF built on a platform other than the current platform, data in memo fields could not be completely deleted through the Browse window. SUMMARY: In FoxPro 2.5a for Windows, the EVAL( ) function didn't behave correctly when included in a group expression. International Support --------------------- In response to the requests from our international customers we have added the following code pages along with supported sort orders to the FOXPRO.INT file. In order to take full advantage of those code pages you must install FoxPro 2.5b. 737 - Greek MS-DOS (437G) 620 - Mazovia (Polish) MS-DOS 861 - Icelandic MS-DOS 895 - Kamenicky (Czech) MS-DOS 1253 - Greek Windows Also, there were adjustments made to the following code pages and respective sort orders: 852 - Eastern European MS-DOS 866 - Russian MS-DOS 1250 - Eastern European Windows 1251 - Russian Windows